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81 Cards in this Set

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on margin
a common practice in securities industry, allows customers to increase their trading capital by borrowing from broker/dealers
long margin account
customers purchase securities and pay interest on the money borrowed until the loan is repaid
short margin account
stock is borrowed and then sold short, enabling the customer to profit if its value declines
long margin customer borrows money

short margin customer borrows securities
what is the difference between short and long margin accounts?
purchase more securities with lower inital cash outlay

leverage the investment by borrowing a portion of the purchase price
what are the advantages of margin accounts for investors
Gain or loss divided by initial investment -
how to calculate gain or loss for margin accounts
margin account loans generate interest income for the firm

margin customers typically trade larger positions because of increased trading capital, generating higher commissions
what are advantages of margin accounts for brokers
Credit agreement

hypothecation agreement

loan consent form
What 3 parts are consisted in margin agreement
Credit agreement
discloses the terms of the credit extended by the broker/dealer including the method of interest computation and situations under which interest rates may change
hypothecation agreement
gives permission to the broker/dealer to pledge customer margin securities as collateral
Street name
the name of the firm where customer securities are held under for margin accts
nominal or named, owner
what the broker/dealer is known as when securities held under street name
beneficial owner
what the customer is known as when securities held under street name
Loan consent form
if signed gives permission to the firm to loan customer margin securities to other customers or broker/dealers usually for short sales
The credit agreement and hypothecation agreement are mandatory

loan consent form is optional
Which of the 3 parts of the loan agreement are mandatory and optional?
Broker call rate
the interest paid on margin accounts is a variable rate based on this rate
Regulation T
For margin accounts, this states that customers must deposit a minimum of 50% of the market value of the transaction within 5 business days. Customer can choose to deposit more
Margin is amount of equity that must be deposited to buy securities in a margin account

Marginable refers to securities that can be used as collateral in a margin account
what is difference between margin and marginable
Exchange listed stocks, bonds

Nadsaq stocks

Non-Nasdaq OTC issues approved by the FRB
What may be purchased on margin and used as collateral
Put and call options
Non nasdaq OTC issues not approved by the FRB
Insurance contracts
What cannot be purchased on margin and cannot be used as collateral
Mutual funds

new issues
cannot be used as margin but can be used as collateral after 30 days
When writing a covered call there is no regulation T requirement, customer must have 50% of the purchase price of the stock in the account
What does Regulation T apply when writing a covered call?
Only type of option that can be purchased on margin

Leaps options with more than 9 months to expiration can be purchased on margin. The requirement is 75%
What should be known for purchasing LEAPS options on margin?
The maximum loss
Regarding spreads, what does Reg T require for deposit?
US Treasury Bills, notes, and bonds
government agency issues
municipal securities
What securities are exempt from Regulation T?
Although Reg T states a deposit of 50% of market value

FINRA require initial deposit cannot be less than $2,000

exception is when initial purchase is less than $2,000
How much is required to be deposited for the first purchase in a margin account
If the purchase is less than $2,000 deposit 100% of purchase

If purchase is between $2,000 and $2,000 deposit $2,000

If purchase is more than $4,000, deposit 50%
What should be remembered requiring amount of purchase and amount of required deposit
Still must deposit $2,000 is never waived even if less
What is the FINRA minimum deposit rule regarding short margin accounts?
when securities are purchased and then sold before making payments for the purchase.
Marking to market
The practice of recalculation to check the status of the equity in the account
LMV long market value
the current market value of the stock position the investor purchased
DR debit register
the amount of money borrowed by the customer
Equity EQ
the customer's net worth in the margin account; it represents the portion of the securities the customer fully owns
How to calculate the amount of equity in the account?
25% of the long market value
What is the minimum maintenance in a long margin account?
WHen the market value goes up or down, the DR does not change
What is relationship between market value and DR
Restricted account
When the equity in the account is less than the Reg T amount but greater than or equal to the minimum maintenance requirement
maintanance call
demand that the customer make a payment to bring the account back to minimum
House minimum
When a firm imposes a maintenance level higher than the FINRA minimum maintenance rule levels
market value at maintenance formula

DR divided by .75
formula to calculate the market value to which securiteies can fall before there is a maintenance call
Excess equity
the amount of equity exceeding the REg T requirement
SMA or buying power / special memorandum account
What excess equity creates in the margin account
The amount of SMA in the account is equal to the greater of the excess equity or the amount already in SMA
What is the SMA amount equal to in a margin account?
SMA increases when market value increases but does not decrease when market value decreases
what is relationship between SMA and market value
Nonrequired cash deposits - full amount reduces the debit and is also credited to SMA

Dividends: can withdraw these distributions even if the account is restricted
What generates SMA besides excess equity?
Adds to the DR

As long as does not cause a maintenence call
Using SMA adds to what value and SMA can be used until what happens?
Customer can purchase $2 of stock for every $1 of SMA, in other words the buying power is 2:1
What is relationship between SMA value and buying stock?
to purchase additional securities, put up 50%

to withdraw securities from the account, customer must deposit cash equal to 50% of the value of the securities to be withdrawn

if securities are sold in a restricted account, at least half the proceeds must be retained in the account to reduce the debit balance. 50% of proceeds are credited to SMA
If the account is restricted what are the 50% rules?
Retention requirement
if securities are sold in a restricted account, at least half the proceeds must be retained in the account to reduce the debit balance
All but equity are effected: LMV DR and SMA

Equity is affected only is customer removes half the proceeds
When securities are sold in a restricted account, which of the follwoing are effected? LMV, DB, SMA, EQ
day trader
one who buys and sells the same security on the smae day to try to take advantage of intraday price movements
pattern day trader
one who executes four or more day trades in a five business day period
four times the maintenance margin excess
What is pattern day traders buying power
the equity in the account above the 25% minimum requirement
What is the maintenance margin excess
Cross guarantee
one for which another customer, in writing, agrees to the use of money or securities in his account to carry the guaranteed accounts (the meet any margin calls)
Selling short
investor uses to profit from a decline in a stock's price. Always done through a margin account
Stock lender
from whom the shares are borrowed
Margin deposits
to borrow shares for short sales, an investor must make these. Can be met with either cash or marginable securities
SMV short market value
The current market value of the stock position the investor sells short
CR Credit register
the amount of money in the customer's account; equal to the sales proceeds plus the margin deposit requirement
Equity (EQ) calculated by CR - SMV = EQ
The customer's net worth in margin short account, the amount is determined by what equation
$2,000 is required even if customer sells short less than $2,000 worth or securities. If Reg T requirement is greater than $2,000 then that is minimum
What is the minimum deposit for short margin account
30% of the SMV
WHat is the minimum maintenance requirement for short positions?
CR Credit balance for short margin
provides securitiy to broker/dealer that there will be cash available for the customer to purchase the securities if the market value of the securities rises
Total credit balance divided by 130% (1.3)
How to find maximum market value to which a short sale position can increase before a maintenance call is issued
For stock trading under $5 per share, customer must maintain 100% of SMV of $2.50 per share whichever is greater

for stock trading at $5 per share and above, minimum requirement is $5 per share or 30%, whichever is greater
what are the exceptions for minimum maintenance margin requirement based on share price?
combined account
client who has a margin account with both long and short positions in different securities has this
LMV + CR - DR - SMV = EQ
What is the calculation for combined equity?
CPM Customer portfolio margining
different way to calculate margin requirements for an account based on the net risk of an entire portfolio of securities rather than a standardized percentage applied to each individual position
SMA increases only if the new excess equity is higher than old SMA
What is effect on SMA for rise in market value
Client is entitled to excess equity in the account after the sale, or to 50% of the sale proceeds, whichever is greater
What is effect on SMA for sale of securities
The full amount of the deposit is credited to SMA
What is the effect of depositing cash on SMA
SMA is increased by the loan value of the securities deposited as prescribed by Regulation T at the time of the deposit
What is the effect of deposit of marginable securities on SMA
100% of a cash dividend or interest is credited to SMA
What is effect of dividends or interest on SMA
The margin requirement on new purchases is deducted from SMA. If SMA is insufficient to meet the charge, a regulation T call is issued for the balance
What is the effect of purchase of securities on SMA
the full amount of the cash withdrawal is deducted from SMA. Remaining equity may not fall below FINRA rules or house equity requirement
What is effect of withdrawal of cash from SMA
After the SMA balance is established iti s not affected by a fall in market value in a long account
What is effect of SMA for fall in long account market value
SMA remains the same
what is effect of interest charges to account and stock dividend or split for SMA
pledging of customer securities as collateral for margin loans
rehypothecates (repledges)
After customer pledges their securitiesi to the broker/dealer, the broker does this as collateral for a loan from the bank