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49 Cards in this Set

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localized collection of pus buried in tissues, organs, or confined spaces
common inflammatory disease of sebaceous glands characterized by comedones, papules, pustules, inflamed nodules, pus-filled cysts, and, in extreme cases, deep, inflamed, purulent sacs
sharply outlined red or skin-colored, flat or raised keratotic lesions which may develop into squamous cell carcinoma
actinic keratosis
type of skin cancer which rarely metastasizes and presentation varies
basal cell carcinoma
injury to integumentary tissue caused by contact with fire, steam, hot liquid, chemicals, electricity, friction, or radiant exposure. It is classified by degrees.
burn that involves redness of superficial layers of skin
1st degree burn
burn that has blisters which involve deeper layers of skin
2nd degree
burn that destroys the skin and cause damage to underlying tissues
3rd degree
infection by Candida fungus
acute, diffuse, spreading, edematous inflammation primarily of the deep subcutaneous tissues, but sometimes affecting deeper tissues and muscles. This is often associated with abscess formation.
scalp shedding
decubitus ulcer
decutibitus means...
literally the act of lying down
inflammation of skin; several different types
chronic itching, superficial inflammation of the skin usually associated with a family history of related disorders, such as hayfever and asthma.
atopic dermatitis
acute or chronic dermatitis caused by materials or substances that come into contact with the skin
contact dermatitis
chronic dermatitis in which there are inflamed, coin-shaped, crusted and scaling pruritic lesions
nummular dermatitis
inflammatory scaling disease of the scalp, face, and sometimes other areas. Sometimes used synonymously with dandruff.
seborrheic dermatitis
persistent inflammation of the skin of the lower legs with a tendency to have brown pigment. This is associated with venous insufficiency.
stasis dermatitis
also called fibrous histiocytoma, this refers to a firm, red or brown, small papule or nodule occurring in the dermis. This is commonly seen in the legs of women following minor trauma.
dermatofibroma also called...
fibrous histiocytoma
used with dermatitis, and sometimes to specify atopic dermatitis. It means literally "oozing or weeping," and is characterized by pruritic papules with oozing, crusting, and scaling, and secondarily by lichenification of the affected skin.
by itself this means redness of the skin. There are two specific types which are commonly seen in dermatology. These are: erythema multiforme and erythema nodosum
inflammatory eruption of skin with symmetric, red bullous lesions
erythema multiforme
inflammatory disease of skin and subcutaneous tissue characterized by tender red nodules, especially in the tibial region, but also involving the arms and other areas
erythema nodosum
inflammation of a follicle/follicles; generally refers to hair follicles
death of tissue (necrosis), usually affecting a large area; associated with loss of vascular supply and secondarily with bacterial infection and putrefaction (decomposition)
decomposition; enzymatic decomposition, especially of proteins, with the production of foul-smelling compounds
localized benign vascular tumors of skin and subcutaneous tissues
recurrent skin disease, characterized by boil-like lesions or abscesses, usually found around hair follicles and apocrine sweat glands
hidradenitis suppurativa
any of several skin disorders where skin is dry and scaly
The most common type of

ichthyosis is ichthyosis vulgaris, which is characterized by prominent

scaling on the extensor surfaces of the extremities and the back. Interestingly, flexor surfaces, the abdomen and face, are usually spared.
ichthyosis vulgaris
ichthys means....
condition resembling fish scales
ichthyosis vulgaris
superficial vesiculopustular infection of the skin most frequently caused by Staphylococcus aureus. The most commonly affected areas are the arms, legs, and face.
neoplasm characterized by bluish-red skin nodules found most often on the lower extremities (especially the feet) which increase in size and number and spread to more proximal sites. This disease is endemic to Central Africa and Central and Eastern Europe, and a particularly virulent form occurs in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
Kaposi sarcoma
an enlarged or overgrown (hypertrophic) scar; keloids are shiny, smooth, dome-shaped and slightly pink
round, firm, usually flesh-colored lesion with a central crater containing keratinous material
tumor arising from the melanocytic system of the skin. If the term is used alone, it refers to malignantmelanoma. Melanomas vary in size, shape, color (although they are usually pigmented), and in their

propensity to invade and metastasize. Such a tumor can spread so quickly that it is fatal within a few months
malignant condition in which itchy and erythematous patches gradually evolve into plaques infiltrated by abnormal lymphocytes and convoluted nuclei and then onto the tumor stage.
mycosis fungoides
infection at margin of a nail; also oychia: Infection of nailbed
Infestation with lice. Pediculus is the genus of sucking lice, and is therefore capitalized. This can affect the head (Pediculus humanus capitis), the body (Pediculus humanus corporis), or the genitals (Phthirus pubis).
Pediculus humanus capitis
head lice
Pediculus humanus corporis
body lice
Phthirus pubis
genital lice
self-limiting, mild inflammatory skin disease characterized by scaly lesions
pityriasis rosea
common chronic and recurrent disease characterized by dry, silvery, scaling papules of various sizes
general term for any skin condition caused by pus-forming bacteria