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195 Cards in this Set

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What security is an example of a collateralized time draft

Bankers' acceptances

The max loss when purchasing an option is

The premium

Industrial development revenue bonds are backed by

The corporate guarantor

The SRO minimum maintenance requirement for a short position is

30% of the market value

The formula for intrinsic value equals

Strike price-the market value


The formula for time value is

Premium- intrinsic value= time value


The Dow jones composite index is comprised of

30 industrial stocks

20 transportation stocks

15 utility stocks




A brokers broker is a primary source for a quote in

The secondary market

It's a publication

When purchasing a straddle, an investors max profit is


A long straddle is when you purchase both a call and a put with the same expiration and strike price... Since it involves purchasing a call there is an unlimited profit potential


Corporate bonds!

Knowing a clients tax bracket is particularly useful when evaluating the suitability of which type of investment

Municipal bonds

Under the "know your customer rule" when a rep opens an account they should find out what about the client


Financial condition and needs

Ability to assume risk


Young people should want to invest in ____ and older people should want to invest in_____

Stocks, bonds.... Young people fear a rise in inflation which could directly impact bonds.

When interest rates rise---the value of bonds go down.

What is a moral obligation bond?

Muni revenue bonds that are payable by the state from revenues of the project

do not satisfy debt service payments

Two characteristics of long term CDs are..

They may be callable

Investors may be subject to interest rate risk

Purchasing a call (or put) and the sale of a call (or put) of the same security with different strike prices is called a

Vertical spread

Purchasing a call (or put) and the sale of a call (or put) of the same security with different strike prices is called a

Vertical spread

The purchase of a call or put and the sale of a call or put with the same strikes but different expirations is called a...

Horizontal spread

The minimum denomination for negotiable CDs is...


What type of risk do zero coupon bonds eliminate ??

Reinvestment risk

If the yield to maturity (basis) is greater than the nominal yield (coupon rate) the bond is selling ..

At a discount

When interest rate fall, existing bond prices...


When a bond is called, the bond holder receives the...

Call price plus accrued interest

Defensive stocks are stocks that

Is not drastically affected by a downturn in the economy

Ex: food companies, tobacco, clothing

An ex. That is not a defensive stock would be a construction company

457 plans

Local government workers

457 plans

Local government workers

403(b) plans

People who work in not for profit organizations

457 plans

Local government workers

403(b) plans

People who work in not for profit organizations


People who work in for profit organizations

An accumulation unit in a variable annuity contract is

An accounting measure used to determine the contract owners interest in the separate account

When looking at an option spread, the strike prices relate to

Intrinsic value

When looking at an options spread, to determine which premium is larger you have to look at...

The expiration months... Whichever one has a longer time until expiration, that one will have the higher premium.


Buy 1 ABC dec 60 call

Sell 1 ABC Nov 60 call

Since the buy expires later than the sell, the buy would have a higher premium. Therefore, if you pay more than you receive you have engaged in a debit spread. Widen goes with debit.

When looking at a put spread, whichever strike price is higher would mean what?

It would mean that the premium is therefore higher. Which will lead you to determine if it is a credit or debit spread.

Ex: buy 1 GHI Nov 65 put

Sell 1 GHI Nov 55 put

Since the buy has a higher strike price, the premium is going to be higher, resulting in a debit spread since you'd be paying more than you are receiving

A short straddle consists of

Short call and a short put, with the same strikes and expiration months

A bearish spread always involves...

Buying the higher strike price and selling the lower strike price


Sell 1 ABC July 50 put

Buy 1 abc July 60 put

Because we are buying the put with the higher strike price, it is a bearish spread

A short straddle consists of

Short call and a short put, with the same strikes and expiration months

A bearish spread always involves...

Buying the higher strike price and selling the lower strike price


Sell 1 ABC July 50 put

Buy 1 abc July 60 put

Because we are buying the put with the higher strike price, it is a bearish spread

A bull spread always involves

Buying the lower strike price and selling the higher strike price.


Sell 1 ABC July 60 put

Buy 1 ABC July 50 put

Because we are buying the lower strike and selling the higher strike it's is a bull spread.

This applies to calls and puts

A bearish spread always involves...

Buying the higher strike price and selling the lower strike price


Sell 1 ABC July 50 put

Buy 1 abc July 60 put

Because we are buying the put with the higher strike price, it is a bearish spread

This applies to both calls and puts

A bearish spread always involves...

Buying the higher strike price and selling the lower strike price


Sell 1 ABC July 50 put

Buy 1 abc July 60 put

Because we are buying the put with the higher strike price, it is a bearish spread

This applies to both calls and puts

Long straddle consist of

Buying a put and call at the same exercise price and same expiration

A short combination involves..

Selling a call and a put on the same security with different strikes or different expiration dates.

A buyer of a combination expects

The market of the security of be volatile

A buyer of a combination expects

The market of the security of be volatile

The seller of a combination expects

The security to remain stable (the price of the security to remain stable)

The max loss for a debit spread is

The net premium

When purchasing a straddle, the investors max profit is

Unlimited, long straddle consists of buying both a call and put with the same expiration and strike, since it involves purchasing a call, the max profit is unlimited

The buyer of a straddle expects

That market price of the stock to be volatile (fluctuate)

The buyer of a straddle expects

That market price of the stock to be volatile (fluctuate)

The seller of a straddle expects

The stocks price to remain stable

Stock splits are approved by

A corporations shareholders

Formula for outstanding stock

Issued stock-treasury stock

To calculate dividend yield

Divide the annual dividend by the current market price

Annual dividend/current market price

Variable annuities

Give the investor a variable return based on the value of the securities in the separate account

The federal intermediate credit bank (FICB) makes

Agricultural loans to farmers

Securities act of 1934 created

The SEC and provided for the regulation of credit and exchanges.

Securities act of 1934 created

The SEC and provided for the regulation of credit and exchanges.

Securities act of 1933

Provided for the regulation of new issues

Yield to maturity is the same as


Treasury bonds are quoted in

32nds of a point

Corporate bonds are issued in

1/8th of a point

Treasury notes have the least

Credit risk

Current yield =

Annual interest divided by the current market price

Nominal yield =

Coupon rate

What method would be used to call term bonds?

Random selection

Term bonds are also known as

Dollar bonds

When a bond is registered as to principal only...

The bond has been issued in the name of the owner with bearer coupons attached

Securities with the longest maturities will most likely have the greatest price increase when

Interest rates decline

Lower grade bonds are______ compared to higher grade bonds



Lower grade bonds are______ compared to higher grade bonds



Lower grade bonds have

Higher yields and lower market prices

Long term bonds generally have

Higher yields than short term bonds

The notice of offering for a rule 144 sale is valid for

90 days

Examples of regressive taxes are

Sales taxes and gasoline taxes

The OCC assigns exercise notices on a

Random selection basis only

Distributions from a pension plan are


The bond buyer revenue bond index is
30 year index
25 bond index

Utility companies usually have

A high dividend payout and low percentage of retained earnings

CMOs have what type of risk?

Prepayment risk

Inverse exchange traded funds (ETFs)

Are designed to deliver the opposite of the performance of an index or other benchmark

The 5% markup policy applies to

Non exempt securities

Reinstating a position within 30 days of realizing a loss is a violation of what rule?

Wash sale rule

What type of shareholders are permitted to participate in a rights offering? Which are not?

Common stock shareholders are allowed, preferred stock holders are not allowed

Market momentum is used to describe a situation in which prices of stock are moving

In a certain direction (up or down) with a high level of trading volume

Interest payments for CMOs are usually given out_____ and are___

Monthly, taxable

Treasury notes are subject to____ taxes but exempt from ____ taxes

Federal, exempt from state

Treasury bills and bankers acceptances generally sell at a


T bills are also known as

Discount securities and non-interest bearing securities

CMOs with the higher interest rate will have a higher...

Prepayment risk

A treasury STRIP is a type of ____ bond

Zero coupon bond

Sinking fund

Redeem bonds

Regulation AC does not apply to


When interest rates go up existing bond prices

Go down

New issues can become marginable after how long?

30 days from the effective date

Institutional communications do not need

Does not need to be filed with finra

Does not need to be reviewed by anyone

The SRO minimum maintenance requirement for a long position is

25% of market value

Moody's highest rating is ____ and lowest rating is ____

1 and 3

Yankee bonds

Foreign bonds that trade in US markets

Stock split

Creates more shares and makes the price of the stock decrease, making it more marketable

Stock split

Creates more shares and makes the price of the stock decrease, making it more marketable

Reverse stock split

Creates smaller number of shares and the stock prices goes up

Less shares higher price

Income stocks

Stocks of companies that pay higher than average returns

Income stocks

Stocks of companies that pay higher than average returns

Cyclical stocks

Stocks of companies who's earnings fluctuate with the business cycle

A "No-Load" fund is when

The bid and the ask prices are the same

Accelerated depreciation is when earnings are

Understated in the early years and over stated in the later years

Repos and reverse repos are typically

Short term

If the dealer is borrowing funds and the customer is lending funds it is a________


If the customer is borrowing funds and the dealer is lending the funds it is a ________

Reverse repo

Name 3 activities that take place during the cooling off period

Blue sky

Due diligence

Red herring

An inverse ETN (exchange traded note) would be suitable for a person interested in what type of trading?

Short term trading

Closing spot prices for foreign currencies are disseminated daily by the

Federal reserve board (FRB)

Stock issued by a foreign company that earns income in the US will most likely be subject to

Foreign tax withholding

Major provisions oF ERISA provide protection for

Private sector employees against improper investments by their employer

The breakeven point for a short seller who writes a put is the

Market price of the short sale plus the premium

Transportation stocks are what type of stocks


OIDs (original issue discount) securities are subject to ______ tax but exempt from _____ tax

Subject to federal, exempt from state

The auction process for 4week treasury bills are

Auctioned each week on a Tuesday

Limited partner lends money to a partnership, the limited partner will

Become a general creditor... Limited partners are allowed to lend money to the partnership

Through municipal bond purchases investors receive

Tax free income

Depletion relates to

Oil and gas.. Natural resources only

Both restricted and control stock are subject to

The volume limitations under rule 144

Both restricted and control stock are subject to

The volume limitations under rule 144

Control stock is stock

That is registered and purchases by insiders

Treasury stock is treated as

A deduction from outstanding shares

ETNs typically do not make _____ payments to investors

Interest payments

In an underwriting of a new issue, the underwriting spread is _____ than the selling concession


With respect to limited partnerships and DPPs, tax credits will _______ a customers taxes directly and tax deductions will _______ a customers taxable income


Interest on an out of state municipal security Is subject to _______ and ______ tax and exempt from ______ tax

State and local..... Exempt from federal

When the proceeds from the sale of one stock are used to purchase another stock from the same broker dealer.... The transaction is called a ______

Proceeds transaction

The maximum loss an investor may write off against ordinary income in one tax year is ______


I municipal bearer bond does not require _______ by the owner

Signature (endorsement)

For mutual fund purchases, a letter of intent can be back dated up to _____ days

90 days

The sale of securities in the open market by the FRB results in a ______ in the money supply


Under a floating rate system, currency values are established by

Supply and demand for the currency

Under a fixed rate system, currency values ______ fluctuate

Will not

On a muni bond confirmation, whether or not the bond was subject to ______ income tax would not be found.


On a muni bond confirmation, whether or not the bond was subject to ______ income tax would not be found.


Corporations may exclude a portion of dividends received from ______ investments


In order for a 1035 exchange to be considered appropriate, the individual must_____ from the new contract.


In order for a 1035 exchange to be considered appropriate, the individual must_____ from the new contract.


1035 exchanges made within ____ months of a previous exchange are considered _____

36 months, inappropriate

The largest portion of the underwriting spread in a new municipal securities issue is the

Total takedown

What is standard and poor's (S&P) best rating for a municipal note? For bonds?

Municipal notes--- SP-1

Bonds- AAA

A major disadvantage to a limited partner in a DPP is lack of _______

Lack of liquidity

In a non-discretionary account, the rep can decide the ____ and _____ of the execution. Nothing else

Time and price

Short interest and trading volume are ______ indicators


Short interest and trading volume are ______ indicators


EPS and the P/E ratio are _______ indicators


All retail communication concerning options must be _____ by a ROP


Fast market refers to

Volatile prices and imbalance of orders

According to MSRB rules, a municipal securities rep is NOT permitted to

Supervise a branch office

REITs allow flow through of ______

When an account is frozen, the customer must have in the account______

The required monies or securities to complete a transaction

Bond buyers 30 day visible supply includes

Competitive and negotiated muni bond issues

What is the maximum amount a customer may withdraw from an SMA account?


Hedge funds


Warrants are _____ term

Long term

Capital asset pricing model


Theory that concludes that investors are rewarded for taking systematic risk... Risk that the market will decline

Higher the risk higher the reward

A municipal bond is expected to be delivered with legal opinion unless the bond is identified as ___________. At the time of purchase

Ex legal

The modified accelerated cost recovery system is used when

Depreciating machinery

SEP IRAs do not allow the employee to do what?

Make contributions

Foreign currency spot transactions usually settle in

Two business days

The underwriting syndicate makes a ________ commitment in the distribution of a new issue


Eurodollars are

U.S. Dollars on deposit in foreign banks

A private activity bond is a type of muni bond in which the funds being raised will be used to _________ a _______company

Benefit, private

A discount bond should always be priced to


FOMC buys and sells which security the most?

T bills

Rising inflation ______ effects the bond and stock market


BABs are _____ taxable


Income, estate, and gift taxes are

Progressive and graduated

Generally an annuity should only be considered after a client does what?

Contributed max amount to 401k or any other employee sponsored program

The FRB does NOT ______ securities


An underwriter can stabilize a new issue _____ or _______ the offering price

At or below

Municipality's official statement include

Project feasibility and financial statements

A gain or loss on a short sale is typically treated as a______ capital gain or loss

Short term

Revenue bonds are considered _______ than GO bonds


Municipal notes are used for _______ financing


Investment banking department does not make a ______ market for new issues


Equity indexes annuities are not suitable for ______ citizens


Brokered CDs are _______ by the FDIC and ______ by SIPC

Insured and covered

CMOs and options are what types of securities


FNMA bonds are _____ backed by the U.S. Government

Not backed

Equity for short account is credit balance -????


Group order

All members benefit

Two main functions of investment banking department

Working with issuers to raise capital

Assuring companies with mergers and acquisitions

Minimum equity requirement for a pattern day trader is


Equity in combined margin account can be found by


If a client is long and short an equal number of shares of the same security the maintenance requirement is equal to

5% of the LMV

Equity for short account is credit balance -????


Position limit means what when referring to options

Prohibits an investor from being on the same side of the market with the same security

Example: buy abc put

Sell abc call

Same security and both want the stock to go down

Debt to equity ratio and current ratio

Balance sheet

Operating profit margin and bond coverage

Income statement

Equity indexed annuity is not considered a _____
