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33 Cards in this Set

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According to Johnson , Success of occupational therapy depends on?

1) ability to clearly identify the product and services

2) to determine the best environment to produce services

3)to obtain adequate sources of support.

What is the function of management?



Directing and


What is the key to effective management?

1. Understanding what organisational behaviour is all about,

2.understanding styles and philosophies of management 3.selecting those with which one feels most comfortable.

What is a manager's role as an organizer?

To encompasses activities aimed at creating and maintaining a formal structure for accomplishing task within a system with designated roles and responsibilities.

Factors that affect the management styles include?

1. Environment in which manager works,

2) the belief and value system of manager

3) personality of manager

4) element of chance

Which is the correct management style?

Variety of principal and styles of management have evolved.

Studies show no management style or theory is definitive answer to management nor is there one correct way to manage.

A manager works with a style mmost comfortable for them in the given environment. Different environment calls for different approaches . It is therefore important for managers to recognise their own capabilities

What is managerial grid?

It is a theory of managerial behaviour based on degrees of concern for people and concern for production.

What does managerial gird propose?

Managerial grid theory proposes that when acting as a manager, one makes assumptions about how to solve problems of achieving purpose through people.

The manner in which the manager views the linkage of concern for people and concern for the product defines how the manager used the hierarchy of gird. The character of concern differs at different Girds even thought the degree may be same.

Through the clustering of various qualities of manager , managerial styles have emerged.

Name the management styles.

1) country club style.

2) laissez faire style

3) authoritarian style

4) participatory style

5) rules oriented style

Management style 1 country club style

Production requirement are contrary to people's need.

Manager who uses this style feels attitude and feelings of people are important.

They don't push direct or control activities.

They support staff and even may pitch in to assist staff.

They expect loyalty from supervised staff

Management style 2 laissez faire style

There is a basic incompatibility between production requirements and the needs of people.

This type of management has low involvement with people.

This is common in bureaucratic non-competitive organization with routine operation and repetitive actions.

Our occupational therapy dept

Management style 3 authoritarian style

Goals are achieved by people who work to achieve them.

Human relations are at lowest point. Efficiency in operation results because of the arrangement of work condition so that human element will interfere minimally

Management style 4 participatory style

People want to work and assume responsibility.

Managers who use this style motivate workers to use internal factors such as satisfaction with assigned task , self esteem and recognition for a job well done.

It believes that people can be trusted and will put forth their best effort to accomplish the task.

Management style 5 Rules oriented style

People require reinforcement from manager to function.

This type of manager believe that things must be done by the books. Enforcing policies, procedures and rules with employes ensures motivation and achievement

These mangers tends to be policelike and bureaucratic.

Name motivational theories managers should know.

1) theory x and Theory y

2) hierarchy of needs

3) two factor theory

Motivational theory 1 theory x and Theory y

Contrasting sets of assumption about human nature are appiled to workplace.

Theory X ASSUMES people are lazy , irrational and incapable to self discipline in relation to workplace. Economic incentives primarily motivates employees

Theory Y assumes that people can and will control their own work. And the most employees enjoy some part of their work and will accept responsibility in numerous work situation. Economic incentives are only one reason people work

Motivational theory 2 Maslow hierarchy of needs.

1) Maslow saw people as creatures of unending wants /needs that are organised into series of level forming a hierarchy.

2) those needs at lowest are physiological needs of food , shelter and so for subsequent levels includes safety needs , social needs , esteem, self fulfillment needs and self actualization needs.

3)he says the significance motivation comes from internal needs.

4) a satisfied need is never a motivator therefore management action should be directed towards unmet needs of an employee

Motivational theory 3rd two factor theory

Herzberg studied important of work and job conditions in average worker.

He determined that GOOD Feeling workers had their job linked with CONTENT. He labelled them as MOTIVATOR FACTOR.

He determined that BAD Feeling workers had their job linked with JOB SURROUNDING. He labelled them as HYGIENE FACTOR.

He said HYGIENE FACTOR is necessary for effective motivation but did not motivate to do better job.

What is managerial system(management by objectives-MBO)

1) MBO is a system of MX that emphasizes a goal directed philosophy and attitude

2) goal oriented Management emphasises the result rather than the method used to achieve it.

Major reason MAO is adopted?

Organization adopts MAO to improve productivity of everyone concerned with the product and to improve overall organisational productivity

Objectives of MAO

1. Objectives must be qualified

2 there must be a specified time frame in which Objectives will be accomplished

MAO system overview

1. state mission and goal

2.identify people who are going to participate

3.set measurable objectives and determine approach for each Objectives.

4. Develop events that occur in relation to each other with specific time frames for initiation and completion

5. Determine training needs and deterrents of progress

6.measure progress and take corrective actions as needed

Second function of management- planning.


Planning is a process of making decision in the present to bring about an outcome in the future.

It is most fundamental management action and precedes all other management function.

Planning is characterized by a cyclic process in which somes goals and specific objectives are recycled


1. Defination

2. Participants in planning

3.organizational goals

4.organizational planning

5.planning OT dept

6.Strategic planning

Function of management - directing


It is a basic responsibilty of a manager to shape and modify employes behaviour through directing so that employee can acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to perform task with compliance to policies and procedures of the institution

Who sets the tone for planning, what do they determine and write about PARTICIPANTS IN PLANNING.

Top level manager sets the tone for planning.

They determine the overall goals for the organization and gives input on policies and planning

1.board of trustee or manger or chief executive officer or President is top level manager in Organization

2. At departmental level. Director or chief of service is top level manager

3.within individual institute or department staff planner or planning consultant are top level manager

What are the organisational goals in planning?

Goals of the organization are the mission or purpose or philosophy of organization.

It is never achieved completely but rather it is continuous ideal state

What is Organization planning?

Planning takes many forms in an organization .planning can be formulated on the physical arrangement either new or renovated space.

It is based on goals, objectives of organization.

What are the three major elements to be consider in organisational planning?

1.survey- identify need of program

2.interview- determine nature and extent of program desired.

3.evaluation- in this phase all information gathered is translated into workable plan

Planning of occupational therapy department.

Read one note

1. Involved in planning both within dept and across program lines on continual basis.

2.resources necessary, cost of programs, financial implications

3.cost of program and benifits

4. Probability of securing staff necessary for expanding

5. coverage of OT services by third party payer.

6. Meeting since beginning till report is submitted to top level management

7. Space and Equipment.

What is strategic planning?

Regardless of purpose of planning systemic approach is recommended.

Strategic planning relates to goals that are essential basic or critical of an institution or organisation.

It deals with 3 questions

1. Where Re we

2. Where do we want to be

3. How do we get there

5 Steps of strategic planning

1. Assessment- invokes a through appraisal of current and future state of organization.

At this stage there is opportunity to involve many managers and employees with special expertise

Issues are identified and marked according to priority

2.Analysis - issues selected from assesment are analyses. Literature review is necessary. Future implications and trends should be taken under consideration

3.decision making- advantage and disadvantage of issues that are analysed are discussed. A strategic plan to combat the task is made

4. implementation- once the strategic plan has been determined method to implement is developed. This is the stage where failure commonly occurs.

5. Evaluation- outcome evaluation is final step. Standard questions should to answered and people involved in decision making should return to decision making phase to discuss advantage and disadvantage and create a action plan



1. Defination 2. Leadership3.supervisor4. Learning style 5.decision making