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38 Cards in this Set

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______ creation preceeds ______ creation.
Mental Creation preceeds Physical Creation
Everything is created twice...once in _______ then ________
Once in our minds and then we physically create it. EX: Good research leads to a good paper
What are 5 benefits of having a personal mission statement?
1. Clarifies what is important to you
2. Provides focus
3. Helps you design your life instead of having it designed for you
4. Guides your day-to-day decisions
5. Gives your life a sense of meaning and purpose
What is a tribute statement?
A statement articulating your influence on someone's life. ie. your legacy
What are 6 characteristics of an effective mission statement?
1. Expresses principles of effectiveness
2. Provides direction and purpose
3. Challenges and inspires you
4. Communicates your vision and values
5. Addresses your most important roles and responsibilities
6. Represents the best within you
Ineffective: I live by ______.
Effective: I live by _______.
Ineffective: I live by default
Effective: I live by design
Ineffective: I put ______ things first.
Effective: I put ______ things first.
Ineffective: I put urgent things first.
Effective: I put important things first
What does effectiveness require the integrity to do?
Effectiveness requires the integrity to act on your priorities
The _______ must come before the ______.
The Compass must come before the Clock
What does the compass represent?
Important things

(mission, direction, values. what you feel matters most)
What does the clock represent?
Urgent things

(appts, classes, schedules, how you manage your time)
An effective planning system is: (3 things)
1. Integrated: Core 4 are all in one system; tasks, appointments, notes and contacts
2. Mobile: it's with you all the time
3. Personalized: Customized for your needs
What are the 4 quadrant names for important/urgent things?
I. Necessity
II. Effectiveness
III. Deception
IV. Waste and Excess
What are the 3 steps to weekly planning?
1. Review mission and roles
2. Choose big rocks
3. Schedule the week
What are 3 steps to daily planning?
1. Check today's appointments
2. Make a realistic list
3. Prioritize (ABC,123)
What is an EBA?
Emotional Bank Account: Metaphor for how much trust exists in a relationship
For a strong EBA, keep these 3 things in mind
1. The 5:1 rule: It may take 5 deposits to make 1 withdrawl
2.The other person's "currency". What constitutes as a deposit to one person may be a withdrawl to another.
3. To be sincere and consistent in your deposits. Small deposits over time build large account balances
Ineffective: There is only ______, and the more you get the __________.
Effective: There is _________ for everyone, and _________.
Ineffective: There is only so much, and the more you get, the less there is for me.
Effective: There is plenty out there for everyone, and more to spare.
Effective, long term relationships require ______ ________ and ______ _________.
Effective, long term relationships require mutual respect and mutual benefit.
What are the 6 paradigms of human interaction?
1. Win-Win
2. Win-Lose
3. Lose-Win
4. Lose-Lose
5. Win
6. Win-Win or No Deal
What does a "Win-Lose" situation mean?
"I'm going to beat you no matter what"
What does a "Lose-Win" situation mean?
"I always get stepped on"
What does a "Win" situation mean?
"As long as i win, i don't care if you win or lose"
Remember to think win-win, especially:(3)
1. In situations of conflict
2. In long-term relationships
3. In interdependent situations
What two traits do highly effective people balance well?
Courage and Consideration
What is courage?
Willingness and ability to speak your thoughts and mind
What is consideration?
Willingness and ability to seek and listen to others thoughts and feelings with respect
What are 5 elements of an effective win-win argument?
1.Desired Results
2. Guidelines
3. Resources
4. Accountability
5. Consequences
Win-Win agreements work great when you want to: (4)
1. Clairify expectations
2. increase empowerment
3. Delegate responsibilities
4. Align conflicting priorities
What are characteristics of an abundant mindsent?
Find it easy to share recognition and credit. "I am happy for the successes of others, especially those close to me."
What are the characteristics of a scarcity mindset?
"I have a difficult time sharing recognition and credit. I am threatened by the successes of others, especially those closest to me"
What % of people can state any of the top 3 goals of their organization?
15% of people can state any of the top 3 goals of their organization
What % of people can tell you how well they are doing on their organization's top goals?
12% of people can tell you how well they are doing on their organization's top goals
What are 6 guidelines for writing a Mission Statement?
1. Relax- it's confidential
2. Keep the pen moving
3. No need to edit- you'll refine later
4. Enjoy and respect the quiet time
5. Courage
6. It's a process
What % of their time do workers spend "below the line"?
Workers spend 40% of their time "below the line" (quadrant 3 and 4)
What percent of people use an effective planning system for managing their activities?
33% of people use an effective planning system for managing their activities.
What percent of people live by the principle of "My success is your success"?
33% of people live by the principle of "my success is your success".
What are 6 ways to revise and refine your Mission statement?
1. Review books of quotations, poetry, and other literature for languate that inspires you
2. Read biographies and autobiographies of people to spark ideas for personal accomplishments or contributions you would like to make
3. Look at other mission statements
4. Keep a personal journal to explore values that are important to you
5. Use ideas from "mission builder" at Franklincovey.com
6. Create a visual or audio version of your mission statement.