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38 Cards in this Set

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Describe the characteristics of protozoans.
Eukaryotic, single-celled organism
What are the 2 stages of Giardia lamblia?
Trophozoite: feeding stage, teardrop shaped, flattened, 2 nuclei, adhesive disc

Cyst: Environmentally resistant/infective stage, Oval, Chitin cyst wall (hyalin), 2-4 nucleii (4 - older cysts)
Describe Giardia Iamblia's lifestyle?
2 stages:
Cyst (feces)
Trophozoite (Duodenum: eats mucus secretions)
1cyst -->2 Trophs
An 8-year old child is brought to the clinic because of intermittent episodes of watery diarrhea. History discloses that the child, inreality, has been ill w/ abdominal cramps and non bloody diarrhea for several weeks—a few days after the family returned from a camping vacation in the Colorado Rockies. Physical exam reveals that the abdomen is slightly distended. A stool sample is negative for ova and protozoans but the GSA is positive. Tinidazole therapy is initiated, & the parents are advised to only drink purified water during future camping trips.
Infective dose = 100 cysts
2 wk incubation
NO blood
NO tissue penetration
Malabsorption (Vit. B12 deficiency)
Explosive Diarrhea
What are some defenses and what is the body's immunity to Giardia?
Human Milk - giardiacidal (IgA)
-lack IgA = recurring/chronic infections
Ab's (Tcell dependent), complement, Oxidative microbicidal activity (phagocyte)s - kill Trophs
Protective immunity develops
How is Giardia transmitted? controlled?
Waterborne, drink clean water, avoid fecal contamination (boiling/iodine), personal hygiene
What is the epidemiology of Giardia?
Traveler's Disease
Very contagious
Fecal contamination
Zoonotic - beavers (USA)
Prevalence - children
What is the target population for Giardia?
Children in day care/close contact
People who drink from shallow wells/ surface water.
How do you ID Giardia?
Stool sample (-) ova/protozoa
GSA (+) (100%sens/spec)
Many samples needed
What is the treatment for Giardia?
Metronidazole (DOC) - 5-7d
Albendazole - 5d
Tinidazole - 1dose
Furazolidone (children)
Whats the difference between Amoebic dysentery and Giardia in terms of location in the body?
Amoebic Dysentary - Large intestine

Giardia - Duodenum
What is the causative agent of Amoebic dysentery and what damage does it have on the body?
Entamoeba histolytica,
-produce colitis or liver abscess
What is the morphology of Entamoeba histolytica?
Troph - 1 nuc; central endosome
Cyst - 4 nucs; round-oval; blunt chromatoidal bar
Describe the stages/lifecycle of Entamoeba histolytica?
Fecal ingestion
Troph: feeding, virulence
-Caecum, colon, extraintestinal

Cyst: infective, protection
A college student who regularly participates in medical missions to Guatemala is hospitalized because of right upper quadrant pain, low-grade fever, & severe head-
aches. Accordingly, the fever & pain has persisted off & on for about 6 months. In addition, the student often experiences bouts of bloody diarrhea. Stool sample is
positive for quadrinucleate amebas, w/ a positive ELISA for Entamoeba histolytica. A CT scan reveals a 3-cm cyst-like structure, a possible liver amoebic abscess. Metronidazole-iodoquinol therapy is prescribed, & the student eventually recovers. Advice is given on safe travel in third-world countries.
Entamoeba histolytica
Entamoeba histolytica presents how?
Bloody diarrhea
Possibly Asymptomatic for 10d
Entamoeba histolytica causes death how?
Peritonitis (gut perforation) & cardiac failure & exhaustion
Entamoeba histolytica in the intestine can present how?

Entamoeba histolytica in the extraintestinal space presents how?
Assymptomatic, acute colitits, fulminant colitits, ameboma

Hepatic, Pleuropulmonary, cerebral, GU (Flask-shaped Ulcer)
What are Entamoeba histolytica's Virulence Factors?
Lectin - adhesins
Cysteine proteinases -degrade mucus, antibody, complement, cellular matrix
Phospholipases - disrupt membranes
Amebopore - cytolytic activity
What is the epidemiology of Entamoeba histolytica?
Transmission - fecal contamination, water & foodborne, mechanical vectors (flies)
Public health - notifiable (CDC)
How do you ID Entamoeba histolytica?
Diagnostic: cyst, troph
Radiologic: Extraintestinal
EIA: intestinal/invasive
How is Entamoeba dispar different from Entamoeba histolytica?
Non-invasive commensal parasite
Lacks cysteine proteinases
What organisms are fecal contamination indicators?
Entamoeba hartmanni
Entamoeba coli
Endolimax nana
Iodamoeba buetschlii
Blastocystis hominis
What's the treatment for Entamoeba histolytica?
Dependent on location:
+ Iodoquinol
Hepatic cyst:
Liver abscess resolves with chemo
How do you control Entamoeba histolytica?
Drink clean water only (waterborne pathogen)
Prevention: avoid fecal contamination
water purification
personal hygiene
NO prophylaxis
*cysts are resistant to chlorine
A tourist who travels to Latin America, presents abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea. A stained
fecal sample under oil immersion reveals the diagnostic stage (figure). If treatment is withheld, the tourist is in danger of developing which of the following conditions?
Hepatic amoebiasis
A child who lives in a rural community in the Appalachia presents with abdominal pain, anorexia, & watery diarrhea. Fecal smear reveals an abundance of cyst-like structures (figure). The microbe most likely responsible is:
What are the organisms responsible for Cryptosporidiosis? Describe its patient population and does it require treatment?
Cryptosporidium parvum
Cryptosporidium hominis

Children and Immunosupressed
Describe the pathogenesis of:
Cryptosporidium parvum &
Cryptosporidium hominis
Infects GI (parasitophorous vacuole)
Causes: Diarrhea, Fever, Malaise
Person to Person transmission: with Fecal contamination
Zoonotic (manure-contaminated drinking water)
Assoc. with AIDS
Tx: DOC: nitazoxanide or Paromomycin or Azithromycin
how do you ID Cryptosporidium parvum
& Cryptosporidium hominis?
Acid fast stain and ELISA
An AIDS patient, who is a competitive swimmer, presents to the ER w/ severe diarrhea that is reminiscent of cholera. The patient is severely wasted (cachectic) & is admitted. Antigen-detection assay of the stool is positive for Cryptosporidium. Unfortunately, despite aggressive antiparasitic therapy, the patient dies within 2 days. As indicated on the chart, the patient had been warned not to swim in public pools.
Cryptosporidium parvum and Cryptosporidium hominis are not killed by chlorine
Describe Cyclosporiasis?
Diarrheagenic protozoan disease with Latin America connections. Autoflourescent oocyst is larger than Cryptosporidium.
What are some characteristics of Cyclospora cayetanensis?
Oocysts larger than Cryptosporidium
Diarrhea, cramps, low grade fever
Cosmo (Traveler's Disease)
A company doctor of a food distribution business in Maryland reports to the state health dept that many employees who attended a company luncheon came down w/ a gastrointestinal illness. The illness is marked w/ diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, & mild fever. Most of the patients started feeling sick w/in 1 wk of the luncheon. Frequency of diarrhea stools ranged from 3–35/day. All cases are laboratory confirmed. The health dept reports that the most likely vehicle for transmission is a basil-pestopasta salad. The salad was served cold; raspberries are not implicated. Prescriptions of TMP-SMX are offered to all patients.
Cyclospora cayetanensis
Describe Blastocystis hominis.

Tx: for Blastocystosis?
Polymorphic protozoan
Large vacuole, multiple nuclei around rim of cytoplasm
Associated w/ diarrhea & IBS
Tx: Metronidazole
Describe Balantidium coli.

Tx: for Balantidiasis?
Troph&cyst - macronucleus
Cilia evident on troph
Infective stage - cyst (large)
Large intestinal resident
Diarrheagenic microbe
Zoonotic - Pig (fecal borne)
Tx: Tetracycline or Metronidazole
Microscopic ID of Balantidium coli?
Macro nucleus - kidney shaped - metabolic function

Micronucleus - not visible - reproductive function
CDC investigates a series of outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis. The cluster of cases occurs in separate upscale suburban communities. Which of the following is the most plausible source of transmission for these outbreaks?
Manure-contaminated drinking water