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27 Cards in this Set

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1. Ankylosing spondylitis*
2. Psoriatic arthritis (spondylitis type)
3. Reactive arthritis*
4. Enteropathic arthritis*
Ankylosing spondylitis
-a chronic,systemic, inflamm disorder involving sarcoiliac joints, the spine and often the hips
-axial joints always involved, but peripheral joints are frequently affected
-recurrent back pain and loss of spinal mobility
-In severe cases, extensive fusion (ankylosis) of spinal vertebrae can increase the risk of spinal deformity, fracture, and disability4
finger to floor test
-cannot flex at waist
-white pops
-many are dx late
-multigenic inheritance
-HLA-B27 key role and assoc!!!
-infective mechanisms
-mucosal bowel inflammation in many individuals
criteria of dx
1. low back pain for 3 months improved with exercise not relieved by rest
2. limited lumbar motion in all planes
3. reduced chest expansion
4a. unilateral,grade 3-4 sacrolitis
4b. bilateral, grade 2-4, sacrolitis (on xray)
early sx
-onset: late adolescence or early adulthood
-axial sx often include dull, pain of the lower back and or butt
-bone tenderness, may be present
-peripheral joints involved
-extra-articular manifestations may precede diagnosis of AS
-first 10 yrs predictive of future course
-initially, the SI joints are involved; may progress and involve the entire spine
-hips predicts more severe dz
1. loss of spinal mobility
2. restricted expansion of chest
3. progressive, ascending involvement of the spine may lead to complete fusion, or "bamboo spine" and inc risk of spinal fxs
-10-30% requiring joint replacement surgery
-involvement of peripheral joints
-extra-articular disorders
extra-articular manifestations
-acute ant uveitis
-aortic regurgitation
-arrhythmias, conduction disorders, complete heart blocks
peripheral arthritis
-tissue gradually replaced by fibrocartilage that becomes ossified
-in severe cases of the dz, outer annular fibers are replaced by bone and vertebrae become fused, with fusion ascending the spine and forming a long, bony column commonly referred to as "bamboo spine"
-labs no diagnostic
-CRP and ESr may be inc
-HLA-B27 + 90% to 95% of caucasians
-xray preferred
Reactive arthritis (Reiters syndrome)
1. arthritis
2. uveitis/conjunctivitis
3. urethritis
-arthritis lasting >1mo
-assymetric, lower extremity, oligoarticular
-knees and ankles (large)
-toes and fingers (small)
-sausage digits (fusiform swelling)
ReA- infectious agents
-urinary: chlamydia
-shigella, salmonella, campylobacter, yersinia
rective arthritis xray findings
-periosteal rxn and proliferative bone at tendons
-boney erosions with adjacent proliferation of bone, and paravertebral ossification, and bony ankylosis occur
-calcaneal spurs with fluffy irregularity common
-interphalangeal joint of the great toe strongly suggest the dx of either reactive arthritis or psoriatic arthritis
ReA features
-conjunctivitis, uveitis
-oral ulcers
ReA tx
Enteropathic arthritis
-assoc with Crohns, ulcerative colitis
-prevalence is 10-22% of pts with IBD
-higher incidence in Crohns than IC
-arthritis may precede GI tract sx
-can occur in a peripheral axial joint pattern or mixed pattern
enteropathic arthritis-axial arthritis
-indistinguishable from AS
-does not parallel GI disease
-Surgery for UC or CD does not affect associated spondylitis
enteropathic arthritis- peripheral arthritis
-may be migratory
enteropathic arthritis diagnostic studies
-GI blood loss
-inc ESR, CRP
-X-rays of the SIJ and spine are similar to AS
-HLA-B27 is associated axial but not with peripheral arthritis
psoriatic arthritis (PsA)
-age of onset b/t 30 and 55 yrs
-M=W for psoriatic arthritis
-M>F for psoriatic spondylitis
PsA clinical spectrum
1, nail pitting
2. onycholysis
3. dactylitis of the 2nd toe is present
4. DIPJ can be involved
5. Arthritis mutilans-severe destruction of fingers
6. Sacroiliitis with or without spinal involvement
PsA hand
-pencil in cup deformity -> n with arthritis mutilans
PsA extra articular features
1. elbows
2. knees
3. behind ear
4. umbilicus
5. gluteal cleft
-Pencil in cup
-periosteal new bone-fluffy at enthesis
spondylitis tx
2. steroids
3. sulfasalazine
4. methotrexate
5. bio response modifiers