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28 Cards in this Set

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How are staff agencies and line agencies different?
Staff agencies serve in a support capacity.
Line agencies are directly responsible for administering specific programs.
In the Executive Branch of government, what is the title DEPARTMENT reserved for?
Only agencies of cabinet rank.
What can the federal government NOT tax?
Why is the federal budget important?
It determines which public programs will have money to operate.
When the President appoints people to Cabinet posts, who must approve the appointments?
U.S. Senate
What percentage of Federal spending goes to pay interest on the national debt?
20% or one dollar out of every five
When the government spends more than they take in, what is that called?
Deficit spending or deficit financing
Is NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration) a cabinet post, a regulatory commission, or an independent agency?
Independent agency
What are the characteristics of a bureaucracy?
Officials at the top control those below
There are formal rules of operation
Each worker has defined responsibilities
What are two of the largest categories of Federal spending?
Entitlements (such as Social Security)


Interest on the public debt
Where does the largest source of government revenue come from?
Income tax
What is the main function of the National Security Council?
To advise the President on all aspects of the nation's security.
Why can the Executive Branch of the federal government be classified as a bureaucracy?
Because it is a large, complex organization based on specific principles. It has a hierarchy, a defined set of rules, and specific worker responsibilities.
What does the Executive Office of the President consist of?
White House Office
Office of Management & Budget
Council of Economic Advisers
National Security Council
Office of Nat'l. Drug Control Policy
Which president's assassination led to the formation of the civil service?
James Garfield
Who initiates the federal budget?
What does a gift have to be worth in order to make you liable for a gift tax?
$11,000 in any one year
What was the civil service created to ensure?
Hiring and promotion based on merit.
The public debt today is measure in ____________ of dollars.
Corporate and individual income taxes are considered ____________ taxes,
What were the original three cabinet departments set up by Congress in 1789?
Departments of State, Treasury, and War (now the Department of Defense)
What is it called when government jobs are handed to friends, families, or supporters?


The Spoils System
What do employees in the White House Office do?
Advise and support the President
Can Congress borrow money to cover crises situations?
What is another name for the Civil Service Act?
The Pendleton Act
What effect would a new war have on federal spending?
Dramatic increase.
Where does Congress get the power to borrow money?
The Constitution
Why does Congress have to approve the President's budge?
It is part of the checks and balance system.