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1075 Cards in this Set

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A chronic equine viral arteritis infection or the long-term carrier state appears solely in what sex of horses?
I - AYHC 620-2
A decrease in 2 minerals in the blood can cause an endurance horse to get thumps. Name one of these minerals.
Calcium, Potassium
I - EVANS, TH2 273
A deficiency of what 2 lymphocytes have been found in some Arabian foals & causes death from Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome?
B & T Lymphocytes
I - EVANS, TH2 508
A horse suffering from acute laminitis will have a pounding pulse, where can this be felt?
Over The Fetlock Joint In The Digital Artery
I - AYHC 640-1
A horse that has a chronic cough or wheeze that may be more pronounced after exercise may have what condition?
Heaves (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
I - EVANS, TH2 607
A horse with chronic founder may not show pain, but how will it move?
In A Heel To Toe Step
I - EVANS, TH2 297
A pounding digital pulse, warm feet, 'camped in front' stance & an abnormal gait are all signs of what problem?
Founder (Laminitis)
I - AYHC 640-1
A rise in temperature of how many degrees should be considered to be a cause for concern & a veterinarian should be consulted?
1 1/2 Degrees F Or More
I - AYHC 440-6
A skin pinch test & capillary refill time of 10 seconds each is an indication of what problem?
I - AYHC 950-6
A skin pliability test is used to check for what?
I - AYHC 425-2
An infection that is localized in the lungs & is characterized by the walls of the alveoli being irritated & alveoli filled with fluid is called what?
I - EVANS, TH2 110
Any injury to the navicular bone of the front foot is called what?
Navicular Disease
I - EVANS, TH2 162
As a general rule, what are the 2 types of colic that cause the most intense & unrelenting form of pain?
Strangulation Displacement & Severe Distensions
I - AYHC 435-2
Broken wind or heaves are the common names for what condition?
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
I - EVANS, TH2 607
Calcification of the lateral cartilages of the third phalanx or coffin bone is called what?
I - EVANS, TH2 160
Chronic lacrimation (tearing) in a foal may be due to a deficiency of what vitamin?
Vitamin A
I - EVANS, TH2 239
Classifications of ringbone depend on the location of the new bone growth. What are the 2 classifications?
Low Or High
I - EVANS, TH2 160
Cutting of the cunean tendon to relieve tension & pressure corrects which condition?
Jack Spavins Or Bone Spavins
I - EVANS, TH2 166
Define exostosis & give one example.
Undesirable Bone Growth, Resulting From Injury Or Trauma To The Periosteum. Example--Splint, Bone Spavin, Ringbone
I - EVANS, TH2 090
Describe 4 methods you can use to help prevent your horse from getting colic.
Avoid Sudden Changes In Types Or Amt Of Feed, Restrict Cold Water From Hot Horse, Prevent Overexcitement, Keep Grain Lock Away, Keep Amble Water Supply Available, Have Good Parasite Control Program
I - AYHC 235-1
Describe 4 symptoms of strangles excluding depression & loss of appetite.
Glands In Throat Area Swell, Stand With Neck Stretched Out, High Temperature (104), Lymph Nodes Under Lower Jaw Form Abscesses, Thin Watery Nasal Discharge
I - AYHC 615-2
Describe a horse that is stocking up.
Edema (Fluid Swelling) In Its Lower Legs
Describe a thoroughpin.
Soft, Fluid Filled Enlargement In The Hollow On The Outside Of The Hock. It Can Be Pushed Freely From The Outside To The Inside
I - EVANS, TH2 165
Describe how to tell if a wound needs to be sutured by a vet.
Large Wounds On Upper Legs, Neck Or Trunk Or Wounds On The Lower Legs Exceeding 1 1/2 Inches In Length & Cut Through The Full Thickness Of Skin
Describe the condition called entropion which may be observed in some newborn foals within 1 - 2 days after birth & explain how it is detected.
Eyelids & Lashes Are Turned Inward Causing The Foal's Eyes To Water
I - EVANS, TH2 428
Diseases involving DNA can be divided into 2 categories, name them.
Diseases Resulting From Mutant Genes & From Chromosomal Aberrations (Accidental Damage To Chromosomes During Reproduction
I - AYHC 1060-
During what time of year do most cases of Potomac Horse Fever occur?
Summer (July, August & Early Sept)
I - AYHC 445
Elevated body temperatures of 103 F or above may indicate infection but also may be caused by what other 2 things?
Stress Or Pain
I - EVANS, TH2 608
Enterotoxemia, sometimes called colitis, is caused by toxins produced by what type of bacteria?
Clostridium Perfingens
I - EVANS, TH2 305
Equine encephalomyelitis is mainly transmitted by what insect?
I - EVANS, TH2 599
Equine viral rhinopneumonitis (EVR) is caused by what type of virus?
Herpes Virus
I - EVANS, TH2 598
Fecaliths composed primarily of minerals are called what?
I - EVANS, TH2 606
Give 2 examples of why you would use a hot poultice.
To Increase Blood Supply To An Injured Area, To Draw Out Infection From An Abscess Or Puncture Wound
I - AYHC 440-6
Give 2 things that you can do to help prevent equine encephalomyelitis.
Vaccine, Use Insecticides & Repellents, Eliminate Standing Water, Put Fine Screen On Stalls, Immediately Report An Outbreak To Officials (Dept Of Ag Or State Vet)
I - AYHC 625-3
Give 3 causes of tachycardia.
Pain, Hard Work, Excitement, Illness, Fever
I - EVANS, TH2 594
Give 3 parts of the leg that could be stressed by too long of a pastern.
Tendons, Sesamoids, Suspensory Ligaments
I - EVANS, TH2 150
Give 3 reasons for dressing a wound on your horse.
Immobilization Aids Healing, Protects From Dirt & Insects Causing Infections, Protects Wound From Further Trauma, Aids In Reducing Swelling, Aids In Controlling Hemorrhage
I - AYHC 440-4
Give 6 symptoms of colic.
Restlessness, Sweating, Kicking At Belly, Nipping A Belly, Pawing, Yawning, Crouching, Rolling, Abdominal Pain
I - AYHC 440-2
Give a good reason for having a mare's immunizations up-to-date prior to foaling.
Higher Concentrations Of Antibodies To Foal Through Colostrum, Antibodies Protect Foal From Disease
Give an example of why you would use a cold poultice on your horse.
Decrease Inflammation & Swelling Caused By A Blow Or Kick Or Reduce Swelling, Heat & Pain Of A Bruise Or Hematoma
I - AYHC 440-6
Give the name of the common disease in young foals which is caused by bacteria entering via the navel stump?
Neonatal Septicemia
I - AYHC 950-1
Heaves are caused by the inability to do what during the respiratory process?
Exhale Or Move Air Out Of Lungs
I - EVANS, TH2 607
Heaves develop gradually & the clinical signs are most commonly seen in horses of what ages?
5 Years & Older
I - EVANS, TH2 697
Horses over 25 years old are prone to having thyroid & pituitary tumors which can cause excess hair growth & failure to shed, sweats more frequently, frequent weight loss, increased thirst with excessive urination. What is this condition called?
Cushing's Syndrome
I - AYHC 450-5
Horses that are camped out are predisposed to what 2 abnormal conditions?
Navicular Disease & Laminitis
I - AYHC 230-5
Horses that are kept in this manner seldom have heaves, what is this manner?
Pastured Year Round
I - EVANS, TH2 607
Horses that are shown or mixed with other horses during the year, should be given at least what 5 vaccinations?
Eastern & Western Encephalomyelitis, Tetanus, Influenza, Rhinopneumonitis, Potomac Horse Fever
I - AYHC 1150-
How do horses get rabies?
Bitten By Infected Rabid Wildlife
I - AYHC 445
How is EIA transmitted from infected horses?
Through Blood From Infected Animals (By Sucking Insects, Mosquitoes, Hypodermic Needles, Surgical Instruments & Etc)
I - EVANS, TH2 600
How is the rabies virus transmitted to humans & horses?
Through The Saliva When Bitten By An Infected Animal
How long can a horse be infected with EIA or swamp fever?
Rest Of Its Life
I - AYHC 630-1
How many hours does it require for the body temperature to return to normal following work?
Up To 2 Hours
I - EVANS, TH2 594
Hyperthermia can be caused by what 4 things?
Hot Weather, High Humidity, Poor Stable Ventilation, Prolonged Exposure To Direct Sunlight, Over Work, Transportation, Obesity
I - AYHC 410-1
HYPP is a genetic disease of the Quarter horse in which there is a defect prohibiting what 2 things from moving in & out of the muscles correctly?
Sodium & Potassium
I - AYHC 1060-
If a horse becomes ill with a potentially contagious disease, it should be promptly isolated from the remainder of the herd for how long?
At Least 10 Days Beyond Complete Recovery
I - AYHC 445-1
If a veterinarian said that your horse has scratches, what area would be affected?
Fetlock &/Or Heel Area
I - EVANS, TH2 601
If an autopsy reveals the presence of cantharidin in the body, what would be the most common cause?
Ingestion Of Blister Beetles
If tears flow over the eyelid, what may be the problem?
Lacrimal Duct Is Plugged
I - EVANS, TH2 126
If your horse gets cut on a sharp metal object, what type of wound would this most likely be?
I - EVANS, TH2 608
In bleeders, where does the blood originate?
I - EVANS, TH2 111
In reference to wound care, name 4 purposes of a bandage.
Immobilize Wound To Aid Healing, Keep Wound Clean, Protect From Infection, Keep Medicine On/In Wound, Protect From Further Trauma, Reduces Swelling, Controls Hemorrhage
I - AYHC B109
In the acute form of EIA, what organ becomes enlarged?
I - EVANS, TH2 600
In what area of the horse would gonitis occur?
I - EVANS, TH2 164
In what breed is Equine Night Blindness most predominant?
I - EVANS, TH2 521
In which condition does cerebrospinal fluid accumulate, causing the foal's head to enlarge before birth?
I - EVANS, TH2 517
Inadequate amounts of iron in the diet can result in which condition?
I - EVANS, TH2 233
Incised wounds, laceration, tears, punctures, penetrating wounds & abrasions can all be classified as what?
Open Wounds
I - AYHC 440-1
Inguinal or scrotal hernias only occur in males, name a type of hernia that can occur in both sexes.
I - EVANS, TH2 168
Lameness usually occurs when a hoof crack reaches what 2 areas?
Coronet Or Sensitive Laminae
I - EVANS, TH2 166
Melanomas are most common in horses of what color?
Gray, By Age 15 Almost All Gray Horses Have A Melanoma
I - EVANS, TH2 514
Most wounds on the legs, except for squirting, pulsating bleeding vessels, should be first treated in what manner?
Hosed Down With Cold Clean Water
I - EVANS, TH2 609
Name 2 causes of a shoe boil.
Injury From Heel Calk & Injury From Contact With The Floor
Name 2 conditions that are most common on the front limbs but can occur on the hind limbs.
Splints, Ringbone, Sesamoiditis
I - EVANS, TH2 164
Name 2 different health problems in which the horse should not be allowed to eat or drink water.
Choking Or Colic
I - EVANS, TH2 611
Name 2 diseases that can cause mares to abort their foals.
Equine Viral Rhinopneumonitis & Equine Viral Arteritis
I - EVANS, TH2 598
Name 2 factors that predispose foals to pneumonia.
Stress, Such As From Overcrowding, Weaning & Handling, Dust, Poor Nutrition, Parasites, Heat & Humidity & Fluctuations In Temperature
I - AYHC 950-8
Name 2 medical conditions that can result in tachycardia in the horse.
Toxemia & Septicemia
I - EVANS, TH2 596
Name 2 of the most common problems concerning a newborn foal's bowel movements.
Constipation & Diarrhea
Name 2 reasons why a horse may choke, other than the food itself.
Bolting Feed, Bad Teeth, Lack Of Water
I - EVANS, TH2 611
Name 2 things that hosing down wounds on the legs with cold clean water will accomplish?
Soothes The Site & Decreases Pain, Constricts Vessels & Controls Bleeding & Cleanses Wound By High Volume Of Water & Gentle Action Of Water Pressure
I - EVANS, TH2 609
Name 2 types of wounds that have torn rather than cut edges, may be irregular in shape & may have some associated bruising.
Lacerations & Tears
I - AYHC 440-1
Name 2 ways that rhinopneumonitis can be spread.
Horses Inhale Virus From Other Sick Horses, From Sniffing An Infected Aborted Fetus Or Associated Membranes & Fluid
I - AYHC 610-1
Name 3 causes of curbs.
Stress/Injury/Trauma To Plantar Ligament, Conformation Defects Of The Hocks, Getting Kicked
I - EVANS, TH2 165
Name 3 causes of founder, not related to feeding or drinking.
Retained Placenta, Reaction To Antibiotics, Use Of Black Walnut Shavings As Bedding, Concussion On Hard Surfaces
I - AYHC 640-1
Name 3 causes of splints.
Slipping, Running, Jumping, Getting Kicked Or Concussion With Hard Surfaces
I - EVANS, TH2 159
Name 3 first aid treatments that should be performed on a horse that is experiencing hyperthermia.
Spray Body With Cool Water, Place Ice Packs On Head & Inside Of Legs, Stand Animals In Shade Or Well Ventilated Barn
I - AYHC 410-2
Name 3 forms of botulism.
Shaker Foal Syndrome, Forage Poisoning, Wound Botulism
I - AYHC 445-8
Name 3 general types of lethal genetic defects.
True Lethal, Delayed Lethal, Partial Lethal
I - AYHC 1060-
Name 3 good areas where you can check your horse's pulse
Margin Of Jaw (Mandibular Artery), Inside Of Elbow, Underside Of Tail
Name 3 non-infectious disorders of the respiratory system that can result in impaired physical performance.
Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage, Laryngeal Hemiplegia (Roaring) & Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
I - AYHC 810-2
Name 3 possible side effects of Equine Rhinopneumonitis.
Abortion, Respiratory Disease, Paralysis
I - AYHC 610-1
Name 3 problems that can occur with dental abnormalities.
Weight Loss, Feed Conversion, Performance, Slobbering, Head Tilting, Bad Breath, Difficulty Chewing, Head Tossing, Bit Chewing, Tail Wringing
I - AYHC 405-1
Name 3 reasons the respiratory rate can increase in the horse.
Pain, Fever, Exercise, Poor Ventilation In Buildings, Hot Weather, Excitement
I - EVANS, TH2 596
Name 3 soil borne spore forming bacteria.
Tetanus, Botulism & Anthrax
I - AYHC 445-8
Name 3 things that should be done if an abortion takes place & equine rhinopneumonitis is suspected.
Put Aborted Fetus & All Membranes In Leak-Proof Container-Sent To Lab For Diagnosis; Fetus In Stall-Spray All Bedding With Phenolic Disinfectant, Removed & Burn, Clean & Disinfect Stall; Wash, Clean & Isolate Mare, Separate All Mares In Contact With Mare
I - AYHC 610-3
Name 3 things the blister beetle can cause when ingested by the horse.
Colic, Fever, Degeneration Of The Lining Of The Intestinal Tract & Urinary Tract, Death
I - EVANS, TH2 244
Name 3 types of bandages used on serious wounds.
Pressure Bandages, Robert Jones Bandage, Pillow Splint, Heavy Wrap Splinted With Broomsticks Or Pipe Splint
I - EVANS, TH2 609-6
Name 3 types of spavins in horses.
Blind (Occult), Bog, Blood, Bone (Jack)
Name 4 causes of colic.
Overfeeding, Sudden Changes In Type Of Feed, Moldy Feed, Poor Teeth That Would Interfere With Proper Chewing, Bolting Feed, Heavy Work After Large Meal, Blockage Of Intestines, Ingestion Of Sand From Feeding On Sandy Ground, Parasites
I - EVANS, TH2 605-6
Name 4 factors that can cause Developmental Orthopedic Disease in foals.
Genetics, Nutrition, Injury, Endocrine & Excessive Exercise Of Stable Foals
I - AYHC 950-7
Name 4 of the internal parts of the horse that are affected & damaged by the EIA virus.
Kidneys, Liver, Spleen, Lymph Nodes, Bone Marrow, Brain
I - AYHC 630-1
Name 4 structural deviations of the front legs.
Knock-Kneed, Bench Kneed (Offset Knee), Bowlegged, Base Wide, Base Narrow, Pigeon-Toed, Splayfooted
I - AYHC 230-4
Name 4 symptoms of Equine infectious anemia?
High Fever (104 - 108 F), Severe Depression, Depressed Appetite, Weight Loss, Weakness, Enlarged Spleen, Jaundice, Rapid Destruction Of Red Blood Cells
I - EVANS, TH2 600
Name 4 symptoms of Potomac Horse Fever.
Fever (102-107), Depression, Mild To Profuse Diarrhea, Colic, Dehydration, Loss Of Appetite, 20 - 36% Of Affected Horses Die Or Are Destroyed Because Of Serious Complications Such As Founder, Reduced Or Absent Intestinal Sounds
I - AYHC 445-7
Name 4 things that you can do for an overheated horse.
Call Vet, Spray Down With Water, Put In Shade Or Cool Stall, Use Fan, Ice Pack On Head, Give Few Swallows Of Cool Water
I - AYHC 415
Name 5 different vaccinations that should be current prior to traveling with your horse.
Eastern/Western Encephalomyelitis, Tetanus, Influenza, Rhinopneumonitis, Rabies, Potomac Horse Fever
I - AYHC 1150-
Name 5 of the symptoms of equine infectious anemia.
Sudden Fever, Rapid Weight Loss, Anemia, Depression, Weakness, Edema, No Appetite, Jaundice, Enlarged Spleen
I - AYHC 630-1
Name 5 signs of colic.
Restlessness, Sweating, Yawn, Lie Down, Increased Heart Rate, Decreased Intestinal Motility/Sounds, Pawing, Kicking/Biting At Stomach/Flank, Crouching, Rolling, Pale Gray Gums, Abdominal Pain
I - AYHC I228
Name 5 systemic unsoundnesses.
Contagious Diseases Of Any Type, Heaves, Azoturia, Roaring, Colic
I - EVANS, TH2 168
Name 5 types of colic.
Digestive Colic, Spasmodic Colic, Sand Colic, Intestinal Obstruction Or Blockage, Displacement, Excessive Fermentation,
I - EVANS, TH2 605-6
Name 5 ways that EIA can be transmitted to other horses.
Mosquitoes, Horse Flies, Deer Flies, Surgical Instruments, Through An Infected Mare's Placenta, Through Milk Of Infected Mare, Hypodermic Needles, Any Other Method Of Transferring Blood
I - AYHC 630-1
Name 6 symptoms of rabies.
Fever, Depression, Loss Of Appetite, Altered Behavior, Hyperresponsiveness To Touch, Colic, Inability To Swallow, Blindness, Hyperactivity & Convulsions
I - AYHC 445-7
Name 6 symptoms of tetanus.
Hypersensitivity To Light/Touch/Or Sound, Prolapse Of Third Eyelid (Haw), Sweating, Muscle Spasms, Flared Nostrils, Stiff Neck, Erect Ears, Stiff Gait, Fever, Elevated Heart Rate, Elevated Respiration Rate, Tail Trismus
I - AYHC 645-1
Name 6 unsoundnesses of the horse's front feet.
Contracted Heels, Corns, Navicular Disease, Laminitis (Founder), Quarter Crack, Scratches, Sidebones, Quittor, Thrush
I - EVANS, TH2 166-1
Name 8 genetic diseases caused by a single or few genes.
Cid, HYPP, Hemophilia A, Parrot Mouth, Lethal White Foal Syndrome, Cataracts, Myotonic Dystrophy, Hereditary Multiple Exostosis, Laryngeal Hemiplegia, Cerebellar Ataxia, Hydrocephalus, Umbilical Hernia, Inguinal Hernia, Connective Tissue Disease
I - AYHC 1060-
Name a disease of the horse's foot, characterized by a putrid dark or black discharge.
Name a problem that may require the use of nitrofurazone.
Treating Of Burns Or Wounds
I - EVANS, TH2 162
Name an infection that results from penetration of the white line in the horse's foot & travels under the hoof wall & breaks out & drains at the coronet band.
I - EVANS, TH2 167
Name the 2 ligaments that are injured with sesamoiditis & a curb.
Sesamoiditis-Suspensory Ligament, Curb-Plantar Ligament
I - EVANS, TH2 098
Name the 3 classifications of bowed tendons.
Low, Middle & High
I - EVANS, TH2 169
Name the 3 main goals in wound management.
Control Hemorrhage, Turn The Contaminated Wound Into A Clean One, Promote Rapid Wound Healing
I - AYHC 440-2
Name the 3 methods of diagnosing navicular disease.
Hoof Testers, X-Rays, Nerve Block
I - AYHC 540-3
Name the 5 main types of colic.
Spasmodic, Impaction, Incarceration, Displacement, Excessive Fermentation
I - AYHC 435-1
Name the bacterial disease that may cause abscessed lymph nodes under the lower jaw & in the throatlatch region.
Strangles (Distemper)
I - AYHC 615-1
Name the breed that is most affected by CIDS.
I - EVANS, TH2 508
Name the condition that is the most common cause of acute pain in the horse's abdomen.
I - EVANS, TH2 014
Name the condition where there is a lack of hair in areas where it is normally present.
I - EVANS, TH2 007
Name the debilitating condition that is a rhythmic contraction of the diaphragm that occurs in rhythm with atrial depolarization of the heart?
I - EVANS, TH2 110
Name the disease caused by streptococcus equi.
Strangles (Distemper)
I - EVANS, TH2 596
Name the disease described as the destruction of red blood cells of the foal by serum antibodies in the colostrum of the mare.
Neonatal Isoerythrolysis (Hemolytic Icterus/Hemolytic Disease)
I - EVANS, TH2 509
Name the genetic disease of foals caused by a deficiency of B & T lymphocytes.
Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome
I - EVANS, TH2 508
Name the horse disease that can be detected in seemingly healthy horses by giving them a Coggins test.
Equine Infectious Anemia
I - AYHC 630-1
Name the most common lameness in horses.
Laminitis (Founder)
I - EVANS, TH2 751
Name the most severe & the least severe diseases affecting the hoof.
Least Severe=Thrush, Most Severe=Laminitis
I - AYHC 540-1
Name the organ in the horse's body that is affected by heaves.
I - AYHC 810-3
Name the type of anemia that occurs in a newborn foal if it has a different blood type than its dam.
Neonatal Isoerythrolysis (Foal Jaundice Or Rh Factor)
Name the type of antibiotic commonly used to treat a horse with strangles?
Penicillin Or Procaine Penicillin
I - AYHC 615-1
Name the unsoundness that is manifested by a chronic, purulent, inflammatory swelling of the lateral cartilages resulting in sub-coronary abscesses.
I - EVANS, TH2 167
Name the vaccine that should be administered in 2 injections 4 - 6 weeks apart, to achieve active immunity against tetanus.
Tetanus Toxoid
I - AYHC 645-2
Name the virus that is the most common cause of respiratory disease in foals & yearlings, especially in the fall & winter months.
Equine Rhinopneumonitis
I - AYHC 610-1
Obel grade 1 through Obel grade 4 is used to describe the progression of which problem?
Founder (Laminitis)
I - AYHC 640-2
Osteochondritis, dissecans, subchondral bone cyst, physalis, acquired angular limb deformities, acquired flexural deformities & cervical vertebral malformation are all types of what?
DOD (Developmental Orthopedic Diseases)
I - AYHC 950-7
Overuse of anti-inflammatory drugs & stress may cause what problem for the horse?
Gastric Ulcers
I - EVANS, TH2 191
Paralysis of one or both of the vocal cords results in what?
I - EVANS, TH2 105
Potomac Horse Fever is a seasonal disease, with most cases occurring in which months of the year?
July, August & September
I - AYHC 445-7
Prolapse of the third eyelid is a characteristic of what equine disease?
I - EVANS, TH2 601
Scratches are more common on horses with what?
White Leg Markings
I - EVANS, TH2 167
Selenium deficiency can cause muscles to become very pale in young foals, this disease is called what?
White Muscle Disease (Muscular Dystrophy)
I - EVANS, TH2 234
Septicemia in the foal is often caused by bacteria entering the blood stream. What is the common route of the infection?
Umbilical Cord
I - EVANS, TH2 595
Sidebones are more common in horses that have what conformation defects?
Toe In Or Toe Out
I - EVANS, TH2 160
Sidebones are more common in what type of horses?
Draft Breeds
I - EVANS, TH2 160
Slow eating, progressive unthriftiness, quidding, shaking or tilting of the head, swelling of the face or jaw, draining tracts & nasal discharge maybe signs of what?
Roots Of The Cheek Teeth May Be Infected
I - AYHC 405-3
Specifically, what is anthrax caused by?
Bacillus Anthracis
I - EVANS, TH2 615
Strangles usually affects a horse between what ages?
1 - 5 Years
I - EVANS, TH2 596
Stringhalt is most easily detected by what simple test?
Backing Or Sharply Turning The Horse
I - EVANS, TH2 164
Swelling under the skin caused by leakage of blood from damaged vessels is called what?
I - AYHC 440-5
Tetanus is caused by what bacteria?
Clostridium Tetani
I - EVANS, TH2 601
The administration of tetanus antitoxin induces immediate protection & lasts for how long?
Usually 3 - 6 Weeks
I - AYHC 445-2
The blood is detoured around an obstruction in the circulatory system & nutrition is restored to the deprived area by what means?
Collateral Circulation Due To The Network Of Interconnections
The Coggins test is used in the detection of what disease of the horse?
Equine Infectious Anemia
I - AYHC 630-1
The destruction of the frog by anaerobic bacteria is called what?
I - AYHC A334
The 'golden period' for the elapsed time from injury to closure by suturing is generally considered to be how long?
About 6 Hours
I - AYHC 440-3
The lack of muscular control of the vocal cords is called what?
Roaring (Laryngeal Hemiplegia)
I - EVANS, TH2 608
The rotavirus is a highly contagious disease that causes about 90% of what type of problem in foals?
I - AYHC 950-7
The salivary glands can become the site for an acute contagious bacteria infection called what?
Strangles (Distemper)
I - EVANS, TH2 096
The submaxillary & parotid lymph nodes undergo an intense swelling which may abscess & rupture, during which disease?
Strangles (Equine Distemper)
I - EVANS, TH2 096
What 2 things should you first do if you find your horse rolling from acute abdominal pain?
Call The Vet & Walk Horse To Prevent Rolling
I - EVANS, TH2 607
What 3 vaccines should you give performance horses annually?
Tetanus, Encephalomyelitis & Rabies
I - AYHC 445-3
What are 2 abnormalities of the jawbone?
Parrot Mouth (Overshot Jaw) & Monkey Mouth (Undershot Jaw)
I - EVANS, TH2 093
What are 3 signs associated with brain lesions in the horse?
Drowsiness, Drooping Ears, Abnormal Gait, Circling
I - EVANS, TH2 600
What are 3 signs of heat stroke?
Rapid Breathing, Weakness, Incoordination & Refusal To Work
I - AYHC 410-1
What are 3 types of Developmental Orthopedic Diseases?
Osteochondritis, Dissecans, Subchondral Bone Cyst, Physalis, Acquired Angular Limb Deformities, Acquired Flexural Deformities & Cervical Vertebral Malformations
I - AYHC 950-7
What are 4 symptoms of colic?
Restlessness, Pawing, Kicking At The Belly, Getting Up & Down Frequently, Rolling, Lying On Its Back, Increased Pulse, Temperature Normal Or Up To 103, Abdominal Pain
I - EVANS, TH2 605
What are 4 types of closed wounds in horses?
Bruises, Contusions, Sprains, Muscle & Tendon Ruptures
I - AYHC 440-5
What are 4 types of spavins in horses?
Blind (Occult), Bog, Bone (Jack), Blood
What are 5 signs of a healthy horse?
Shiny Coat, Clear Eyes, Adequate Weight, Good Appetite, Plenty Of Energy, Maintained Social Status, Good Performance, Good Reproductive Abilities
I - EVANS, TH2 593
What are 6 types of open wounds in horses?
Incision, Lacerations, Tears, Punctures, Penetrating Wounds, & Abrasions
I - AYHC 440-1
What are balls of ingesta with a small object in its center called?
I - EVANS, TH2 606
What are fecaliths?
Balls Of Ingesta Containing A Small Unnatural Object (Rock Hard Mineral Accumulations In The Horse's Gut)
I - EVANS, TH2 606
What are multiple superficial scratches that do not penetrate the full thickness of the skin?
I - EVANS, TH2 608
What are radiographs?
I - AYHC 540-3
What are smaller pieces of a thrombus called that break away & are carried by the bloodstream until they obstruct a branch that is too small to accommodate them?
I - EVANS, TH2 624
What are synchronous diaphragmatic flutters commonly called?
I - EVANS, TH2 273
What are the 2 basic causes of unsoundnesses?
Congenital & Acquired
I - EVANS, TH2 157
What are the 2 classifications of soundness?
Working Soundness & Breeding Soundness
I - EVANS, TH2 157
What are the 2 distinct types of equine influenza A viruses?
A Equine 1 & A Equine 2
I - AYHC 605-1
What are the 2 most common causes of tachycardia in the horse?
Exercise & Excitement
I - EVANS, TH2 596
What are the 2 most dangerous locations for wounds in regards to hemorrhage control?
Lower Part Of Neck, (Jugular Vein, Carotid Artery) & Sides Of Pastern (Digital Arteries)
I - EVANS, TH2 609
What are the 2 types of equid herpes virus associated with rhinopneumonitis?
Equid Herpes Virus 1 & 4
I - AYHC 610-1
What are the 2 types of laminitis?
Acute & Chronic
I - AYHC 540-4
What are the 2 types of poultices & describe when to use them?
Hot Poultice-Either To Increase Blood Supply, Draw Out An Infection, Or Encourage An Abscess To Open, Cold Poultice - Decrease Inflammation
I - AYHC 440-6
What are the 3 phases of founder that can occur?
Developmental, Acute, Chronic
I - AYHC 640-1
What are the 3 types of encephalomyelitis?
Eastern, Western & Venezuelan
I - EVANS, TH2 599
What are the 3 types of equine encephalomyelitis?
Eastern, Western & Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis
I - EVANS, TH2 605
What are the 3 types of herpes viruses that cause equine rhinopneumonitis & tell which one causes the most outbreaks in the US?
Type 1, Type 2 & Type 3. Type 1 Causes The Most Outbreaks In Us
I - EVANS, TH2 598
What are the 6 vital signs of health in horses?
Temperature, Pulse, Respiration, Capillary Refill Time, Mucous Membranes, Skin Pliability
I - AYHC 425-1
What are the bacteria that cause strangles?
Streptococcus Equi
I - EVANS, TH2 596
What are unusually high levels of fat in the blood?
I - EVANS, TH2 306
What bacteria cause strangles?
Streptococcus Equi
I - AYHC 615-1
What breed is usually affected by Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis?
Quarter Horse
I - AYHC 1060-
What can result from a tear in the interosseous ligament?
I - EVANS, TH2 158-1
What can you do to prevent a foal from getting septicemia?
Treat Newborn Foal's Navel Cord With Iodine Or Other Antibacterial Medication As Soon As Possible After Birth
I - AYHC 950-5
What causes a dropped sole?
Downward Rotation Of The Coffin Bone
I - EVANS, TH2 166
What causes Potomac Horse Fever?
Rickettsia Ehrlichia
I - EVANS, TH2 602
What causes Rhinopneumonitis?
Herpes Virus
I - EVANS, TH2 615
What color would the urine be in a horse with tying-up syndrome?
Coffee Colored (Brownish Green)
I - EVANS, TH2 306
What condition can be alleviated by resting the animal, providing fresh air & elimination dust?
Heaves (COPD)
I - EVANS, TH2 607
What condition has an upper airway obstruction that often involves the larynx or the soft palate & is associated with excessive breathing noise during exercise?
Laryngeal Hemiplegia (Roaring)
I - AYHC 810-3
What condition is a dysfunction or partial paralysis of the larynx such that it does not open completely when the horse inspires?
Laryngeal Hemiplegia (Roaring)
I - AYHC 895-1
What condition is a general term used to describe a variety of digestive disorders?
I - EVANS, TH2 168
What condition is an inflammation of the bronchioles of the lungs characterized by chronic cough, increased expiratory effort & pronounced lifting of the abdomen when the horse exhales?
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
I - AYHC 810-3
What condition is caused by an anaerobic organism that causes necrosis of the tissue of the frog & a foul, blackish discharge?
I - EVANS, TH2 167
What condition is caused by an immunological response particularly to infections with leptospirosis?
Recurrent Uveitis (Moon Blindness)
I - EVANS, TH2 616
What condition is caused by an incompatibility of blood groups between a mare & foal?
Neonatal Isoerythrolysis (Jaundice Foal, Isohemolytic Icterus Or Ni)
What condition is similar to hiccups in man, & often occurs in horses during endurance rides?
I - EVANS, TH2 273
What condition is when the patella locks & causes the leg to remain in the extended position where the stifle & hocks are unable to flex?
I - EVANS, TH2 224
What condition would cause a reluctance to move & may seem stiff all over, sweating, painful breathing, muscle tremors, tense, painful muscles over the back & hips with brownish colored urine?
Tying-Up (Azoturia)
I - EVANS, TH2 611
What condition would cause arching & stretching of the neck, anxiety & the appearance of saliva or saliva mixed with feed coming from the nostrils?
I - EVANS, TH2 611
What condition would cause high fever, edema about the throat, lower neck & chest & lasts approximately 48-96 hours?
What condition would cause noise during inspiration due to damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve
I - EVANS, TH2 616
What deformity is an accumulation of fluids in the brain resulting in the crushing of the brain tissue?
I - AYHC 1060-
What disease can a horse get & pass on to humans?
Equine Encephalomyelitis (Sleeping Sickness)
I - EVANS, TH2 599
What disease is caused by a spore-forming, toxin-producing bacterium which is present in the intestinal tract & feces of humans, horses & other animals & is abundant in the soil on all horse facilities?
I - AYHC 445-2
What disease is caused by a virus closely related to the human immunodeficiency virus & is characterized by fever, anemia, jaundice, depression, edema & chronic weight loss?
EIA (Equine Infectious Anemia)
I - AYHC 630-1
What disease is often compared to athlete's foot in humans?
I - AYHC 540-1
What disease was first recognized in 1979, in the Potomac Valley of Pennsylvania?
Potomac Horse Fever
I - EVANS, TH2 602
What disease would cause maxillary, retropharyngeal & submandibular lymph nodes to abscess with the presence of streptococcus equi virus?
Strangles (Distemper)
I - AYHC 615-1
What do the initials EIPH stand for?
Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage
I - AYHC 810-2
What do the letters, EVR stand for?
Equine Viral Rhinopneumonitis
I - EVANS, TH2 598
What does a normal nasal discharge look like?
Colorless, Odorless & Slight
I - EVANS, TH2 144
What does aerobic mean?
In The Presence Of Oxygen, Oxygen Is Used In Energy Production
I - EVANS, TH2 101
What does COPD stand for?
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
I - AYHC 895-2
What does DOD stand for?
Developmental Orthopedic Disease
I - AYHC 520-3
What does EVA stand for?
Equine Viral Arteritis
I - AYHC 620-3
What does the bacteria, Streptococcus Equi cause?
Strangles (Distemper)
I - AYHC 445-6
What does the Coggins test determine?
If The Horse Is A Carrier Of Equine Infectious Anemia (Swamp Fever)
I - EVANS, TH2 601
What form of encephalomyelitis usually has the lowest mortality rate?
Western (About 20 - 30 % Die)
I - EVANS, TH2 599
What genetic disease results from a failure of the immune system to form, causing the animal to die of infection?
Cid (Combined Immunodeficiency)
I - AYHC 1060-
What genetic disease results from a failure to produce blood clotting factor causing bleeding into joints & the development of hematomas?
Hemophilia A
I - AYHC 1060-
What genetic disorder is a cloudiness of the lens of the eye, resulting in blindness?
I - AYHC 1060-
What happens in the final stage of equine encephalomyelitis?
Complete Paralysis & Death
I - EVANS, TH2 600
What happens when the lacrimal duct is plugged?
Tears From The Horse's Eye Pour Out Onto The Face
I - EVANS, TH2 129
What is "Big Head" disease caused by?
Excessive Phosphorus & Low Level Of Calcium
I - EVANS, TH2 228
What is a bony enlargement on the lower anterior surface of the hock joint that may result in limited flexion of the hock?
Bone Spavin (Jack Spavin)
I - EVANS, TH2 165
What is a chronic, purulent, deep-seated inflammatory swelling of the lateral cartilages?
I - EVANS, TH2 167
What is a clean wound caused by a very sharp object such as glass or a metal gate?
I - EVANS, TH2 608
What is a common term for cervical vertebral malformation?
I - EVANS, TH2 265
What is a condition in which cerebrospinal fluid accumulates, causing the head to enlarge & the central nervous system to be abnormal?
Hydrocephalus (Water Head)
What is a condition that affects some of the offspring produced by mating 2 overo paint horses?
Lethal White Foal Syndrome
I - AYHC 1060-
What is a condition where the hoof wall separates at the toe?
Seedy Toe
I - EVANS, TH2 168
What is a defect in form or function that interferes with the usefulness of a horse?
I - EVANS, TH2 012
What is a defect in the body wall that permits some of the abdominal viscera to protrude?
I - EVANS, TH2 429
What is a degenerative condition of the frog?
I - EVANS, TH2 602
What is a destruction of the frog by anaerobic bacteria & Usually has a foul smell & black discharge?
I - AYHC 540-1
What is a developing splint called?
Green Splint
I - EVANS, TH2 159
What is a disturbance in the circulation & bond of the sensitive laminae of the bone to the horny laminae of the hoof?
Founder Or Laminitis
I - AYHC 540-4
What is a grating movement such as would occur in broken bones?
I - EVANS, TH2 610
What is a hereditary defect in the clotting mechanism of the blood called?
I - EVANS, TH2 471
What is a lower respiratory infection located in the bronchi?
I - EVANS, TH2 110
What is a necropsy?
I - AYHC 625-3
What is a non-infectious inflammation of the sensitive laminae resulting in severe pain from circulatory congestion within the foot?
Founder (Laminitis)
I - EVANS, TH2 166
What is a particular type of stifle inflammation in which the patella locks & causes the leg to remain in an extended position?
I - EVANS, TH2 164
What is a pus pocket or an infection of the sensitive structures of the foot?
I - AYHC 540-2
What is a quittor?
A Chronic Purulent Inflammatory Swelling Of The Lateral Cartilage Resulting In Intermittent Sub Coronary Abscesses
I - EVANS, TH2 167
What is a shoe boil & what causes it?
Bursitis Or Swelling Of The Elbow Caused By An Irritation Of The Elbow Bursa Usually By The Shoe Or Hoof Of The Front Foot When Lying Down
I - EVANS, TH2 163
What is a soft distension of the inside front portion of the hock joint caused by an inflammation of the synovial membrane of the hock?
Bog Spavin
I - EVANS, TH2 165
What is a specific type of sole bruise in the heel area of the foot?
I - AYHC 540-2
What is a split in the quarter area of the hoof wall?
Quarter Crack
I - EVANS, TH2 157
What is a tumor of pigment-forming cells that is most commonly found in gray horses?
I - EVANS, TH2 514
What is a venereal disease that is characterized by pus or fluid coming from the uterus?
Contagious Equine Metritis
I - EVANS, TH2 598
What is a wound caused by a more or less pointed object such as a nail?
I - EVANS, TH2 609
What is a wound characterized by the tearing of skin to cause a loose flap?
I - EVANS, TH2 609
What is a wound that penetrates the full thickness of the skin & is caused by a less-sharp object such a barbed wire that results in both cutting & tearing of the skin?
I - EVANS, TH2 608
What is acute abdominal pain characterized by restlessness?
I - EVANS, TH2 625
What is an abrasion?
Multiple Superficial Scratches That Do Not Penetrate The Full Thickness Of The Skin
I - EVANS, TH2 608
What is an acquired physical defect that does not interfere with the usefulness of the horse but may diminish its value?
I - EVANS, TH2 157
What is an acute contagious disease caused by streptococcus equi?
Strangles (Distemper)
I - EVANS, TH2 596
What is an acute upper respiratory tract infection caused by a specific herpes virus that may cause abortions & all ages of horses are susceptible?
Equine Viral Arteritis
I - EVANS, TH2 598
What is an anesthetization of a nerve to remove feeling from the body part it supplies?
Nerve Block
I - EVANS, TH2 050
What is an atrophy of the muscles in the shoulder due to paralysis of the suprascapular nerve?
I - EVANS, TH2 163
What is an enlargement of the knee joint as a result of inflammation of the joint capsule, the bones of the carpus or the associated ligaments?
Carpitis (Popped Knee)
I - EVANS, TH2 163
What is an enlargement on the front of the cannon between the knee & the fetlock joints?
Bucked Shins
I - EVANS, TH2 159
What is an enlargement on the point of the hock usually caused by bruising?
Capped Hock
I - EVANS, TH2 159
What is an extension backward of the flexor tendon, caused by tearing or stretching?
Bowed Tendons
I - EVANS, TH2 157
What is an infection of the hoof wall by hoof digesting fungi & is comparable to onychomycosis in humans?
White Line Disease
I - AYHC 540-1
What is an infection that penetrates the white line of the sole & travels under the hoof wall between the sensitive & insensitive laminae until it abscesses at the coronet?
I - EVANS, TH2 167
What is an inflammation of the epiphysial cartilage plate of the long bones?
I - EVANS, TH2 163
What is an inflammation of the growth plate of the long bone that results in a firm & painful swelling?
I - EVANS, TH2 163
What is an inflammation of the membranes that surround the lungs?
I - EVANS, TH2 111
What is an inflammation of the periosteum on the anterior surface of the fetlock joint that may lead to periostitis & bony growths?
I - EVANS, TH2 161
What is an inflammation of the proximal sesamoid bones due to a tearing at the insertion of the suspensory ligament?
I - EVANS, TH2 161
What is an inflammation similar to poll evil except that it affects the bursa at the withers?
Fistula Of The Withers
I - EVANS, TH2 168
What is an infrequently encountered neurologic disease of horses which results when horses are bitten by infected wildlife?
I - AYHC 445-7
What is an 'inversion'?
When The Respiration Rate Of The Horse Is Higher Than The Pulse Rate
I - AYHC B115
What is an ossification of the lateral cartilage resulting from injuries that cause calcium to accumulate & harden?
I - EVANS, TH2 157
What is another name for an intravascular clot?
I - EVANS, TH2 624
What is another name for an occult spavin?
Blind Spavin
I - EVANS, TH2 166
What is another name for classical morbid anatomists?
I - EVANS, TH2 625
What is another name for equine distemper?
I - EVANS, TH2 096
What is another name for equine infectious anemia or EIA?
Swamp Fever
I - EVANS, TH2 600
What is another name for equine periodic ophthalmia?
Moon Blindness Or Recurrent Uveitis
I - EVANS, TH2 521
What is another name for equine spinal ataxia?
I - EVANS, TH2 491
What is another name for foal septicemia?
Navel Ill
I - EVANS, TH2 557
What is another name for laryngeal hemiplegia?
I - EVANS, TH2 608
What is another name for lockjaw?
I - EVANS, TH2 601
What is another name for Lyme disease in horses?
I - AYHC 655-1
What is another name for myositis?
Azoturia Or Tying Up Syndrome
I - EVANS, TH2 616
What is another name for popped knee?
I - EVANS, TH2 163
What is another name for stifle lameness?
I - EVANS, TH2 164
What is another name for summer sores?
Swamp Cancer
I - EVANS, TH2 645
What is another name for synchronous diaphragmatic flutters?
I - EVANS, TH2 110
What is another name for the growth plates at the ends of long bones?
Epiphyseal Plates
I - EVANS, TH2 163
What is another name for upward fixation of the patella?
I - EVANS, TH2 164
What is another term for grease heel?
I - EVANS, TH2 228
What is another term for nosebleed?
I - EVANS, TH2 465
What is any inflammation of the periosteum?
I - EVANS, TH2 159
What is any inflammation or swelling of the soft tissue of the hock?
Bog Spavin
I - EVANS, TH2 159
What is any injury to the navicular bone of the front foot called?
Navicular Disease
I - EVANS, TH2 162
What is asymptomatic?
No Symptoms Of A Disease Even Though Disease Is Present
I - AYHC 625-1
What is Bastard Strangles?
Presence Of Streptococcus Equi At Locations Other Than The Submandibular (Lower Jaw) Or Throatlatch Areas
I - AYHC 615-2
What is bradycardia?
Slow Heart Beat
I - EVANS, TH2 594
What is coagulopathy?
Blood Clot Formation
I - AYHC 640-1
What is colic?
General Term Indicating Abdominal Pain
I - EVANS, TH2 605
What is conjunctivitis?
An Irritation Of The Eye
I - EVANS, TH2 168
What is enteritis?
Inflammation Of The Intestines
I - EVANS, TH2 557
What is enterotoxemia?
Over Eating Disease
I - EVANS, TH2 305
What is epiphysitis?
Inflammation Of The Epiphyseal Cartilage Plate (Growth Plates) Of The Long Bones
I - EVANS, TH2 163
What is epistaxis?
Nose Bleeding
I - EVANS, TH2 244
What is excessive tearing or watering of the eyes called?
I - EVANS, TH2 238
What is exostosis of the pastern bone in the form of a raised bony ridge usually parallel to the coronary band?
I - EVANS, TH2 160
What is hemarthrosis?
Blood In Joints
I - AYHC 1060-
What is hypoxia?
Lack Of Oxygen
I - AYHC 950-8
What is incoordination & paddling of the hind feet due to degeneration of the spinal column & overgrowth of the articular processes that is usually found in young horses?
I - EVANS, TH2 516
What is influenza caused by?
I - EVANS, TH2 597
What is it called when fluid accumulates below the knee & hocks after long periods of standing?
Stocking Up (Leg Edema, Stagnation Edema)
I - EVANS, TH2 707
What is it called when there is bleeding from the lungs?
Pulmonary Hemorrhage
I - EVANS, TH2 111
What is more critical: heat exhaustion or heat stroke?
Heat Stroke
I - AYHC 410-1
What is navicular disease?
Inflammation Of The Navicular Bone, Navicular Bursa Or Degenerative Changes In The Navicular Bone, Bursa & Deep Flexor Tendon
What is one of the most common defects of the front limbs & at what age does is usually occur?
Splints & Under 6 Years Old
I - EVANS, TH2 159
What is osteochondrosis?
Improper Maturation Of Cartilage Into Bone
I - EVANS, TH2 265
What is pathogenicity?
Proportion Of Animals Exposed To A Virus That Will Develop The Disease
I - AYHC 625-3
What is recurrent equine uveitis?
Moon-Blindness Or Periodic Ophthalmia
I - EVANS, TH2 242
What is roaring caused by?
Damage To Laryngeal Nerve
I - EVANS, TH2 608
What is sesamoiditis?
Inflammation Of The Proximal Sesamoid Bones
I - EVANS, TH2 161
What is the agar gel-immunodiffusion test that is used to diagnose EIA?
Coggins Test
I - EVANS, TH2 601
What is the best way to control a hemorrhage?
Apply A Pressure Bandage
I - EVANS, TH2 609
What is the cause of head pressing?
High Levels Of Ammonia In The Blood That Causes Brain Damage
I - EVANS, TH2 226
What is the cause of the most complicated & life threatening form of colic?
Ingestion Of Excessive Grains Which Distends The Stomach
I - AYHC 435-2
What is the condition called where the lower jaw is shorter than the upper jaw?
Parrot Mouth Or Overshot Jaw
I - EVANS, TH2 144
What is the condition where the frog is narrow & shrunken & the heels of the foot are pulled together?
Contracted Heels
I - EVANS, TH2 167
What is the condition where there is paralysis of the muscles which move cartilage in the larynx resulting in noise production in the throat with exercise & exercise intolerance?
Laryngeal Hemiplegia (Roaring)
I - AYHC 1060-
What is the destruction of the frog by anaerobic bacteria called?
I - AYHC 540-1
What is the difference between articular periostitis & periarticular periostitis?
Articular Involves The Joint & There Is No Joint Involvement In Periarticular
I - EVANS, TH2 160
What is the difference between myopia & hypermetropia?
Both Are Defects That Cause The Image Seen By The Eye To Appear Incorrectly By The Retina. Nearsighted & Farsighted
I - EVANS, TH2 123
What is the difference between tachycardia & bradycardia?
Tachycardia Is Rapid Heartbeat & Bradycardia Is Slow Heartbeat
I - EVANS, TH2 594
What is the difference between the categories of 'true colic' & 'false colic'?
Symptoms Are The Same But True Colic Has Intestinal Blockage
I - AYHC 635-1
What is the disease of Quarter horses that is characterized by intermittent attacks of muscle weakness, disorientation, tremors or convulsions?
I - AYHC 1060-
What is the disease that results from potent toxins produced by the soil-borne spore-forming bacterium, Clostridium botulinum?
I - AYHC 445-8
What is the excessive breathing noise during exercise caused by upper airway obstruction?
I - AYHC 810-3
What is the general term indicating abdominal pain?
I - EVANS, TH2 565
What is the general term that indicates abdominal pain in horses?
I - EVANS, TH2 605
What is the laboratory blood test for the presence of antibodies against the Equine Infectious Anemia virus?
Coggins Test
What is the major cause of corns?
Leaving A Short Heeled Shoe On Too Long
I - AYHC A334
What is the medical term that means the study of blood?
I - EVANS, TH2 035
What is the more common term for borreliosis?
Lyme Disease
I - AYHC 655-1
What is the more common term for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease?
I - EVANS, TH2 607
What is the more common term for ileocolonic aganglionosis?
Lethal White Foal Syndrome
I - AYHC 1060-
What is the more common term for laryngeal hemiplegia?
I - AYHC 810-3
What is the most common cause of colic?
I - EVANS, TH2 606
What is the most common cause of impactions?
Blockage Of Intestines By Normal Ingesta
I - AYHC 435-1
What is the most common cause of tooth infections?
Decomposition Of Feed Trapped In The Infundibula
I - AYHC 405-3
What is the most common example of incarceration colic?
Strangulating Hernia
I - AYHC 435-1
What is the most common medical emergency in horses?
I - AYHC 435-3
What is the most common term for metastatic abscessation, which occurs in the lungs, mesentery, liver, spleen & kidneys & is a complication of strangles?
Bastard Strangles
I - AYHC 615-2
What is the most common vector for transmission of equine encephalomyelitis?
I - AYHC 625-1
What is the most complicated & life threatening form of excessive fermentation colic?
Gastric Dilation
I - AYHC 435-2
What is the most likely disease if a horse has a fever, whitish discharge from nostrils & swollen lymph nodes especially around the jaws?
Strangles (Distemper)
I - EVANS, TH2 596
What is the most noticeable symptom of strangles?
Swelling Of The Lymph Nodes
I - EVANS, TH2 596
What is the most potent biological toxin known?
Botulism Toxin
I - AYHC 445-8
What is the most widely used treatment for EIPH?
The Diuretic, Lasix
I - AYHC 810-2
What is the name given to pain in the area of the navicular bone & may involve inflammation of the navicular bursa, ligament sprains, cartilage or tendon destruction & bone changes?
Navicular Disease
I - AYHC 540-3
What is the name of the condition in which there is an unusually high level of fat in the blood?
I - EVANS, TH2 306
What is the normal capillary refill time?
2 Seconds Or Less
I - AYHC 425-2
What is the only breed to have CID (combined immunodeficiency)?
I - AYHC 508
What is the presence of streptococcus equi abscesses at locations other than the submandibular or throatlatch areas?
Bastard Strangles
I - AYHC 615-2
What is the primary vector of encephalomyelitis?
I - EVANS, TH2 599
What is the prominent ridge of abdominal muscle that is seen as a nearly straight line from high in the flank diagonally forward & down & is commonly found in horses suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?
Heave Line
I - EVANS, TH2 607
What is the roll placed around the horse's pastern to prevent capped elbow or shoe boils?
I - EVANS, TH2 025
What is the scientific name for overheating?
I - AYHC 410-1
What is the scientific name for wind sucking?
I - AYHC 425-6
What is the technical term for heaves?
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
I - EVANS, TH2 607
What is the term for a defect in form or function that interferes with the usefulness of the horse?
I - EVANS, TH2 012
What is the term for a soft, fluid-filled enlargement in the hollow on the outside of the hock?
I - EVANS, TH2 165
What is the term for eating of unnatural material?
I - EVANS, TH2 606
What is the term for overeating disease?
I - EVANS, TH2 305
What is the term for telescoping of the intestines?
I - EVANS, TH2 696
What is the term for the examination performed on sale horses by the buyer's veterinarian prior to the sales final approval?
Pre-Purchase Exam
I - EVANS, TH2 811
What is the term for the inability of the lungs to provide sufficient gas exchange during high intensity exercise?
Arterial Hypoxemia
I - AYHC 810-2
What is the term for toxins released by dying bacteria?
I - AYHC 435-5
What is the term used when EVR (equine viral rhinopneumonitis) causes a high percentage of mares on one farm to abort?
Abortion Storm
I - EVANS, TH2 598
What is the test used to detect equine infectious anemia?
Coggins Test
I - EVANS, TH2 601
What is the time period from injury to closure after which suturing of a wound would do little good?
Generally 6 Hours
I - AYHC 440-3
What is the usual cause of a Sweeney?
Usually Caused By A Direct Injury To The Point Of Shoulder & Subsequent Damage To The Nerve
What is the visual symptom of exercise induced pulmonary hemorrhage?
I - EVANS, TH2 465
What is thrush compared to in humans?
Athlete's Foot
I - AYHC 540-1
What is thrush?
Degenerative Condition Of The Frog: Black Discharge & Offensive Odor Are Signs Of Thrush & Frog May Be Eroded & Lameness May Occur In Some Cases
I - EVANS, TH2 602
What is toxemia?
Toxic Substances In The Blood
I - EVANS, TH2 594
What is usually the mildest & most common type of colic?
Spasmodic Colic (Although It Can Be Severe)
I - AYHC 435-1
What ligament attaches to the back of the cannon bone just below the knee, travels downward & splits above the sesamoid bones with each part connecting to a sesamoid bone?
Suspensory Ligament
I - EVANS, TH2 161-1
What medical term describes abnormal growth of the periosteum?
I - EVANS, TH2 090
What part of the horse becomes inflamed when founder attacks?
I - EVANS, TH2 166
What problem can cause a horse the shorten his stride, go up on his toes, have increased tendency to stumble & results from any injury to the distal sesamoid bone?
Navicular Disease
I - EVANS, TH2 162
What problem is compared to nail or bone bruises in humans?
Sole Bruises
I - AYHC 540-1
What problem would be suspected if your horse's back cannon area was sore to the touch, hot, swelling & had a tendency to flex the knee in order to raise the heel & relieve pressure?
Bowed Tendon
I - EVANS, TH2 160
What term describes a disturbance in the circulation & bond of sensitive laminae to the hoof & is usually caused by gastrointestinal disturbances?
Laminitis (Founder)
I - AYHC 640-1
What term describes a failure to produce blood clotting factor, bleeding into joints & the development of hematomas?
Hemophilia A
I - AYHC 1060-
What term describes a preventative injection of bacteria or viruses that have been modified or inactivated, to protect the horse against certain diseases?
I - AYHC 445-1
What term describes accumulation of fluid within compartments of the brain, resulting in crushing of normal brain tissue?
I - AYHC 1060-
What term describes an inflammation of the stifle joint?
I - EVANS, TH2 164
What term describes cloudiness of the lens of the eye resulting in blindness?
I - AYHC 1060-
What term describes degeneration of specific cells in the part of the brain called the cerebellum which results in incoordination?
Cerebellar Ataxia
I - AYHC 1060-
What term describes eating of unnatural material?
Allotriophagy (Pica)
I - EVANS, TH2 606
What term describes openings in the body wall at the navel that does not close normally, resulting in the presence of a sack into which intestines may fall?
Umbilical Hernia
I - AYHC 1060-
What term describes pain relieving drugs?
I - EVANS, TH2 607
What term describes the defect in movement of sodium & potassium in & out of muscle, causing the animal to have intermittent attacks of muscle weakness, tremors & collapse?
I - AYHC 1060-
What term describes the openings through which the testicles descend into the scrotum is too large & intestines can escape into the scrotum, sometimes causing colic?
Inguinal Hernia
I - AYHC 1060-
What term describes the surgical removal of damaged tissue?
I - EVANS, TH2 610
What term describes when a loop of intestine has become entrapped within a structure in the abdominal cavity?
Incarceration Colic
I - AYHC 435
What term describes when a portion of intestine has become twisted or caught in an abnormal position?
Displacement Colic
I - AYHC 445
What term is not a disease in itself but is clinical signs & symptoms of abdominal pain?
I - AYHC 635-1
What term is used to grade the severity of lameness in horses?
Obel Grade
I - AYHC 640-2
What term means to give an animal (usually by injection) protection or immunity from a specific disease?
I - AYHC 110-5
What term refers to defects in form or function that interfere with the usefulness of the horse?
I - EVANS, TH2 156
What terms describe the minor & major changes to a virus causing disease & why are they important?
Minor Changes-Antigenic Drift, Major Changes-Antigenic Shift. Important Because They Affect The Efficiency Of Vaccines Against The Disease
I - AYHC 605-1
What type of bandage would be used to control the hemorrhage from squirting vessels of a large size or large quantities of bleeding from damage to numerous smaller vessels?
Pressure Bandage
I - EVANS, TH2 609
What type of colic is a blockage of the intestinal tract with normal ingesta or with foreign material?
Impaction Colic
I - AYHC 435-1
What type of colic is caused by a loop intestine becoming entrapped within a normal or abnormal structure within the abdominal cavity?
Incarceration Colic
I - AYHC 435-1
What type of colic is caused by a portion of the intestine becoming twisted or caught in an abnormal position?
Displacement Colic
I - AYHC 435-2
What type of colic is caused by microbial digestion in the horse's digestive tract producing great quantities of gas & fluid?
Excessive Fermentation Colic
I - AYHC 435-2
What type of colic is similar to simple indigestion in people?
Spasmodic Colic
I - AYHC 435-1
What type of equine animal is more apt to develop hyperlipemia or high cholesterol & high triglycerides?
Ponies That Are Too Fat
I - EVANS, TH2 306
What type of Equine Encephalomyelitis has the lowest mortality rate?
I - AYHC 625-3
What type of wound has clean straight edges & often bleeds quite freely?
Incised Wound (Incision)
I - AYHC 440-1
What type of wound is a very superficial skin wound resulting from rubbing or scraping against an irritant surface?
I - AYHC 440-2
What type of wound is characterized by a small skin opening with soft-tissue penetration to a variable depth?
Puncture Wound
I - AYHC 440-1
What type of wound is characterized by swelling, heat & pain at the site of injury & discolorations of the overlying skin?
I - AYHC 440-5
What type of wound, that enters into one of the body cavities, such as the thorax or abdomen, is very serious & may or may not injure internal organs?
Penetrating Wound
I - AYHC 440-2
What types of bones have epiphyseal plates on their ends?
Long Bones
I - EVANS, TH2 163
What virus causes rhinopneumonitis?
I - EVANS, TH2 598
What would a brownish-green urine color indicate?
I - AYHC 425-2
When a horse is seriously wounded what should be done until the vet arrives?
Stop The Hemorrhage & Keep The Wound Clean
I - EVANS, TH2 609
When do the first signs of tying up appear?
About 15 - 30 Minutes After Exercise Begins
I - EVANS, TH2 611
When one hip is lower than the other, when viewed from the rear, because of the fracture of the point of hip on the one side, it is called what?
Knocked Down Hip
I - EVANS, TH2 164
When referring to the process of a disease, what does 'acute' mean?
Symptoms Appear Quite Suddenly
I - EVANS, TH2 297
When referring to vital signs, what does the term inversion mean?
Situation Where A Horse's Respiration Rate Is Higher Than Its Pulse Rate (Very Dangerous)
I - AYHC 425-1
When using a stomach tube, death can occur if fluids are accidentally passed into what?
The Lungs
I - EVANS, TH2 105-1
When you are taking the vital signs of a horse, what does TRP refer to?
Temperature, Pulse & Respiration
I - AYHC 425-1
Where are the 3 primary locations in the US where Lyme disease is found?
Northeast (From Massachusetts To Maryland), Midwest (Wisconsin & Minnesota), Northwest (California & Oregon)
I - AYHC 655-1
Where is septicemia frequently located?
In The Joints
I - EVANS, TH2 595
Where is the inflammation when a horse has pleurisy?
In The Membranes Surrounding The Lungs
I - EVANS, TH2 111
Where on the horse are most bites located that are caused by rabid animals?
Muzzle, Face & Lower Legs
I - AYHC 445-7
Where would you find conjunctivitis?
In The Eye
I - EVANS, TH2 168
Where would you find osselets?
Fetlock Joint
I - EVANS, TH2 161
Which condition is similar to a severe blood blister under a human fingernail?
Founder (Laminitis)
I - AYHC 540-4
Which condition needs immediate medical attention---when the horse's respiration rate is higher that its pulse or when its respiration rate is lower than its pulse?
Respiration Rate Is Higher Than Pulse
I - AYHC 425-1
Which disease affects many systems, primarily the skin, joints, nervous system & heart & is caused by the bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi?
Lyme Disease
I - AYHC 655-1
Which disease is a serious & rapidly fatal disease caused by rapid multiplication & spread of the bacterium, Bacillus anthracis in the body after ingestion of soil-borne spores of the organism?
I - AYHC 445-8
Which disease which causes early embryonic death or abortion in pregnant mares, flu-like signs, fever, edematous swelling of the eyelids, face, limbs, trunk & genital areas of the horse?
Equine Viral Arteritis (Eva)
I - AYHC 445-8
Which disorder is considered to be a wound disease?
I - AYHC 645-1
Which genetic disease results from a failure to form certain types of nerves in the intestinal tract causing foals to die of colic within several days after birth?
Lethal White Foal Syndrome
I - AYHC 1060-
Which insect transmits Borreliosis (Lyme disease)?
I - AYHC 655-1
Which of the equid herpes virus is also called equine abortion virus & in addition to causing abortion also causes respiratory disease & occasional paralysis?
Equid Herpes Virus 1
I - AYHC 610-1
Which of the equid herpes virus is the most common cause of respiratory disease or 'snots' observed among foals & yearlings during the fall & winter months?
Equid Herpes Virus 4
I - AYHC 610-1
Which teeth are most commonly infected?
Premolars & First Molars
I - AYHC 405-3
Which type of colic is considered to be the mildest & most common?
I - AYHC 435-1
Which viral respiratory disease in horses can also cause abortion?
Equine Viral Rhinopneumonitis
I - EVANS, TH2 598
White muscle disease in young foals is caused by a deficiency of what trace mineral?
I - EVANS, TH2 234
Why might horses who recover from equine encephalomyelitis be useless?
They Often Suffer Permanent Brain Damage
I - EVANS, TH2 599
Why shouldn't a colicky horse that is having trouble urinating be given a diuretic?
Could Cause Dehydration
I - AYHC 635-4
Why shouldn't the umbilical cord be cut off too soon after birth?
The Foal Would Be Deprived Of Substantial Quantities Of Blood
I - EVANS, TH2 595
A horse with tying-up syndrome will behave in what way?
He Will Be Stiff And Won't Want To Move
I - Plate 17
Abnormal accumulations of gas in the intestine results in what health problem?
Distension Colic
I - Plate 55
An atrophy of a supraspinate and infraspinate muscles is commonly referred to by what term?
A Sweeney
I - Plate 22
Complete ossification of the cartilages of the distal phalanx is called what?
I - Plate 12
List 2 ways to prevent tying-up syndrome.
Better Conditioning, Less Strenuous Exercise, More Water For The Horse, And Extra Electrolytes
I - Plate 17
List 3 causes of thrush
Dirty, Damp Stables Or Paddocks, Inadequate Cleaning Of The Hoof, Improper Shoeing, Improper Trimming
I - Plate 24
List 4 conditions believed to cause or aggravate navicular disease?
Demanding Work, Upright Conformation Of The Foot, Small Feet, Improper Shoeing, Or Exercise On A Hard Surface
I - Plate 27
Most bowed tendons occur specifically, in what tendon?
Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon
I - Plate 19
Name the three structures affected by navicular disease.
Navicular Bone, Navicular Bursa, Overlying Deep Digital Flexor Tendon
I - Plate 27
Name two common symptoms of navicular disease.
Off And On Lameness, Shifting And Pointing Of The Forefeet
I - Plate 27
Palmar deviation of the carpus is better known by what term?
Calf Knee
I - Plate 11
Progressive degeneration of the navicular bone results in what?
Navicular Disease
I - Plate 12
What does the term "nerving" refer to?
Cutting A Palmar Digital Nerve To Relieve Pain
I - Plate 22
What is a "nerve block" and when is it used?
Local Anesthesia Performed For Surgery Or To Diagnose A Site Of Pain
I - Plate 22
What is a chronic infection of the frog where there is dark, foul smelling dead tissue in the central and collateral grooves?
I - Plate 24
What is a swelling of the subcutaneous bursa over the calcaneal tuber?
Capped Hock
I - Plate 32
What is an infection of the cranial nuchal bursa?
Poll Evil
I - Plate 20
What is an inflammation and thickening of the long plantar ligament?
I - Plate 32
What is an inflammation of the distal intertarsal, tarsometatarsal and sometimes the proximal intertarsal joints and surrounding bones resulting in bone formation?
Bone Spavin
I - Plate 32
What is the common term used to describe a thickening caused by inflammation of a flexor tendon?
Bowed Tendon
I - Plate 19
What is the common treatment for a horse with tying-up syndrome?
Either Oral Or Iv Electrolytes (Salts) And Glucose (Simple Sugars)
I - Plate 17
What is the definition of myositis?
Inflammation Of The Muscles
I - Plate 16
What is the name for a swelling of the tarsocrural joint capsule?
Bog Spavin
I - Plate 32
What is the name of the bacterium usually present in affected thrush tissue?
Fusobacterium Necrophorum
I - Plate 24
What is the swelling of the palmar recess of the fetlock joint?
I - Plate 14
What is the term for a distended vein that shows swelling and is often confused with a bog spavin?
Blood Spavin
I - Plate 38
What is the term used to describe an infection in the supraspinous bursa?
Fistulous Of The Withers
I - Plate 20
What is viral and streptococcal infection called?
Strangles (Distemper)
I - Plate 47
When blood is shunted away from small arteries in the dermal laminae, what can result?
Laminitis (Founder)
I - Plate 25
Which of the following types of horses would be most likely to develop a windpuff: pregnant mares, stall bound horse, hard working horse or pleasure horse?
Hard Working Horse
I - Plate 14
A foal suffering from convulsive syndromes caused by a lack of oxygen at birth is called what?
Wanderer Foal (Dummy Foal, Barking Foal)
I - 287
A hemostatic agent is used to check or stop what?
Flow Of Blood
I - 138
A horse with moderate to severe heaves may have a heave line, where is this found?
Along The Abdomen On Both Sides
I - 137
A knotting and twisting of the intestines that causes an obstruction and colic is called what?
I - 285
A localized, contagious inflammation of the soft tissues of the mouth and the formation of blisters is called what?
Vesicular Stomatitis
I - 282
A prophet's thumb is a muscular depression of unknown origins, name 2 places where they may occur on the horse.
Neck, Shoulder Or Hips
I - 221
A Robert Jones bandage is used to support an injury to what part of the horse?
Leg Injuries
I - 235
A toxin produced or found outside of the bacterial cell is what?
I - 101
Abdominal pain due to a build up of sand in the large intestine, causing partial or complete blockage is called what?
Sand Colic
I - 239
An arthroscope is used to examine what type of body part?
I - 15
An inflammation of the seminal vesicle of the male horse is called what?
I - 282
Changes in feed or allergic reactions can cause which small swellings under the skin to appear suddenly over large parts of the body?
I - 140
Define abscess.
Localized Accumulation Of Pus From By Disintegration Of Tissues
I - 1
Define the term poultice?
A Moist, Mealy Mass Applied Hot To A Sore Or Inflamed Part Of The Body
I - 219
Define the term, putrid.
Something That Is Rotten Or Decomposed
I - 224
Define ventral.
On Or Located Toward The Lower Or Bottom Surface
I - 282
Describe a clinical diagnosis.
Diagnosis Based On Signs Or Symptoms
I - 59
Describe a horse that is in respiratory distress.
Horse That Is Having Difficulty Breathing
I - 232
Describe an acute inflammatory response.
Swelling Due To A Recently Acquired Bruise Or Injury
I - 3
Describe stringhalt.
Sudden Spasmodic Involuntary Jerking & Excessive Flexion Of One Or Both Hocks Upward When The Horse Is Moving
I - 258
Describe the appearance of a horse with swan neck.
Downward Arch Of Upper And Lower Sides Of The Neck
I - 260
Describe the wound, abrasion.
Wearing Away Of Hair And Top Layer Of Skin That Was Caused By Friction
I - 1
Dialysis is the removal of waste products from what?
I - 80
Diseases or unsoundnesses that have no outwardly visible symptoms and are difficult to detect with the naked eye are described as what?
I - 194
Fecaliths can cause what condition?
I - 105
Fungus found in hay and straw may be responsible for what condition?
Bronchitis, Pulmonary Emphysema (Broken Wind)
I - 116
Give the general name for inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the nasal passages.
I - 233
Give the name for inflammation of the hip joint.
I - 71
Give the name for inflammation of the membrane lining the joint cavity.
I - 261
Give the name for the surgical cutting of a tendon.
I - 265
Horses with an immunodeficiency disorder are more susceptible to what?
Infections Or Disease (Since They Have A Deficiency Of Antibody Response)
I - 149
How do borborygmus help to diagnose spasmodic and impaction colic?
Borborygmus (Gut Sounds) Are Increased In Cases Of Spasmodic Colic, And Decreased In Cases Of Impaction Colic.
I - 35
How do sedatives act to reduce excitement levels?
Reduce Activity Of The Brain
I - 241
How does a horse develop immunity to diseases?
Antibodies Are Manufactured By The Body Either From Having The Disease Or From Being Vaccinated
I - 149
How is "bastard strangles" different from other forms of strangles?
It Affects Tissues In The Whole Body Instead Of Only The Lymph Nodes Of The Head & Can Be Fatal.
I - 25
If a horse has the hobdaying operation to remove paralyzed vocal cords curing him of respiratory afflictions, what is the only side affect?
The Horse Can No Longer Whinny
I - 140
If you wanted to anesthetize your horse, what would you be doing?
Causing Them To Lose The Sensation Of Pain With Or Without Losing Consciousness
I - 11
If your horse has glossitis, which part of his body is inflamed?
The Tongue
I - 122
In regards to medical terms, what do the initials, AGID stand for?
Agar Gel Immunodiffusion Test
I - 5
In severe cases, what condition is characterized by a brownish color of urine?
Exertional Myopathy, Azoturia, Tying Up, Exertional Rhabdomyolysis, Paralytic Myoglobinuria, Monday Morning Disease, Blackwater
I - 101
In the abdomen, what is a fibrous attachment abnormally joining 2 adjacent tissues or organs?
I - 4
Is equine distemper a viral or bacterial infection?
I - 98
Leukemia is a form of cancer where there are increased numbers of what types of blood cells?
White Blood Cells
I - 168
Name 2 astringents.
Tannic Acid, Alum, Zinc Oxide, Zinc Sulphate
I - 17
Name 3 common areas to take the horse's pulse.
Inner Side Of The Jaw, Inside The Elbow Of The Foreleg, Back Of The Fetlock Joint
I - 223
Name 3 effects caused by administering amphetamine to a horse.
Stimulates The Central Nervous System, Increases Blood Pressure, Reduces Appetite, Reduces Nasal Congestion
I - 10
Name 3 symptoms of bronchial pneumonia.
Fever, Difficulty Breathing, Nasal Discharge, Depression, Dull Eyes, Coughing, Rasping/Cracking Sound In The Horse's Rib Cage.
I - 40
Name 3 things that could cause a slow capillary refill time.
Low Blood Pressure, Shock, Dehydration, Anemia, Loss Of Blood
I - 47
Name 4 causes of a bowed tendon.
Poor Conformation, Poor Shoeing, Overstretching, Improper Conditioning, Over Work Or Accidents
I - 36
Name a bone disease caused by lack of vitamin D, calcium, or phosphorus.
I - 234
Name a chronic wound of the heel or rear quarter of the hoof that intermittently discharges pus above the coronet.
I - 226
Name a disease that a mosquito can transmit.
Equine Infectious Anemia (Swamp Fever), Equine Encephalomyelitis, West Niles
I - 182
Name a physical defect that can cause navicular disease.
Excessively Straight Pasterns And Small Feet
I - 188
Name an anti-inflammatory hormone related to similar natural hormones produced by the adrenal glands.
I - 69
Name term for the lack of feeling or emotion.
I - 13
Name the antibody used for the purpose of temporarily immunizing against tetanus with only short term protection.
Tetanus Antitoxin
I - 266
Name the chronic abnormal growth of new bone in the lateral part of the fetlock joint.
True Osselet
I - 275
Name the document from a veterinarian stating that a horse was sound and free from any contagious disease at the time of examination?
Health Certificate
I - 136
Name the form of epilepsy which causes a sudden loss of consciousness & is followed by convulsions.
Grand Mal
I - 124
Name the general type of drugs that reduce the activity of the brain & as a result cause a reduction in the excitement level of the horse.
I - 241
Name the process of tissue becoming hardened by a deposit of calcium.
I - 45
Name the term for a complete lack of development of tissue or organ.
I - 13
Name the type of agent used in the treatment of wounds or disease that prevents growth & development of germs or bacteria.
I - 13
Name the vaccine for prolonged protection against tetanus.
Tetanus Toxoid
I - 266
Name the viral upper respiratory infection of young horses that can cause abortion & paralysis in pregnant mares & is characterized by inflammation of the nasal & pulmonary mucous membranes.
I - 233
Name the yellowish discoloration of mucous membranes and skin which can signal liver problems.
I - 157
Periodic ophthalmia is a recurring inflammatory disease of what?
I - 208
Peritonitis affects which area of the horse?
Membrane Lining The Abdominal Cavity
I - 209
Poor ventilation, high humidity, and high environmental temperature can cause which two hyperthermia conditions?
Heat Exhaustion And Heat Stroke
I - 137
Pulmonary edema is the accumulation of fluid in what part of the body?
I - 222
Rectal palpation is a procedure that can be used to diagnose what 2 conditions?
Pregnancy, Colic, Abdominal Disease
I - 230
Specifically which organ of the horse is damaged by aflatoxicosis, which are toxins that are produced by mold growing on its feed?
I - 4
The bacterial infection, brucellosis, can be found in what two sores on the horse's body?
In A Fistula Of The Withers Or A Poll Evil.
I - 41
To destroy disease producing bacteria; in and about the premises and make conditions unfavorable for their development is known as what?
I - 82
What are 2 symptoms that occur when a horse has brittle hooves?
Abnormally Dry & Fragile Hoof Walls
I - 39
What are bacterins used for?
Used As Vaccines To Stimulate The Production Of Antibodies
I - 21
What are distensions of the synovial sheath between the suspensory ligament & the cannon bone or the synovial sheath between the long pastern & middle inferior sesamoid ligament?
Wind Puffs (Wind Galls, Road Puffs)
I - 294
What are drugs that cause contraction of infected areas such as tannic acid or alum?
I - 17
What are growth rings that are close together at the front of the hoof, widely separated at the heels & caused by laminitis?
Founder Rings
I - 113
What are soft, puffy swellings about the size of a hickory nut located on or above the fetlocks on either front or hind legs?
Wind Puffs (Road Puffs, Wind Galls)
I - 235
What are suspensions of bacteria that have been killed by heat or chemicals that are used as a vaccine to stimulate the production of antibodies?
I - 21
What are the 2 major characteristics of the Colitis X disorder?
Fever & Diarrhea
I - 61
What are the bony enlargements on both sides of the face below the eyes caused by a deficiency of calcium or an excess of phosphorus in the diet?
Big Head
I - 28
What are the salts given to a horse to offset the buildup of acid salts in the body, which can occur if an unfit or malnourished horse is overworked?
Alkaline Salts
I - 6
What can anodynes be used for?
To Relieve Or Eliminate Pain
I - 11
What can be found in the center of fecaliths?
Small Objects Such As Wood
I - 105
What condition has a fluid accumulation in the tissues of the leg, which is the result of an insufficiency of the muscular activity needed to "pump" excess tissue fluid back into circulation?
Leg Edema (Stocking Up)
I - 166
What condition is caused by the rupture of some alveoli which results in abnormal distention & inability to empty the lungs of air?
Pulmonary Emphysema (Broken Wind, Heaves)
I - 222
What condition is circulatory collapse due to the release of toxins from bacteria in the body?
Toxic Shock
I - 271
What condition is marked by contracted neck muscles, producing a twisting of the neck & unnatural position of the head?
I - 271
What does a rhinovirus cause?
Colds And Other Upper Respiratory Ailments
I - 233
What does a tranquilizer do for your horse?
Produces A Quieting Or Calming Effect Without Changing The Level Of Consciousness
I - 273
What does cancellous mean?
Spongy Bone Tissue
I - 46
What does cauterizing do?
Burns Away Unhealthy Tissue
I - 53
What does ossify mean?
To Become Bone
I - 197
What does purulent mean?
Consisting Of, Full Of, Forming Or Discharging Pus
I - 223
What does the term aerophagia mean?
Spasmodic Swallowing Of Air. Followed By The Belching Of Air From The Stomach
I - 4
What does the term halitosis mean?
Bad Breath
I - 128
What does the term hematuria mean?
Blood In The Urine
I - 137
What does the term idiopathy mean?
Illness Of Unknown Causes
I - 149
What happens to a horse suffering from hypogonadism?
It Has Retarded Growth & Sexual Development Due To An Abnormally Decreased Activity Of The Gonads.
I - 147
What infectious disease results from ingesting a spore called Bacillus anthracis?
I - 12
What is a benign fatty tumor caused by localized fat tissue accumulation?
I - 169
What is a bolus?
Rounded Mass Of Food Or Medicine Given Orally Or A Large Pill
I - 34
What is a bucked shin?
An Inflammation On The Front Side Of The Cannon Bone.
I - 42
What is a cannula?
A Tube Inserted In To A Body Cavity To Transfuse Or Draw Off Fluid
I - 46
What is a carcass?
A Dead Animal Body
I - 48
What is a catheter?
A Long Thin Flexible Tube For Withdrawing Fluids
I - 51
What is a collection of usually clotted blood caused by a break in the wall of a blood vessel?
Blood Blister
I - 32
What is a common name for pneumonia & originates from the sound in the chest that accompanies breathing?
I - 229
What is a common skin condition that can resemble ulcerated warts & may be caused by a virus?
I - 240
What is a condition involving the atrophy or shrinking of the muscles of the shoulders due to a nerve injury?
I - 260
What is a condition of tissue characterized by pain, heat, redness, swelling, and various exudations as a reaction to injury?
I - 151
What is a condition often caused by the bacteria, Brucella & is located on the withers?
Fistulous Withers (Fistula Of The Withers)
I - 108
What is a crusted, infectious skin inflammation that lifts the hair & removes it at its roots that is caused when small amounts of moisture fall on a dirty, neglected coat?
Rain Rot
I - 228
What is a developmental deformity that occurs when a foal grows extremely fast, causing the bones to lengthen faster than the tendons?
Contracted Tendon
I - 265
What is a disease-fighting substance produced by the body in response to the presence of an antigen?
I - 12
What is a drug eruption?
Allergic Skin Reaction To Drugs, Usually In The Form Of Hives.
I - 86
What is a drug or other substance that kills bacteria called?
Antibacterial Or Antibiotic
I - 12
What is a drug used to control or destroy bacteria, fungi and other infectious organisms?
Antibiotic Or Antibacterial
I - 12
What is a drug used to suppress a histamine which results in limiting the body's response to injury or allergies?
I - 12
What is a fairly severe front limb tendon strain in which the flexor tendons bulge instead of being straight & parallel to the cannon bone & is usually caused by poor conformation, poor shoeing, overstretching, improper conditioning, overwork or accidents
Bowed Tendon
I - 36
What is a form of distemper that affects tissues in the whole body instead of only the lymph nodes of the head & may be fatal?
Bastard Strangles
I - 25
What is a general term for a benign, narrow based tumor growing from the membrane lining a body cavity?
I - 217
What is a general term for a blood filled sac formed by abnormal dilation of the wall of an artery, a vein or the heart?
I - 11
What is a general term for a horny tumor on the inner surface of the wall of a horse's hoof?
I - 161
What is a hypersensitivity to a particular substance such as food, pollen or dust that may cause physical reactions such as sneezing, respiratory problem or wheals?
I - 7
What is a liquid inflammation product made up of dead white blood cells & cellular fluids as a result of wound infection?
I - 223
What is a liquid injection into the rectum?
I - 92
What is a localized accumulation of pus formed by disintegration of tissues?
I - 1
What is a localized thickening of the outer layer of skin due to friction or pressure?
I - 46
What is a loud, unnatural noise made when breathing & is caused by paralysis of the vocal cords?
I - 235
What is a malignant tumor made up of a substance similar to embryonic connective tissue?
I - 240
What is a marked protrusion of the lower jaw & is the scientific term for monkey mouth?
I - 221
What is a method for giving liquid medication to horses by pouring it down its throat from a bottle?
I - 85
What is a method of using an electric needle to insert into an injured area, commonly the cannon area, to induce healing at the site that produces scar tissue?
Pin Firing
I - 212
What is a minor conformation fault, either occurring congenitally or caused by an injury, but does not interfere with the horse's usefulness?
I - 30
What is a permanent mark on the skin of the horse as a result of an injury or damage such as a wire cut or surgical incision?
I - 240
What is a person who is trained to treat diseases or afflictions of animals medically & surgically?
I - 282
What is a photosensitization occurring on the nostrils?
Blue Nose
I - 33
What is a proteinaceous material called antivenin used for?
Treatment Of Poisoning Caused By Animal Venom
I - 13
What is a Robert Jones bandage?
Dense, Thick Multi-Layered Bandage With Wood Or Metal Splints To Restrain & Support An Injured Leg
I - 235
What is a rounded mass of food or medicine given orally?
I - 34
What is a salt solution similar in composition to serum & can be used as an intravenous fluid or to flush wounds?
I - 239
What is a semi-solidified mass of blood?
I - 59
What is a sharply elevated, irregularly shaped, enlarging scar?
I - 160
What is a skin irritation & hair loss caused by a fungal infection on horses that are exposed to the environment without shelter or protection?
Rain Scald
I - 228
What is a substance that inhibits the chemical addition of oxygen to another substance?
I - 13
What is a substance that the immune system recognizes as foreign and reacts to it by producing an antibody?
I - 12
What is a sudden blocking of an artery by a clot or foreign material carried by the blood?
I - 91
What is a surgical removal & examination of living tissue as an aid to precise diagnosis?
I - 28
What is a suspension of attenuated or killed microorganisms administered for the prevention of treatment of infectious diseases?
I - 281
What is a syringe-like device used to give large pills to horses?
Balling Gun
I - 22
What is a test in which the affected leg is held acutely flexed for about 2 minutes, then released immediately before the horse is trotted used in the detection of lameness?
Spavin Test
I - 251
What is a toxin?
Poisonous Substance Produced By A Living Organism
I - 271
What is a tumor comprised of melanin-pigmented cells?
I - 178
What is a tumor containing different types of materials such as hair or tooth tissue?
Dentigerous Cyst (Ear Fistula Or Conchal)
I - 79
What is a type of colic or abdominal pain caused by low gut motility, obstruction or constipation?
I - 150
What is an abnormal collection of blood in body tissue due to a blood vessel injury?
I - 137
What is an abnormal heart sound that can be heard by listening to the heart with a stethoscope?
Cardiac Murmur
I - 48
What is an abnormal passageway or tube extending between 2 organs or draining an internal organ to the outside surface of the body & is also an inflamed swelling of the wither region?
I - 108
What is an abrasion or erosion of the outermost covering of the eye; usually due to trauma or infection?
Corneal Ulcer
I - 69
What is an accumulation of fluid under the skin that leaves an indentation after firm finger pressure?
Pitting Edema
I - 213
What is an acquired immunity produced by administration of pre-formed antibodies?
Passive Immunity
I - 205
What is an acute or chronic infectious disease caused by the bacterium, Malleomyces mallei, characterized by fever, cough, nasal discharge & ulcers?
I - 120
What is an acute, contagious form of conjunctivitis in which the eyeball & the lining of the eyelid becomes red & inflamed?
Pink Eye
I - 212
What is an agent that counteracts or suppresses the inflammatory response?
I - 12
What is an agent that relieves muscle spasms?
I - 13
What is an anabolic steroid used for?
Increases Muscle Mass
I - 10
What is an anabolic steroid?
Hormone That Increases Muscle Mass
I - 10
What is an analgesic?
Drug That Relieves Pain Without Causing A Loss Of Consciousness
I - 10
What is an animal that possesses a recessive gene or the organism of a disease without showing signs of the condition?
I - 49
What is an antidote used for?
To Counteract A Poison
I - 12
What is an antispasmodic?
Agent That Relieves Muscle Spasms
I - 13
What is an arrhythmia?
Any Variation From The Normal Heart Beat
I - 15
What is an elevation of body temperature above the normal?
I - 106
What is an enlargement of the saphenous vein on the inside of the hock?
Blood Spavin
I - 33
What is an esophageal stricture?
Narrowed Section In The Esophagus, Usually Due To Scarring After Choking, Esophageal Surgery, Or Esophagitis
I - 99
What is an impaired intestinal absorption of nutrients?
I - 174
What is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, often marked by fever, coughing & difficult breathing?
I - 40
What is an inflammation of the soft tissue surrounding the proximal sesamoid bones caused by strain, nutritional imbalances or injury?
I - 242
What is an inflammation of the spinal cord called?
I - 184
What is an instrument for compressing a blood vessel by applying pressure around an extremity to control the circulation & prevent the flow of blood to or from the distal area?
I - 271
What is an oily, soapy or alcoholic liquid preparation used on the skin and applied with friction for the temporary relief of sore muscles & swollen areas?
I - 169
What is an organic poison, usually a protein produced by a living organism?
I - 271
What is an overstretching or overexertion of some part of the musculature?
I - 257
What is anhidrosis?
Abnormal Deficiency Of Sweat (Inability To Sweat)
I - 11
What is another name for ammonia poisoning?
Nitrate Poisoning
I - 10
What is another name for eating unnatural material?
Allotriophagy Or Pica
I - 7
What is another term for autopsy?
I - 189
What is another term for blocked anus?
Anal Atresia
I - 10
What is another term for dislocation?
I - 172
What is another term for hyperthermia?
Heat Exhaustion Or Heat Stroke
I - 137
What is another term for nitrate poisoning?
Ammonia Poisoning
I - 10
What is another term for scours?
I - 240
What is another term for vertigo?
I - 282
What is another term of equine piroplasmosis?
Texas Fever
I - 213
What is any compound that destroys the ability of the blood to clot?
I - 12
What is any disease caused by a fungus called?
I - 184
What is any loss of transparency of the lens of the eye or its capsule?
I - 51
What is any non-specific inflammation of the outer most layer of skin?
I - 89
What is any substance that is used to check or stop the flow of blood?
Hemostatic Agent
I - 138
What is bute used for?
An Anti-Inflammatory Agent
I - 43
What is cryosurgery?
Selective Destruction Of Tissue By Extreme Cold
I - 74
What is diazepam?
Tranquilizer And Anticonvulsant Used In Horses; Also Known As Valium
I - 80
What is distention?
The State Of Being Swollen Or Enlarged From Internal Pressure
I - 82
What is duodenitis?
Inflammation Of The Duodenum
I - 86
What is dwarfism?
Hormone Imbalance That Results In A Decreased Body Size
I - 86
What is enzootic?
Disease Present In An Animal Community At All Times But Occurring Only In A Small Number Of Cases
I - 97
What is exudate of a wound?
Discharge Of Fluid And Tissue Material From A Wound Or Incision
I - 101
What is general type of bandage is applied tightly over inflammation to provide pressure to the area and reduce swelling?
Compression Bandage
I - 63
What is hemiplegia?
Paralysis On One Side Of The Body
I - 137
What is horse liniment used for?
It Is Used On The Muscles And Swollen Areas As A Counterirritant For Temporary Relief Due To Overexertion Or Fatigue, Sprains, Bruises & Other Inflammations.
I - 143
What is hydrotherapy?
Application Of Water In Any Form Internally Or Externally In Treating Disease Or Illness Or To Use The Massaging Action Of Water
I - 146
What is hydrothorax?
It Is A Collection Of Watery Fluid In The Space Between The Lungs And Rib Cage.
I - 146
What is hypercalcemia?
Excess Of Calcium In The Blood.
I - 146
What is hyperostosis?
Abnormal Enlargement Of A Bone
I - 146
What is hypoxia?
Low Oxygen Content In Inspired Air, Blood Or Tissues.
I - 148
What is inflammation of the lungs due to food or other material entering the lungs through the trachea can be associated with choking, esophageal structures and bottle feeding of foals?
Aspiration Pneumonia
I - 16
What is isoxsuprine?
Drug Used In The Treatment Of Navicular Disease In An Attempt To Increase Circulation To The Navicular Bone
I - 156
What is it called when the immune system fails to function normally?
I - 150
What is located at the inside of the hock and is also known as a blood spavin?
Varicose Vein
I - 281
What is myopia?
Being Nearsighted
I - 186
What is narcolepsy?
Recurrent, Uncontrollable Brief Episodes Of Sleep
I - 187
What is necropsy?
Examination Of An Animals Body After Death (Autopsy)
I - 189
What is nephritis?
Inflammation Of The Kidneys
I - 189
What is one of the three common names for shigellosis?
Joint Ill, Navel Ill Or Sleepy Foal Disease
I - 243
What is orchitis?
Inflammation Of The Testes
I - 197
What is otitis?
Inflammation Of The Ear
I - 198
What is prednisone used for?
Reduce Inflammation
I - 219
What is similar to fainting in humans, is a loss in balance & can be due to defective circulation, worms, digestion or brain problems?
I - 178
What is the abnormal condition of the flexor tendons at the back of the leg preventing normal extension of the fetlock and/or coffin joint?
Contracted Tendons
I - 68
What is the animal equivalent to the word meaning epidemic for humans?
I - 98
What is the application of an agent to the skin to produce inflammation & blistering of the skin used to treat chronic or subacute inflammation of the joints, tendons & bones & increases circulation to the site?
I - 32
What is the branch of medicine dealing with the eye?
I - 196
What is the cause of sweet itch?
Allergic Reaction By Some Horses To Pasture Plants
I - 260
What is the common name for mechanical failure of the hooves caused by extreme concussion, resulting in laminitis?
Road Founder
I - 235
What is the common name for the tranquilizer, acetyl promazine?
Ace (Or Acepromazine)
I - 2
What is the common term for asphyxiation?
I - 16
What is the common term for onchocerca?
Summer Sores
I - 195
What is the common term for prognathism?
Monkey Mouth (Undershot Jaw)
I - 221
What is the common term for septicemia?
Blood Poisoning (A General Infection Of The Blood)
I - 33
What is the condition of partial blood circulation failure due to injury, blood loss, infection, allergy, reaction to drugs with symptoms including pale mucous membranes, cold & clammy skin, decreased blood pressure & slow breathing?
I - 244
What is the condition where a foal is born with no anal opening which usually causes death due to the inability to remove any waste products of digestion?
Anal Atresia
I - 10
What is the congenital defect that is a protrusion of contents of the abdomen through an opening in the muscle, forming a swelling or lump in the area of the navel?
Umbilical Hernia
I - 278
What is the cutting of a nerve to eliminate pain reception from the body part that it supplies?
Nerving Or Neurectomy
I - 190
What is the death of tissue, usually due to loss of blood supply?
I - 118
What is the difference between aerobe and anaerobe?
Aerobe Is A Microorganism That Can Live And Grow In The Presence Of Oxygen And Anaerobe Can Grow Without Oxygen
I - 4 & 10
What is the difference between heat exhaustion and heat stroke?
They Are Caused By The Same Situations But Heat Stroke Is More Serious, Sweating Usually Stops, And Heat Stroke Is Often Fatal
I - 137
What is the distension due to the presence of gas or air as in the abdomen or guttural pouch?
I - 277
What is the fluid portion of blood taken from healthy horses that have been immunized against common infectious agents that are sterilized & packaged for use in treating antibody deficiencies?
Normal Horse Serum
I - 191
What is the formation of an artificial opening into the trachea to keep a horse from suffocating in an emergency?
I - 272
What is the general name of an artificially produced drug similar to a natural hormone which controls inflammation?
I - 255
What is the general name of the antibody that neutralizes toxin from bacteria?
I - 13
What is the general name of the fluid that is extracted from blood that has one or more specific antibodies and can be given to another animal to provide immediate, though short-term protection?
I - 13
What is the general term for a benign tumor of fibrous tissue?
I - 107
What is the general term for an abnormal closed cavity or sac lined by epithelium, particularly one that contains a liquid or semi-solid substance?
I - 76
What is the general term for an agent that increases the secretion of water in the urine?
I - 82
What is the general term for an agent that is burning, corrosive and destructive to living tissue?
I - 53
What is the general term for an inflammation of the tendon sheath called?
Tendosynovitis Or Tenosynovitis
I - 265
What is the general term for an inflammation of the tendons and tendon-muscle attachments?
I - 265
What is the general term for the return of a disease after it has apparently ceased?
I - 231
What is the general term used to describe any disease of the muscle?
I - 186
What is the general term used when a condition or illness becomes progressively worse and usually results in death?
I - 174
What is the generic name for an odorless white anti-inflammatory powder used in the treatment of joint, bone & muscle injuries or disorders also called bute?
I - 211
What is the horse called that has a nasal hemorrhage caused from a ruptured throat vein or bleeding from the lungs following a workout or race?
I - 30
What is the introduction of a vaccine or disease-producing organism into the body?
Inoculate (Vaccinate)
I - 152
What is the lubricant for boluses and capsules, used to treat some cases of colic?
Mineral Oil
I - 180
What is the meaning of anoxia?
Lack Of Oxygen
I - 12
What is the meaning of apnea?
Cessation Of Breathing
I - 14
What is the medical procedure that introduces whole blood or a blood component directly into the blood stream?
I - 273
What is the medical term for a stitch used to seal a wound?
I - 260
What is the medical term for accumulation of fluid in the horse's lungs that impairs the absorption of oxygen by the blood?
Pulmonary Edema
I - 222
What is the method of testing that begins by grasping a fold of skin & pulling it away from the horse's neck, then releasing it & recording the amount of time it takes for the skin to return to its original shape?
Skin Pinch Test
I - 246
What is the most common cause of blindness in the horse & is also called moon blindness?
Periodic Ophthalmia
I - 208
What is the name for the highest dilution of a serum that causes clumping of bacteria or other particulate antigens?
Agglutination Titer
I - 5
What is the name for the time interval between exposure to an infectious agent and appearance of the first sign or symptom of the disease in question?
Incubation Period
I - 151
What is the name of the procedure of withdrawing fluid through a needle from the abdominal cavity, usually during pregnancy?
I - 1
What is the noise made by the ends of a fractured bone rubbing together; a sound like that made by rubbing the hair between fingers?
I - 72
What is the period during which a horse must be isolated from other horses to determine whether the horse has a particular disease or to prevent the spread of any disease to other horses?
I - 225
What is the period of development of an infectious disease from the time the disease-producing organism enters the body until signs of disease appear?
I - 151
What is the process of removing foreign material and contaminated or dead tissue when treating wounds?
I - 78
What is the purpose of an analgesic?
To Temporarily Relieve Pain Without Causing Unconsciousness
I - 10
What is the purpose of giving 'barium' to a horse?
It Is A Dye, Given To A Horse By Mouth, To Outline The Intestines And Stomach On Radiographs.
I - 23
What is the scientific name for gut sounds?
I - 35
What is the scientific name for the formation or discharge of pus?
Suppuration (Purulent)
I - 259
What is the scientific term for grinding of teeth?
I - 41
What is the scientific term for hives?
I - 280
What is the severe allergic reaction to a foreign protein or drug that results in a state of shock?
I - 10
What is the study of cells suspended in fluid and obtained from the body by aspiration through a fine needle?
I - 76
What is the substance released from the damaged cells in azoturia & turns the urine a coffee color?
I - 185
What is the surgical removal of part of the vas deferens to prevent conception?
I - 281
What is the technical name for the procedure used for the Coggins test?
Agar Gel Immunodiffusion Test
I - 4
What is the term for a 2nd or subsequent dose of vaccine?
I - 34
What is the term for a carrier of disease such as flies or mosquitoes?
I - 281
What is the term for a depraved appetite; prone to eat dirt, wood, hair, bones & etc?
Pica (Allotriophagy)
I - 211
What is the term for a medicinal compound enclosed in a gelatin capsule and administered to an animal with a balling gun?
Ball (Medicine Pill, Bolus)
I - 22
What is the term for a rare occurrence in horses that develop a second toe on one foot?
I - 217
What is the term for a small chip of bone enclosed in the joint capsule?
Joint Mouse
I - 158
What is the term for a virus that has been taken from its natural state & raised in a laboratory where it has lost its disease-causing abilities which make it valuable as a vaccine?
Modified Live Virus
I - 181
What is the term for abnormal accumulation of greenish & yellowish bile pigments in tissue?
I - 149
What is the term for an extra substance that is added to a prescription to increase the effect of the main ingredient?
I - 4
What is the term for an inflammation of the testes?
I - 197
What is the term for degeneration and inflammation of one or more joints due to joint weakness or excessive wear?
I - 197
What is the term for inflammation of a bone?
I - 197
What is the term for inflammation of the mucous membrane linings the mouth?
I - 257
What is the term for inflammation of the trachea?
I - 272
What is the term for poisoning due to eating oak leaves or green acorns that can cause severe intestinal & kidney damage & often results in death?
Acorn Poisoning
I - 3
What is the term for salts given to the horse to counteract the buildup of alkaline salts in the horse which can occur in hot weather or during strenuous exercise?
Acid Salt
I - 2
What is the term for spasmodic swallowing of air followed by the belching of air from the stomach?
I - 4
What is the term for the body stiffness or rigidity that occurs soon after death as a result of coagulation of cell proteins?
Rigor Mortis
I - 234
What is the term for the destruction of tissue by the application of extreme cold such as when used in the treatment of sarcoids, etc.?
I - 74
What is the term for the examination of an animal's body after death?
Necropsy (Autopsy)
I - 189
What is the term for the presence of disease-causing organisms, bacteria, virus, fungus or protozoa?
I - 151
What is the term for the production of antibodies against the body's own tissues resulting in disease?
Autoimmune Disease
I - 18
What is the term for the time required for normal blood flow & color to return to an area of the gums after the application of pressure?
Capillary Refill Time
I - 47
What is the term for the transfer of disease from one organ or part of the body to another not directly connected to it?
I - 179
What is the term for treating a disease and relieving pain by piercing parts of the body with needles & is a technique developed by the ancient Chinese?
I - 3
What is the term that describes the ultramicroscopic bundle of genetic material capable of multiplying only in living cells that causes a wide range of diseases such as rabies?
I - 283
What is the term used for a bone fracture due to some disease?
Pathological Fracture
I - 206
What is the term used to describe a substance that is poisonous or destructive to nerve tissue?
I - 190
What is the term used to describe hormones that control inflammation but contain no steroids?
I - 191
What is the term used to describe the formation of an insoluble fibrin clot?
I - 60
What is the trade name for furosemide which is a drug having a strong prompt short-lived diuretic action & is sometimes used to prevent bleeders in race horses?
I - 164
What is the transfer of existing antibodies from one animal to another?
Passive Transfer
I - 205
What is the washing out of a cavity or wound with a stream of fluid?
I - 165
What is used for immunization & is a portion of bacterial toxin that has no toxicity but still retains the ability to stimulate production of antitoxins when injected?
I - 271
What might you use an "expectorant" for?
Promoting Ejection By Coughing Up Of Mucus Or Other Fluids From The Lungs & Trachea
I - 101
What operation consists of removing paralyzed vocal cords to cure horses with afflictions in their respiratory organs?
Hobdayed Or Hobdaying
I - 140
What operation is performed to prevent cribbing?
Forssell's Operation
I - 113
What organism causes Potomac Horse Fever?
I - 89
What organ's mucous membrane linings are inflamed if a horse has stomatitis?
I - 257
What plant is the medication Digitalis derived from?
Foxglove Plant
I - 81
What term applies to having 2 sides or pertaining to both sides?
I - 28
What term describes a lack of appetite?
I - 11
What term describes a line or depression that appears in the muscles on the hindquarters of a horse & may be due to underfeeding, poor conformation or internal parasite infestation?
Poverty Line
I - 219
What term describes a sore on the skin caused by the rubbing of a saddle or harness which may result in white hair spots?
I - 117
What term describes a wasting away of a body part of tissue?
I - 17
What term describes an easy or painless death or mercy killing?
I - 100
What term describes an illness arising from unknown causes?
I - 149
What term describes an inflammation of the skin?
I - 79
What term describes an inflammation of the stomach?
I - 118
What term describes anything pertaining to blood vessels?
I - 281
What term describes anything that requires air or free oxygen to live & grow?
I - 4
What term describes difficulty in breathing?
I - 87
What term describes excess granulation tissue rising out of & above the edges of a wound, forming a raw exposed mound which delays healing?
Proud Flesh
I - 222
What term describes excessive reaction of unpigmented areas of the skin to direct sunlight, resulting in inflammation?
I - 211
What term describes immobilization & fusion of a joint due to disease, injury, or surgical procedure?
I - 11
What term describes the act of feeling with the hand?
I - 202
What term describes the applying a hot iron or needle to a blemish or unsoundness as a treatment?
I - 108
What term describes the bony growth on the inner aspect of a horse's knee or on the lateral aspect of the fetlock?
I - 197
What term describes the lack of hair in areas where it is normally present?
I - 7
What term is marked by severe abdominal pain and has inflammation of the lining of the abdominal cavity?
I - 209
What term is used for an inflammation of a sinus?
I - 246
What term is used to describe any widely diffused & rapidly spreading disease of animals that attacks many animals in any region at the same time?
I - 98
What term means after death?
I - 218
What term means following birth?
Postpartum (Post Parturient)
I - 219
What term refers to the failure to develop a portion of the colon in a foal causing the foal to become colicky and die within 3 -4 days?
Atresia Coli
I - 17
What type of fracture causes a break in the skin from the broken bone?
Compound Fracture
I - 63
What type of fracture is most commonly seen in young horses training at high speeds on dirt surfaces & is incomplete micro-fractures on the front surface of the cannon bone?
Stress Fracture (Fatigue Fracture)
I - 257
What type of fracture is when a bone of the lower extremity breaks due to repeated stress?
March Fracture
I - 175
What type of problem is caused by adenoviruses?
Upper Respiratory Problems
I - 3
What type of treatment uses small amounts of an agent or a product of a disease to treat or prevent the disease?
I - 141
What type of wound is a blood blister?
I - 32
What type of wound is a cut produced by a surgeon's scalpel?
I - 150
When referring to an infection or disease, what does the term "acute" mean?
Short And Relatively Severe Course Of Development; Opposite Of Chronic
I - 3
When would one use the skin pinch test?
To Test For Dehydration
I - 246
Where are warts usually found on young horses?
Around The Head
I - 287
Where is cutaneous papillomatosis usually found?
Equine Warts Most Commonly Found On The Nose And Lips
I - 75
Where is the location of a blood spavin?
Inside Of The Hock, Immediately Above The Location Of The Bog Spavin.
I - 33
Where on the hock would you find a bog spavin?
In The Natural Depression On The Inside And Front Of The Hock.
I - 34
Which age of horse will usually suffer from atresia coli or atresia ani?
Newborn Foals (Also Accept Fetus)
I - 17
Which contagious disease is marked by lymph gland swelling, genital inflammation & paralysis of the hind limbs & is spread by sexual contact?
I - 84
Which disease was first recognized in 1979 that causes fever, severe diarrhea, laminitis & possibly death & is caused by Ehrlichia Risticii?
Potomac Horse Fever
I - 219
Which eye disease is marked by an increase in pressure inside the eye that causes changes in the optic disk and vision?
I - 122
Which is the general term for a substance capable of inducing an allergy or hypersensitivity?
I - 6
Which organic chemical has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial & analgesic properties & is able to pass readily through the skin?
DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide)
I - 81
Which sex of horse is most likely to develop cystitis?
Female Or Mares
I - 76
Which type of treatment can reduce the recent swelling or the size of a bruise?
Apply Cold Therapy To Affect Area
I - 3
Which wide spread contagious disease is characterized by a mucopurulent inflammation of the respiratory mucous membranes especially common among young horses & is caused by Streptococcus bacterium?
Strangles Or Distemper
I - 82
Why would an oral antibiotic called tetracycline cause diarrhea in a horse?
Changes The Resident Bacteria In The Intestinal Tract
I - 12
Why would you use an antipruritic substance?
It Relieves Or Removes Any Problems Of Itching And Scratching
I - 13
A bacterial or fungal skin infection occurring as a result of standing in moist dirty bedding is known as what?
Grease Heel, Grease Scratches, Or Mud Fever
I - FCH p. 178
A diet for horses that meets the desired criteria for liver disease is one consisting of one half of what grain?
Milo Or Corn
I - FCH p. 296
A horse suffering from diarrhea should always have what type of feed readily available?
High Quality Forage
I - FCH p. 293
A horse suffering from liver disease should be feed how often per day?
3-6 Times Per Day
I - FCH p. 296
A pituitary tumor causing excessive corticosteroid secretion results in what syndrome commonly found in older horses?
I - FCH p. 191
A vaccination program, at minimum, should include what two injections?
Tetanus Toxoid And Encephalomyelitis
I - FCH p. 166
At what body temperature is death imminent for a horse?
106 Degrees Or Higher
I - FCH p. 210
Carpitis & carpal bone fractures are unique to horses involved in what type of training or competition?
Sprint To Middle Distance Training & Competition
I - FCH p. 218
Describe when to use cold therapy for an injury & name 2 types of injury to use in on.
Its Best The First 24 -48 Hours To Decrease Swelling, Hematoma Formation, Inflammation And Pain
I - FCH p. 215
Exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage is thought to occur from previous damage to the lungs from a respiratory disease. What anatomical defect can also predisposed a horse to EIPH?
Horses That Have A Narrow Width Between The Jaws Within The Throatlatch
I - FCH p. 208
Explain is the condition anhidrosis?
Decreased Ability To Sweat In Response To Overheating
I - FCH p. 211
Give 3 symptoms of an injury to the horse's croup muscles.
The Horse Is Stiff And Drags It Toes, Takes Short Strides
I - FCH p. 216
Heaves, asthma, COPD and broken wind are most commonly caused by a hyper-sensitivity or allergy to what?
Fungal Spores In Hay Or Bedding, But Occasionally To Summer Grass Pollen
I - FCH p. 291
Horses affected with heaves should be fed what as a substitute to hay?
Pasture Forage, Hay Cubes, Pellets, Acid Treated Hay, Haylage Or Silage.
I - FCH p. 292
How can feed intake be encouraged in a horse that is reluctant to eat due to illness?
Feeding Small Amounts Frequently; Removing Feed That Remains Uneaten More Than 2 Hours; Offering A Variety Of Fresh Feeds (E.G. Leafy Alfalfa, Green Grass, Grains, Sweet Feeds, Bran Mash, Fresh Fruit And Vegetables)
I - FCH p. 290
How can oral vices, such as voluntary consumption of dirt or sand, be decreased?
Providing Exercise, Companionship And Decreasing Confinement
I - FCH p. 294
How can you prevent a pulled muscle or muscle-tendon strain?
Horse Isn't Fit Or Warmed Up Properly Or The Horse Doesn't Slow Down When He Is Fatigued
I - FCH p. 216
How do you prevent hypocalcemic tetany?
Avoid Prolonged Exertion And Sweating, Don't Feed A Diet High In Calcium (Alfalfa Hay) For At Least 2-3 Weeks Before Endurance Type Activity, Foaling Or Lactation
I - FCH p. 213
How do you treat a horse with hypocalcemic tetany?
Administer Intravenously Calcium, Magnesium And Dextrose-Containing Solutions And Analgesics. Electrolytes And Water Should Also Be Given
I - FCH p. 213
How do you treat a horse with severe exhaustion or fatigue?
If Oral Fluids Show No Improvement They Should Be Given Intravenously
I - FCH p. 214
How does ultrasound therapy work for an injured horse?
Ultrasound Cause Vibrations Causing A Deep Heating Effect Without Increasing Skin Temperature, Ultrasound Has Been Reported To Increase The Healing Rate Of Skin, Muscle, Ligaments, Tendons And Bone
I - FCH p. 216
How is hyperlipemia treated?
Providing Nutrition Adequate To Meet The Animal's Caloric Requirements With A Low-Fat Diet. Tube Feeding Is Necessary As Affected Horses Won't Eat.
I - FCH p. 235
How is ringworm easily spread?
When Brushes, Combs, Or Tack Are Shared Among Affected Animals
I - FCH p. 166
How is sand diarrhea treated?
By Preventing Additional Sand Ingestion And Administering Soluble Fiber Bulk Inducing Agents To Increase Fecal Passage Of Ingested Sand And Feeding Primarily A Forage Diet
I - FCH p. 293
How would a horse get a muscle-tendon strain or pulled muscle?
I - FCH p. 216
If a horse affected with heaves must be fed hay, what should be done to it before it is fed to the horse?
It Should Be Soaked In Water For At Least 5 Minutes Before Feeding It To The Horse
I - FCH p. 292
If a horse is diagnosed with intestinal calculi, what is typically the only treatment?
I - FCH p. 294
If it is painful for the horse to eat due to lesions in the mouth, what should the horse be fed?
Green Grass Or A Feed Mash
I - FCH p. 290
If you horse has hypocalcemic tetany, why is it difficult to administer a stomach tube?
Loss Of Saliva
I - FCH p. 213
In general, what 2 things can be checked to see if your horse is suffering from exhaustion or fatigue?
Checking The Temperature, Heart Rate And Respiratory Rate 10 Minutes After Exercise Stopped The Temperature Should Be Less Than 102 Degrees And The Heart Rate Is Greater Than 70 And The Respiratory Rate Is One-Half The Heart Rate
I - FCH p. 214
In healthy horses, infectious organism defense ability and immunity decrease as soon as how many days without food?
5 Days
I - FCH p. 289
In order to avoid the further spread of disease, people who work with diseased or exposed horses should do what two things?
Not Handle Other Horses On A Farm; Disinfect Themselves And Change Clothes
I - FCH p. 165
In the horse, how can suspected EIPH be confirmed?
By Endoscopic Observation Of The Airways Half Hour To Several Hours After Exercise Or Microscopic Examination Of The Fluid Aspirated From The Trachea
I - FCH p. 208
Initial signs of the neurotropic rhabdovirus could include what?
Fever; Personality Changes; Facial Spasms; Lameness; Incoordination; Colic; Urinary Incontinence; Depression; Stupor
I - FCH p. 174
List 5 common signs of aging.
Graying Of Hair Around Eyes/Temples/Nostrils; Sunken Eye Hollows; Swaying Of Back; Drooping Of Lower Lip; Changes In Teeth; Prominence Of Back Bone And Polls
I - FCH p. 191
Name 2 additional nutritional needs of a horse with anhidrosis.
Have Good Quality Water And Loose Salt Available At All Times, Add Loose Salt To Feed, Their Total Diet Should Consist Of At Least One-Half Of Forage
I - FCH p. 211
Name 3 good treatments for tendon and ligament injuries.
Stall Rest With Hand Walking, Cold Water Therapy, Application Of Ice And Poultices, And Inflammation Of Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
I - FCH p. 217
Name 3 long term effects of anhidrosis.
Poor Performance, Dry & Sparse Hair Coat, Excessive Skin Scaling, Decreased Appetite
I - FCH p. 211
Name 3 steps in the treatment of bucked shins.
Cold Therapy 2-3 Days, Anti-Inflammatory Drugs For 1-2 Weeks, Controlled Exercise Until Soreness Is Gone About 1-6 Months
I - FCH p. 217
Name 3 things heat therapy do for an injured horse if applied within the first 48 hours?
Increases Circulation And Metabolic Rate, Enhances Healing, And Resorption Of Swelling
I - FCH p. 215
Name 3 things that can be done to prevent heat stroke.
Keep Horse Physically Fit, Acclimatized, Moderate Body Condition, Body Clipping, Forages Make Up At Least One-Half Of Diet, Giving And Encouraging Water
I - FCH p. 210
Name 4 bone stress injuries.
Bucked Shins, Fractures Of The 1St Phalanx, 3Rd Metacarpal Bone, Fractures Of The Splint Bones, Carpitis Or Carpal (Knee) Bone Fractures
I - FCH p. 217-218
Name 4 of the early signs of fatigue or exhaustion.
A Slight Change Of Gait And Or Breathing, Sleepiness Or Glassiness Of The Eyes, Droopy Ears, Capillary Refill Of 2 Seconds Or More, Heart Rate Is Delayed By 2-3 Minutes, Loosening Of Stool Or Absent Gut Sounds, Sweat Becoming Thick, Sticky And Very Little Of It
I - FCH p. 214
Name 4 things that can occur if the horse's body temperature remains above 104 degrees?
Muscle Damage, Thumps, Lack Of Gastrointestinal Movement, Colic, Renal Failure, Brain Disorders, Founder And Death
I - FCH p. 210
Name 4 ways to prevent post-exercise fatigue.
Better Physical Conditioning, Rest, Water, Electrolytes, Carbohydrates (Grains) During Prolonged Or Frequent Strenuous Physical Exertion
I - FCH p. 215
Name 5 diseases or conditions that share characteristics of equine encephalomyelitis.
Viral Encephalitis; Liver Failure; Rabies; Moldy Corn Disease; Bacterial Meningoencephalomyelitis; Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis; Verminous Encephalitis
I - FCH p. 170
Name 6 exercise induced health conditions.
EIPH, Azoturia(Exertional Myopathy), Hypocalcemic Tetany(Tying-Up), Synchronous Diaphragmatic Flutter(Thumps), Exhaustion(Fatigue), Post Exercise Fatigue, Colic, Heat Stroke, Anhidrosis(Dry Coat)
I - FCH p. 209
Name 6 health conditions that occur during training for athletic performance.
Heat Stroke, Anhidrosis (Dry Coat), Synchronous, Diaphragmatic Flutters (Thumps), Hypocalcemic Tetany, Tying-Up Syndrome (Azoturia), Exhaustion And Post-Exercise Fatigue, EIPH (Bleeders), Colic,
I - FCH p. 208
Name the 2 most common factors that cause heat stroke to occur?
When Horses Are Poorly Conditioned Then Overworked In Hot, Humid Weather
I - FCH p. 210
Neurotoxins produced by the bacteria Clostridium tetani may occur following what?
Puncture Wounds Or Intestinal Infections
I - FCH p. 168
Other than exercising in hot, humid weather, name 3 ways a horse can get heat stroke.
Sudden Weather Change From Moving To A Hotter, Humid Area, Stabling In A Cool Barn Then Being Exercised In Environment, Not Allowing A Horse To Drink, Eat, Rest Or Cool Off During Transport, Excitement Or Nervousness Before Exercise, Dehydration Before Or During Exercise, Excess Fleshiness Or Hair Coat, Anhidrosis
I - FCH p. 210
Since EIPH occurs after a horse gets a respiratory disease, name 3 preventative measures to reduce the likelihood of an EIPH occurrence?
Minimize Respiratory Disease By Reducing Dust, And By Good Vaccination And Parasite Control
I - FCH p. 209
Specifically, what are the 3 principal sources of energy for the intestine?
Volatile Fatty Acids; Glutamine; Aspartate
I - FCH p. 293
The amount of fungal spores present directly correlate to the amount of what in the stable, hay or bedding?
I - FCH p. 291
The diet for the horse with decreased liver function should meet what 4 criteria?
Meet Dietary Energy Needs; Meet But Not Exceed Dietary Protein Needs; Be High In Branched Chain Amino Acids And Low In Aromatic Amino Acids; Be Low In Fat Or Salt; Be High In Starch
I - FCH p. 296
The tetanus toxoid vaccination should be given how many times and how far apart?
Given Two Times 1 To 2 Months Apart; Yearly Revaccination Or Following An Injury
I - FCH p. 168
To return the dental arcade of an aged horse to a functional state may require what procedure?
Removal Of Large Segments Of Teeth
I - FCH p. 176
What 2 drugs may be helpful in decreasing body protein, breakdown fever and pain?
Aspirin; Butazolidin
I - FCH p. 290
What 2 hoof defects can result from a protein deficiency?
Slowed Hoof Growth, Increased Hoof Splitting And Cracking
I - FCH p. 290
What are 2 advantages of using a flexible resin for repairing hoof wall defects and quarter cracks?
It Expands The Hoof, Can Withstand The High Impact Produced By The Horse's Activity, And Can Be Rasped, Nailed And Trimmed.
I - FCH p. 290
What are 3 causes of intestinal impaction?
Poor Teeth That Prevent Proper Chewing; Poor Or High Fiber Feed; Inadequate Water Intake; Ingestion Of Foreign Material
I - FCH p. 294
What are 3 common treatments for feed induced impactions in horses?
Epsom Salts, Mineral Oil, Gentle Manual Massage Through The Intestinal Wall, The Last Resort Is Surgery
I - FCH p. 294
What are 3 symptoms and results of prolonged excess selenium consumption in the legs and hooves?
Walk Stiff-Legged Followed By Lameness; Ring Of Abnormal Hoof Growth In The Hoof Wall; Transverse Breaks And Cracks In The Hoof With Old Hoof Separating From New Growth; Ragged Long Hoofs Turned Up At The Ends
I - FCH p. 290
What are 3 symptoms of a horse suffering from urinary tract calculi?
Painful Urination, Straining When Urinating, Bloody Urine, Bleeding From The Urethra After Urination, Colic, Stilted Gait And Urine Scalding Of The Prepuce
I - FCH p. 296
What are 3 symptoms of EIPH?
Frequent Swallowing, Poor Performance, Blood In Airway, And Rarely Bleeding From The Nose
I - FCH p. 209
What are 4 causes of anorexia?
Alterations In The Ability To Taste Or Smell; Organic Disease, Inflammation, Trauma, Cancer, Pain, Fear And Emotional Stress.
I - FCH p. 289
What are 4 signs of hypocalcemic tetany?
Raising Of The Tail Head, Muscular Tremors, Sweating, Increased Respiratory Rate And Difficulty With Flared Nostrils, Increased Heart Rate And Abnormal Rhythm, Teeth Grinding, Difficulty To Chew Or Swallow
I - FCH p. 213
What are 4 ways to prevent your horse from having a reoccurrence of azoturia or Monday morning sickness?
Regular Exercise Program Without Rest Days, Decrease Confinement, More Hay And Less Or No Grain, Don't Grain For At Least 6 Hours Before Strenuous Exercise, Begin Physical Activity Slowly And Increase Gradually
I - FCH p. 212
What are the 4 most common types of physical therapy for a horse with injuries?
Cold, Heat, Ultrasound, Magnetic
I - FCH p. 215
What are the 4 symptoms of hyperlipemia?
Inappetence; Failure To Drink; Rapid Loss Of Body Condition; Fever; Drowsiness; Dullness; Lethargy (Depression); Muscle Quivering, Colic; Incoordination, Diarrhea, Fluid Accumulation Along The Underline Or In The Abdominal Cavity; Coma; Death
I - FCH p. 235
What are the most commonly noted signs of older horses suffering from chronic renal failure?
Decreased Appetite And Depression Resulting In Weight Loss
I - FCH p. 296
What are the options available for providing the nutrient needs for a horse that will not eat?
Appetite Stimulation; Tube Feeding; Intravenous Feeding
I - FCH p. 290
What are the signs of a horse that has injured his caudal thigh muscle?
Causes A Hoof Slapping Gait (Hip Hike), When Muscle Is Pressed There Is Pain And It Feels Warmer
I - FCH p. 216
What can be done to prevent foot injuries to horses in rough terrain besides shoeing?
Padded Shoes And Protective Boots
I - FCH p. 216
What can be fed to the horse to avoid voluntary consumption of sand?
Feeding Trace Mineralized Salt Mixed With Equal Parts Of Bone Meal Free Choice
I - FCH p. 294
What can synchronous diaphragmatic flutter or thumps occur?
After Excessive Sweating, Severe Diarrhea, Colic, Prolonged Surgery Or General Anesthesia
I - FCH p. 213
What causes a horse to lose the ability to sweat when anhidrosis occurs?
Gradual Degeneration Of Sweat Glands
I - FCH p. 211
What causes hyperlipemia?
A Negative Energy Balance Which Results In Peripheral Body Fat Mobilization At A Rate Faster Than It Can Be Utilized.
I - FCH p. 235
What common household ingredient, when fed to horses in the amount of 1-2 cups per day, has been shown to decrease the occurrence of intestinal calculi?
Apple Cider Vinegar
I - FCH p. 295
What condition is a direct result of being deficit in energy &/or water and electrolytes?
Fatigue Or Exhaustion
I - FCH p. 214
What feeding practice should be implemented for a horse recovering from diarrhea?
Small Amounts Of High Quality, Highly Digestible Feeds Should Be Fed, Frequently.
I - FCH p. 293
What is anorexia?
A Decreased Desire To Eat
I - FCH p. 289
What is the cause of most cases of post-exercise fatigue?
Failure To Give Exhausted Horses Adequate Fluids And Electrolytes Following Prolonged Endurance-Type Activity
I - FCH p. 215
What is the main difference in exertion myopathy (azoturia) and hypocalcemic tetany (tying up)?
Myopathy Starts When Exercise Is Beginning And Hypocalcemic Tetany Starts After Prolonged Activity
I - FCH p. 213
What is the most common medical problem in adult horses?
I - FCH p. 294
What is the most common method for treating a horse with urinary calculi?
I - FCH p. 297
What is the only effective treatment of a horse that has anhidrosis?
Move Them To Air-Conditioned Barn Or Cool Stable Or Move Them To A Different Climate And They Should Begin To Sweat Again In About 6 Weeks But If The Horse Moves Back To The Previous Location Anhidrosis Will Return
I - FCH p. 211
What is the sign of carpitis or carpal knee bone fractures?
Bilateral Stiff-Legged Paddling Gait Because It Minimized Knee Action
I - FCH p. 218
What is the trademark symptom of exhaustion or fatigue?
A Hard Worked Horse That Doesn't Eat Or Drink
I - FCH p. 214
What is the treatment of non-severe exhaustion or fatigue?
Horses Should Receive 6 To 10L Of Fluids By Stomach Tube Repeated Every 30-60 Minutes As Needed
I - FCH p. 214
What supplement may be helpful in hoof repair and in preventing hoof damage?
I - FCH p. 291
What type of activity would most commonly cause EIPH to occur in a horse?
During Sprint To Middle Distance Racing And Immediately Following
I - FCH p. 209
What type of bedding should never be used for a horse affected with heaves?
I - FCH p. 292
What types of bedding are preferred for a horse affected with heaves?
Wood Chips, Peat Moss, Shredded Paper, Synthetic Bedding Material
I - FCH p. 292
What will happen in the advanced stages of hypocalcemic tetany?
The Horse Will Go Down Within Less That 24 Hours, And Tetanic Convulsions Will Develop And Death Will Occur Within 48 Hours
I - FCH p. 213
When can a horse with a tendon and ligament injury be put back to work?
2 -3 Months After Injury (Could Be Longer If The Injury Is More Severe)
I - FCH p. 217
When should epinephrine be administered?
During A Life-Threatening Emergency As A Result Of Acute Allergic Reaction To A Vaccine
I - FCH p. 166
Where is grain primarily digested and absorbed?
In The Small Intestine
I - FCH p. 295
Where is water absorbed in the digestive tract?
In The Large Intestine
I - FCH p. 294
Why are urinary tract calculi more common in male horses than female?
The Mare's Urethra Is Much Shorter And Wider Than The Male's, Which Allows The Excretion Of The Calculi (Stone)
I - FCH p. 296
Why is fiber needed in the diet of a horse suffering from diarrhea?
Stimulate Intestinal Segmental Motility (Slows Passage Of Intestinal Contents); Adds Bulk And Form To The Feces
I - FCH p. 293
Your horse has just had tying up syndrome or azoturia. Name 3 treatments to help them recover.
Injection Of Vitamin E And Selenium To Help Minimize Muscle Damage, Only Minimal Amounts Of Hay For 2 Days, No Grain Until Plasma Activities Have Returned To Normal About 2 Weeks, Horses Should Turned Out For Several Days In A Small Paddock Before Riding Or Lunging, When Grain And Exercise Have Started Up Again It Should Be Done Gradually
I - FCH p. 212
A corn would be found in what area of the horse's foot?
In The Heel Area
I - AYHC 334-1L
An inflammation of the synovial membrane on the inside front portion of the hock joint is referred to as what?
Bog Spavin
I - EVANS, TH2 165
Bench or offset knees predispose the horse to develop what blemish?
I - AYHC 229-1
Define unsoundness.
Any Deviation In Structure Or Function That Interferes With The Horse's Intended Use Or Performance
I - HIH 230-1
During what type of movement is the condition known as stringhalt most obvious?
Backing Or Turning
I - EVANS, TH2 164
Give 3 indications that a horse has an infected cheek tooth.
Slow Eating/Chewing, Progressive Unthriftiness, Quidding, Shaking Or Tilting Of Head, Swelling Of The Face Or Jaw, Draining Tracks & Nasal Discharge
I - HIH 405-3
Give 4 symptoms of a horse with tetanus.
Muscle Stiffness & Rigidity, Constant Excitement, Stiff, Stilted Gait, Elevated Tail, Erect Ear Carriage, Prolapse Of Third Eyelid, Excessive Reaction To Noise Or Other Stimuli, Classic Sawhorse Stance, Jaw Muscles Lock, Unable To Eat
I - AYHC 104-2L
How does influenza spread rapidly through a group of horses?
Through The Air By Coughing & Contaminated Surfaces
I - AYHC 104-3L
How would you keep a horse with a broken leg on the ground until the veterinarian arrives?
By Sitting On Its Neck & Applying Pressure To The Head Will Keep The Horse On The Ground
I - EVANS, TH2 610
Identify the disease based on the following symptoms: prolapse of third eyelid, spasms of the masseter muscle, difficulty in walking, nearly 100% mortality rate, saw horse posture.
I - EVANS, TH2 601
In addition to markings, give 2 other visual means of horse identification that can be found on the diagram of a Coggins test paper?
Muscular Dimples/Defects, Scars, Cowlicks (Hair Whorls), Brands
I - EVANS, TH2 080
In reference to a horse's foot, where would you find a corn?
In The Heel Area Of The Sole
I - AYHC 334-1L
In reference to wounds or injury, give 4 purposes of bandaging.
Immobilizes Region To Aid Healing, Keeps Wound Clean, Protects From Infection, Protects From Further Trauma, Controls Hemorrhage, Reduces Swelling, Support
I - AYHC 109-2L
In what age group of horses is epiphysitis associated with?
Young Horses, Weanlings, Yearlings, Physically Immature Horses
I - EVANS, TH2 163
In which system of the horse would septicemia occur?
Circulatory (Cardiovascular)
I - EVANS, TH2 595
Name 4 anatomical characteristics of the foot of a horse that suffers from chronic founder.
Rotation Of Coffin Bone, Sole Is Flattened & Thinner, Widening Of White Line, Bulging Of Sole, Abnormal Growth Rings, Concave, Dished Appearance Of Front Of Hoof Wall, Toes May Curl Upward If Kept Untrimmed
I - EVANS, TH2 299
Name 4 circumstances that can influence the onset of laminitis.
Colic, Changes In Feed Type Or Feeding Routine, Sudden Weather Changes, Poisons, Allergies, Lush Pastures, Excessive Grain Intake, Enterotoxemia, Excessive Foot Concussion, Infections, Dystocia, Retained Placenta
I - AYHC 334-2L
Name 4 factors which may affect the healing of a wound.
Blood Supply To The Wound, Skin Temperature, Size Of Wound, Infection, Diseases, Incorrect Wound Care, Availability Of Loose Connective Tissue To Allow Wound Closure, Associated Soft Tissue Damage
I - HIH 440-5
Name 4 types of colic.
Digestive, Displacement/Twisted, Excessive Fermentation, Impaction/Intestinal Obstruction, Incarceration, Spasmodic, Sand, Exercised Induced
I - HIH 435-2
Name 4 uses for a poultice.
Increase Blood Supply To Area, Draw Out Infection, Encourage An Abscess To Open, Decrease Inflammation Associated With Swelling & Bruising Caused By Concussion
I - HIH 440-6
Name 5 types of unsoundnesses that do not result in lameness.
Blindness, Cataracts, Colic, Heaves, Hernia, Infertility, Monkey Mouth, Parrot Mouth, Poll Evil, Roaring, Saddle Sore, Tipped Vulva,
I - EVANS, TH2 168
Once a vaccination is given, the level of protective antibodies in the bloodstream declines over time to a level which is no longer protective. What type of injection is needed when this occurs?
Booster Shot
I - AYHC 204-2
Other than poor quality feed, give 4 causes for a thin mare.
Excess Parasites, Milk Production, Hard Work, Poor Teeth, Too Much Competition For Food, Malabsorption, Prolong Hot & Humid Weather, Disease, Starvation
I - EVANS, TH2 296
What 2 things does hosing a leg wound with cold water do?
Soothes Site, Decreases Pain, Cold Constricts Vessels & Controls Bleeding, Helps Cleanse Wound, Able To Get Complete Look At Wound Without Touching It
I - EVANS, TH2 609
What is the first step in treating an abscess?
Opening The Affected Area To Allow It To Drain
I - AYHC 334-2L
What is the name of the conformation defect where the upper teeth extend beyond the lower teeth?
Parrot Mouth
What is the name of the medicine that improves circulation within the foot & is often used on horses with navicular disease?
I - AYHC 334-2L
What is the term for removing foreign material & dead or damaged tissue from a wound?
I - HIH 440-3
What is the term for the presence of blood in the respiratory tract of the horse after exercise?
Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage (EIPH), Epistaxis Or Bleeder
I - HIH 810
What is the term used when the respiration rate of the horse is higher than the pulse rate?
I - AYHC 115-1L
What problem would you suspect if a horse is wearing a bar shoe with heel support & a rocker toe & is medicated with isoxsuprine?
Navicular Disease
I - AYHC 334-4
What type of effect does a shoulder Sweeney have on a horse's performance?
Little To No Effect
I - EVANS, TH2 703
What type of wound can be caused by poorly fitted tack?
I - AYHC 109-1L
When would silver nitrate be used on a horse?
To Aid In Blood Clotting Or Control Of Hemorrhage
I - HIH 440-2
When would you use a hospital plate on a shoe?
When Foot Is Abscessed Or Sole Has An Injury. It Is Easy To Remove & Apply Medication To The Bottom Of The Foot & Keeps Out Debris
I - HIH 515-5
Which bones are affected by ringbone?
Pastern Bones
I - HIH 230-4
Which hoof disease is caused by hoof digesting fungi?
I - AYHC 334-1
Which type of wound would a girth gall be classified as?
I - AYHC 109-3L
Your horse has been injured & is bleeding, how would you know that an artery is involved?
Bright Red Blood Would Be Escaping From The Wound In Spurts
I - AYHC 109-1L
Describe the CRT of a healthy horse.
Capillary refill time of 1 to 3 seconds & gums should be medium pink color
I - ES 163
Even though they are a plant, they contain no chlorophyll & reproduce form spores & can be classified as yeast, molds, mildew or mushrooms. Name this item.
I - ES 168
How long should both the conventional & digital thermometer remain in the anus to get an accurate reading?
Conventional = 3 - 4 minutes, Digital = generally less than one minute but check manufacturers instructions
I - ES 158-159
Name 2 easy methods for determining the respiration rate of a horse.
Count the raise & fall of the flank as one movement or Hold a tissue about 3 inches in front of one nostril & count the number of times it moves per minute
I - ES 161
Name 2 health issues caused by infections from protozoa.
Equine piroplasmosis (babesiosis), Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM), Giardiasis (Giardia infection)
I - ES 174
Name 2 simple ways to determine the dehydration level of a horse.
Skin pinch test at junction of neck & shoulder at the center of the neck on the slope of the shoulder of more than 2 seconds shows dehydration & Open horse's lips & check with the tip of your finger whether the gums feel moist, gums that feel dry or tacky
I - ES 164
Name 3 health issues caused by infections from fungi.
Aspergillosis, Blastomycosis, Coccidioidomycosis, Histoplasmosis
I - ES 173
Name 4 disorders of the foot.
Navicular disease, laminitis (founder), Thrush, White line disease (seedy toe)
I - ES 182-183
Name 5 health issues caused from infections by bacteria.
Anthrax, Brucellosis, Leptospirosis, Lyme disease, Salmonellosis, Strangles (distemper), Tetanus (lockjaw)
I - ES 170-72
Name 7 health issues caused by infections from viruses.
EIA (equine infectious anemia), Equine influenza, Equine Viral arteritis, Equine Viral Encephalomyelitis (sleeping sickness), Rabies, Rhinopneumonitis, Viral Enteritis (rotavirus infection), Vesicular stomatitis, West Niles Virus
I - ES 176-180
Name a health issue caused by infections from rickettsia.
Equine Ehrlichiosis & Potomac horse fever
I - ES 175
Name the 2 places in the foot region to check for a digital pulse.
Just to the outside of the center on the back of the pastern just above the coronary band & Just above the pastern joint
I - ES 162-163
Name the 4 stage life cycle of most internal & external parasites.
Egg, larva, pupa, adult
I - ES 184
Name the condition where there is an insufficient number of red blood cells & can be caused by a deficiency of folic acid?
I - ES 129
The pulse rate is usually taken under the elbow, along the girth line, on which side of the horse?
Left side of the horse's body (heart is closer to the left side than the right)
I - ES 160
Threadworms produce parthenogenetic eggs. What are parthenogenetic eggs?
Eggs that are able to mature & hatch into larvae without fertilization by a male
I - ES 190
What are 4 classifications of fungi?
Yeast, molds, mildew or mushrooms
I - ES 168
What are microorganisms that are smaller than bacteria but bigger than viruses in size & are found in & usually spread by parasitic arthropods such as ticks, lice, fleas & mites?
I - ES 168
What are minute bundles of genetic material wrapped in a protective outer layer of protein, do not need oxygen to survive, have not waste products, need a living organism in order to reproduce, can cause health problems & affect the immune system of the h
I - ES 168
What are the 2 basic types of immunity?
Passive & active
I - ES 169
What are the 2 general types of mites?
Burrowing or sarcoptic mites & Biting or psorptic mites
I - ES 187
What are the 2 main types of flies & give 2 examples of each?
Biting flies--stable fly, horse fly, deer fly, horn fly, gnat, black fly & Non-biting flies--house fly & face fly
I - ES 186
What are the 2 types of thermometers used with horses?
Conventional thermometer & digital thermometer
I - ES 157
What are the normal TPR rates for a foal?
Temperature=100 +/- 2 degrees, Pulse=80 +/- 10 beats per minute, Respiration=30 +/- 10 breaths per minute
I - ES 155
What is the common name for the internal parasite, Dictyocaulus-arnfieldi?
Lung worm
I - ES 189
What is the common term for the nutritional disease, osteodystrophia fibrosa?
Bighead disease (Hyperparathyroidism)
I - ES 132
What is the term for an illness or health related issue that is within the animal's body & may affect one, several or all parts of the body?
I - ES 168
What is the term for an imbalance in normal body function, an infection or state of illness in one or more parts of the body, causing health issues?
I - ES 167
What is the term for keeping biological things (both plants & animals) from being infected with agents that can cause health & disease issues by mechanical means?
I - ES 193
What is the term for not being able to spread from one animal to another through exposure to the ill animal itself, or to its body secretions, to a wound or sore or to a parasite from the infected animal?
I - ES 167
What is the term for the ability to cause the spread of disease by means of organisms such as bacteria, virus, protozoa, fungus & rickettsia?
I - ES 167
What is the term for the ability to spread from one animal to another through exposure to the ill animal itself, to its body secretions, to a wound or sore or to a parasite from the infected animal?
I - ES 167
What is the term for the condition resulting from the presence of organisms in the body that causes health issue or disease?
I - ES 167
What is the term for the measurement of how fast the heart is pumping blood throughout the body?
Pulse rate or heart rate
I - ES 159
What should be done to a conventional thermometer to ensure that it is not sucked into the anus or expelled & broken?
Attach a string 1 - 2 feet long to the loop at top of the thermometer & the other end of the string to a clothes pin or hair clip
I - ES 157
What veterinarian tool is used to listen to the heart rate?
I - ES 160
When body systems are calling all the available blood to the center of the body & away from the extremities in an effort to maintain function of the vital organs, the horse may be going into shock & have a slowed CRT. What is CRT?
Capillary refill time
I - ES 163
When using a conventional thermometer to take a horse's temperature, it should be first shaken down to a reading below what number?
Less than 96 degree F
I - ES 157
Which internal parasite infection is usually related to exposure to donkeys?
Lung worms
I - ES 189
Which of the 2 general types of mites cause the most damage to the host?
Burrowing or sarcoptic mites
I - ES 187
Which pulse rate is barely detectable in a healthy horse at rest but becomes strong & throbbing if there is an injury or laminitis in the foot?
Digital pulse
I - ES 161
You can use your fingers to feel the artery just inside the jaw or cheek groove when taking the pulse rate. Which artery is being felt?
Facial artery
I - ES 160