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95 Cards in this Set

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Receptor & Types

Specialised nerve ending stimulated by the different types of stimulus

Mechanoreceptor - free nerve ending, Meisser corpuscles

Nociceptors - free nerve ending

Thermoreceptors - end bulb of Krause , end organ of Ruffini

Chemoreceptors - receptor of taste and smell

Electromagnetic receptor - rods and cones

D/f type of stimuli

Action potential

✓ a rapid change in the membrane potential followed by returning back to resting membrane potential

✓ non propagatory , non graded

✓ Follows all or none law

✓ it has a refractory period

✓ increase in the intensity of stimulus increase the AP

✓ when RP reached the threshold, AP produced

Receptor potential

When a receptor is adequately stimulated, non propagatory, depolarising potential is developed

✓ Non propa, graded

✓ don't follow all or none law

✓ no refractory period

✓ RP doesn't depend on AP

✓increase in the intensity of stimulus increase the magnitude of RP

Labled line principles

Specificity of nerve fibres for transmitting of only one modality of sensation

Bell magendie law

In the spinal cord dorsal roots are sensory and ventral roots are motor

Define tracts, descending tract

Bundle of nerve fiber carrying sensory or motor impulse from the brain or to the brain


- extra pyramidal: rubrospinal, reticulospinal , tectospinal, olivospinal, vestibulospinal

- pyramidal: anterior and lateral corticospinal

Ascending tracts names

Pathway and functions of corticospinal tract

Function: control skilled and voluntary movement

Pathway of superficial reflex

Lesion in corticospinal tract

Loss of voluntary movement in distal limbs

Muscle tone increase due to release phenomenon

Superficial reflex are absent

Deep reflex are exaggerated

Knee and ankle clonuses are present

Coordination is reduced

Release phenomenon

Escape of LMN from the inhibitory control of UMN

Bibinski sign

Dorsiflexion of great toe and fanning out of other toe in response to scratching the skin along the lateral side of sole of foot


Normal : planter flexion of all toe

Function of extrapyramidal , lesion

Function: control movement of eye ball

Maintain equilibrium, posture, tone , complex movement of body

Transmission of voluntary impulse

Lesion : muscle power - weakness

Muscle tone: rigidity

Coordination is normal but slow

Plantar response is flexor

Law of projection

It’s a sensory pathway from receptor to the cerebral cortex stimulated on any particular site along its course.

Stimulation of receptor

Weber - fechner law

Magnitude of sensation is proportionate to the log of intensity of the stimulus.

Interpreted signal strength = log ( stimulus) + constant

Intensity of stimulus

Define emotion and its component

It’s a subjective, conscious experience of psycho physiological expression

1. Conation ( urge to action)

2. Affection ( feeling itself)

3. Cognition ( awareness)



Thalamic syndrome

Effect of it

~infraction on the posteroinferior of thalamus causing hemiparesis

~ loss of superficial and deep sensations with preserved crude pain

* crude touch - Anterior spinothalamic tract

Thalamus function

✅ sensory rely station except olfactory

✅ control of emotion and behaviour, memory mechanisms

✅interpretation of crude and temperature sensation

✅ autonomic control of viscera

✅ it control the motor activity

Reticular formation

Continuous network of nerve cell or fibres that extended from the spinal cord through the MO, pons , midbrain , sub thalamus, hypothalamus

Nicotinic receptor

It’s a ligand gated ion channel found in autonomic ganglia at the synapse Btw sympathetic, parasympathetic system

Nm neuromuscular junction of skeletal muscle

Nn post ganglionic neuron , cns

Ligand gated channel - btwn

Skeletal muscle

Basal ganglia


Collection of masses of grey matter

Caudate nucleus


Globus pallidus

Subthalamic nucleus

Substantia nigra

Function of basal ganglia

Planning and programming of movement

Control axial and girdle movement

Cognitive process

Basal ganglia disorder

Hyperkinetic - chorea , athetosis, Ballism

Hypokinetic - Akinesia , bradykinesia



Hyperkinetic disorders

Athetosis - continuous slow writhing movement

Ballism- involuntary, flailing, violent movement

Chorea - rapid , involuntary dancing movement


Hyperkinetic disorders

Athetosis - continuous slow writhing movement

Ballism- involuntary, flailing, violent movement

Chorea - rapid , involuntary dancing movement


Hypokinetic disorder

Akinesia - difficulty in initiating movement and decrease in spontaneous movement.

Bradykinesia - slowness of the movement

Hyperkinetic disorders

Athetosis - continuous slow writhing movement

Ballism- involuntary, flailing, violent movement

Chorea - rapid , involuntary dancing movement


Hypokinetic disorder

Akinesia - difficulty in initiating movement and decrease in spontaneous movement.

Bradykinesia - slowness of the movement

Parkinson’s is hyper or hypo ?

Caused by ?

Both hyper nd hypo

Deficiency of NT dopamine in corpus striatum and lesion in substantia nigra

Hunting’s disease

Effect ?

Degeneration of neuron in the inhibitory pathway between the corpus striatum and substantia nigra .

Reduction in the secretion of GABA ,substance P, acetyl CoA

Function of cerebellum

Control the same side of the body ( ipsilateral movement)

Coordinate the voluntary movement ( axial musculature and bilateral movement)

Control the tone, posture, crude movement.

Controls the fine movement

Division of cerebellum with its physiological name ?

Archi - vestibulocerebellum

Paleo - spino

Neo - cerebrocerebellum

Archicerebellum formed by


Flocculonodular lobe


Axial , bilateral movement

Paleo cerebellum


Anterior lobe minus lingula

Uvula , pyramid

Tone , posture, crude movement

Paleo cerebellum


Anterior lobe minus lingula

Uvula , pyramid

Tone , posture, crude movement

Neocerebellum formed by and function

Middle lobe except uvula , pyramid

Regulation of fine movement

Reflex/ Reflex action

Reflex arc

Involuntary motor response due to any sensory stimuli

Complete anatomical pathway of reflex action is called reflex arc

Superficial reflex with root value

Abdominal reflex T 10-12

Corneal reflex C 5-6

Plantar reflex L5- S1

Superficial reflex with root value

Abdominal reflex T 10-12

Corneal reflex C 5-6

Plantar reflex L5- S1

Deep reflex

Knee jerk L2-4

Ankle jerk L5-S2

Biceps jerk C5-6

Superficial reflex with root value

Abdominal reflex T 10-12

Corneal reflex C 5-6

Plantar reflex L5- S1

Deep reflex

Knee jerk L2-4

Ankle jerk L5-S2

Biceps jerk C5-6

Visceral reflex

Pupillary reflex

Vomitting , micturation reflex , baroreceptor

Superficial reflex with root value

Abdominal reflex T 10-12

Corneal reflex C 5-6

Plantar reflex L5- S1

Deep reflex

Knee jerk L2-4

Ankle jerk L5-S2

Biceps jerk C5-6

Visceral reflex

Pupillary reflex

Vomitting , micturation reflex , baroreceptor

Pathological reflex

Babinski sign


Pednular movement

Reflex classification


No. Of synapse

Physiological ( flexor , extensor )

Somatic , autonomic reflex

Inborn or acquired ( condition , unconditioned)



Inhibitory response to pre, post synaptic inhibition

If the impulse is stronger than the normal it spread to the other neuron

Function of tract of gall and burdach

Fine touch sensation

Tactile localisations, discrimination

Sense of vibration

Sensory pathway for superficial reflex

Cerebellum lesion signs




Intention tremor


Dysdiadochokinesia ( inability of rapid alteration movement)


Rebound phenomenon

Knee jerk

Function of anterior spinothalamic tract

Light touch

Pressure sensation on opp. Side

Function of anterior spinothalamic tract

Light touch

Pressure sensation on opp. Side

Lateral spinothalamic tract function

Temperature, tickling, pain , sexual sensation

Function of anterior spinothalamic tract

Light touch

Pressure sensation on opp. Side

Lateral spinothalamic tract function

Temperature, tickling, pain , sexual sensation

Spinal cord lesion

Below the level


Extensive sensory loss , Little sensory loss

Same side

Little sensory loss , extensive motor loss

Aka brown sequard syndrome

Function of anterior spinothalamic tract

Light touch

Pressure sensation on opp. Side

Lateral spinothalamic tract function

Temperature, tickling, pain , sexual sensation

Spinal cord lesion

Below the level


Extensive sensory loss , Little sensory loss

Same side

Little sensory loss , extensive motor loss

Aka brown sequard syndrome

Changes at the level of section

Same side

Motor loss - complete paralysis of LMN.

Sensory - complete anesthesia due to destruction of dorsal nerve root

Function of anterior spinothalamic tract

Light touch

Pressure sensation on opp. Side

Lateral spinothalamic tract function

Temperature, tickling, pain , sexual sensation

Spinal cord lesion

Below the level


Extensive sensory loss , Little sensory loss

Same side

Little sensory loss , extensive motor loss

Aka brown sequard syndrome

Changes at the level of section

Same side

Motor loss - complete paralysis of LMN.

Sensory - complete anesthesia due to destruction of dorsal nerve root


UMN - neuron of cerebral cortex and brain stem

LMN - neuron of cranial and spinal

Function of anterior spinothalamic tract

Light touch

Pressure sensation on opp. Side

Lateral spinothalamic tract function

Temperature, tickling, pain , sexual sensation

Spinal cord lesion

Below the level


Extensive sensory loss , Little sensory loss

Same side

Little sensory loss , extensive motor loss

Aka brown sequard syndrome

Changes at the level of section

Same side

Motor loss - complete paralysis of LMN.

Sensory - complete anesthesia due to destruction of dorsal nerve root


UMN - neuron of cerebral cortex and brain stem

LMN - neuron of cranial and spinal

Muscle spindle

Receptor which provide the sensory information that used by the cns for the control of muscle activity

Function of anterior spinothalamic tract

Light touch

Pressure sensation on opp. Side

Lateral spinothalamic tract function

Temperature, tickling, pain , sexual sensation

Spinal cord lesion

Below the level


Extensive sensory loss , Little sensory loss

Same side

Little sensory loss , extensive motor loss

Aka brown sequard syndrome

Changes at the level of section

Same side

Motor loss - complete paralysis of LMN.

Sensory - complete anesthesia due to destruction of dorsal nerve root


UMN - neuron of cerebral cortex and brain stem

LMN - neuron of cranial and spinal

Muscle spindle

Receptor which provide the sensory information that used by the cns for the control of muscle activity

Nerve supply of muscle spindle

Motor - delta fiber

Sensory - Annulospiral ( group 1A)

Flowers spray ending ( group 2)

Function of anterior spinothalamic tract

Light touch

Pressure sensation on opp. Side

Lateral spinothalamic tract function

Temperature, tickling, pain , sexual sensation

Spinal cord lesion

Below the level


Extensive sensory loss , Little sensory loss

Same side

Little sensory loss , extensive motor loss

Aka brown sequard syndrome

Changes at the level of section

Same side

Motor loss - complete paralysis of LMN.

Sensory - complete anesthesia due to destruction of dorsal nerve root


UMN - neuron of cerebral cortex and brain stem

LMN - neuron of cranial and spinal

Muscle spindle

Receptor which provide the sensory information that used by the cns for the control of muscle activity

Nerve supply of muscle spindle

Motor - delta fiber

Sensory - Annulospiral ( group 1A)

Flowers spray ending ( group 2)

Function of muscle spindle

Function of muscle tone

Responsible for stretch reflex

Control the muscle tone, posture, length

Maintenance of posture, appearance and bias of reflex action, voluntary movement

Function of anterior spinothalamic tract

Light touch

Pressure sensation on opp. Side

Lateral spinothalamic tract function

Temperature, tickling, pain , sexual sensation

Spinal cord lesion

Below the level


Extensive sensory loss , Little sensory loss

Same side

Little sensory loss , extensive motor loss

Aka brown sequard syndrome

Changes at the level of section

Same side

Motor loss - complete paralysis of LMN.

Sensory - complete anesthesia due to destruction of dorsal nerve root


UMN - neuron of cerebral cortex and brain stem

LMN - neuron of cranial and spinal

Muscle spindle

Receptor which provide the sensory information that used by the cns for the control of muscle activity

Nerve supply of muscle spindle

Motor - delta fiber

Sensory - Annulospiral ( group 1A)

Flowers spray ending ( group 2)

Function of muscle spindle

Function of muscle tone

Responsible for stretch reflex

Control the muscle tone, posture, length

Maintenance of posture, appearance and bias of reflex action, voluntary movement

Muscle tone

Partial contraction of muscle during resting conditions due to asynchronous discharge of impulse from motor nerve