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62 Cards in this Set

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María lo va a ayudar.
Mary is going to help him.
María le va a dar el dinero.
Mary is going to give him the money.
María va a comprar un regalo para él.
Mary is going to buy a gift for him.
Juan se va a levantar a las siete.
John is going to get himself up at seven o'clock.
Carmen dice que ella va a estudiar.
Carmen says that she is going to study.
María la va a ayudar.
Mary is going to help her.
María le va a dar el dinero.
Mary is going to give her the money.
María va a comprar un regalo para ella.
Mary is going to buy a gift for her.
Ella se va a levantar a las siete.
She is going to get herself up at seven o'clock.
Nosotros vamos a estudiar.
We are going to study.
María nos va a ayudar.
Mary is going to help us.
María nos va a dar el dinero.
Mary is going to give us the money.
María va a comprar un regalo para nosotros.
Mary is going to buy a gift for us.
Nosotros nos vamos a levantar a las siete.
We are going to get ourselves up at seven o'clock.
¿ Van ustedes a estudiar?
Are you all going to study?
María les va a ayudar.
Mary is going to help you all.
María les va a dar el dinero.
Mary is going to give the money to you all.
María va a comprar un regalo para ustedes.
Mary is going to buy a gift for you all.
¿ Se van ustedes a levantar a las siete?
Are you all going to get yourselves up at seven o'clock?
Los muchachos dicen que ellos van a estudiar.
The boys say that they are going to study.
María los va a ayudar.
Mary is going to help them.
María les va a dar el dinero.
Mary is going to give them the money.
María va a comprar un regalo para ellos.
Mary is going to buy a gift for them.
Los muchachos se van a levantar.
The boys are going to get themselves up.
Las muchachas van a estudiar.
The girls are going to study.
Las muchachas se van a levantar.
The girls are going to get themselves up.
Los muchachos van a aprender las palabras para el examen.
The boys are going to learn the words for the test.
Los muchachos van a tener que aprender las palabras para el examen.
The boys are going to have to learn the words for the test.
Yo voy a aprender las palabras para el examen.
I am going to learn the words for the test.
Yo voy a tener que aprender las palabras para el examen.
I am going to have to learn the words for the test.
Yo creo que a ti te va a gustar la música.
I believe that you are going to like the music.
Yo creo que a Juan le va a gustar la música.
I believe that John is going to like the music.
Yo creo que a los muchachos les va a gustar la música.
I believe that the boys are going to like the music.
¿Vas a hacer la tarea esta noche?
Are you going to do the homework this evening?
¿Vas a hacer la tarea esta tarde?
Are you going to do the homework this afternoon?
Yo creía que María iba a hacer la tarea anoche.
I thought that Mary was going to do the homework last night.
María dice que ella va a hacer la tarea esta tarde.
Mary says that she is going to do the homework this afternoon.
Yo creía que María iba a poder hacer la tarea antes de la clase.
I thought that Mary was going to be able to do the homework before the class.
¿ Sabes si Juan lo va a estudiar?
Do you know if John is going to study it?
Yo sé que María lo va a estudiar.
I know that Mary is going to study it..
Nosotros vamos a estudiar los capítulos.
We are going to study the chapters.
Los muchachos van a estudiar los capítulos.
The boys are going to study the chapters.
Los muchachos los van a estudiar.
The boys are going to study them.
Yo no sé si los muchachos van a estudiar las páginas.
I don't know if the boys are going to study the pages.
¿ Sabes si los muchachos van a estudiar las páginas?
Do you know if the boys are going to study the pages?
¿Cuándo vamos a Ohio?
When do we go to Ohio?
¿Cómo te va?
How's it going?
¿Adónde vas?
Where are you going?
¿Cuándo va a llegar Juan? (¿qué día?)
When is John going to arrive? (what day?)
¿A qué hora va a llegar Juan?
When is John going to arrive (at what time?)
La hermana de Juan, la cual vive en LA, nos va a visitar. (la hermana que vive en LA)
John's sister, who lives in LA is going to visit us. (sister lives in LA)
La hermana de Juan que vive en LA nos va a visitar. (Juan vive en LA)
The sister of John, who lives in LA, is going to visit us. (John lives in LA)
Vamos a hospedarnos en este hotel, cerca del cual hay muchos restaurantes.
We are going to stay in this hotel, near which there are many restaurants.
El gobernador cuyo partido perdió la elección dice que se va a jubilar.
The governor, whose party lost the election, says that he is going to retire.
El que fué ayer fué quien lo hizo.
He who went yesterday did it.
Juan me va a ayudar a limpiar la casa.
John is going to help me clean the house.
Yo creía que Juan me iba a ayudar a limpiar la casa.
I thought that John was going to help me clean the house.
¿Juan, me vas a ayudar a limpiar la casa?
John, are you going to help me clean the house?
Juan, yo creía que tú me ibas a poder ayudar a limpiar la casa.
John, I thought that you were going to be able to help me clean the house.
Yo voy a ayudar a María a limpiar la casa.
I'm going to help Mary clean the house.
María creía que yo la iba a ayudar a limpiar la casa.
Mary thought that I was going to help her clean the house.
María creía que yo la iba a poder ayudar a limpiar la casa.
Mary thought that I was going to be able to help her clean the house.