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278 Cards in this Set

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divides the body into left and right halves

sagittal plane

divides the body into front and back portions

frontal plane

divides the body into upper and lower parts

transverse plane

actions of flexion and extension occur along this plane

sagittal plane

actions of adduction and abduction happen along this plane

frontal plane

frontal plane can also be called

coronal plane

rotation happens within this plane

transverse plane

a movement that straightens or opens a joint


a movement that bends a joint or brings the bones closer together


brings a limb medially toward the body's midline


moves a limb laterally away from the midline


the limb turns in toward the midline

medial rotation

swings the limb away from the midline

lateral rotation

movement that pertains only to the axial skeleton


is only possible at the shoulder and hip joints


it involves a combination of flexion, extension, adduction, and abduction


occurs only at the axial skeleton, when the neck or vertebral column bends to the side

lateral flexion

a movement that is superior that can only occur at the scapula and jaw


a movement that is inferior that can only occur at the scapula and jaw


occurs when the radius and ulna lie parallel to one another


can be best described as carrying a bowl of soup


takes place when the radius crosses over the ulna turning the palm down


can be best described as spilling the bowl of soup


to lie on a table face down


to lie face up or on your spine


lying on the side

side lying

elevates the foots medial side and brings the sole of the foot medially


to "turn in" the foot means


elevates the foots lateral side and moves the sole laterally


to "turn out" means


occurs when the scapula, clavicle, head, or jaw moves anteriorly


occurs when the scapula, clavicle, head or jaw moves posteriorly






protraction and retraction can only occur at the

head, jaw, scapula, and clavicle

plantar flexion and dorisflexion can only occur at the


performed by moving the ankle to point your foot as if to step or stepping on the gas petal

plantar flexion

performed by moving the ankle to let off the gas petal


means to wander from the usual course


occurs at the mandible during talking or chewing

lateral deviation

happens only at the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb


occurs when the thumbpad crosses the palm toward the last pinkie finger


macronutritents are

carbs, proteins, fats

micronutrients are

water vitamins minerals

provide energy


do not provide energy


the ratio of carbon dioxide expired to oxygen consumed at the level of the lungs

RER (respiratory exchange ratio)

force expressed through distance or a displacement at the level of the lungs


amount of blood ejected from the left ventricle during contraction;the difference between the end diastolic volume and the end systolic volume

stroke volume

resting heart rate should be

60-80 beats per minute

type I fibers are called

slow or slow twitch

type II fibers are called

fast or fast twitch

take approximately 11- ms to reach peak tension when stimulated

type I fibers

can reach peak tension in about 50 ms

type II fibers

fibers most frequently recruited

type IIa

fibers that are least used

type IIc

have a high level of aerobic endurance

type I

in the presence of oxygen


very efficient at producing ATP from the oxidation of a carbohydrate and fat

type I fibers

is required to provide the energy needed for muscle fiber contraction and relaxation


ability to maintain muscular activity for a prolonged period

muscular endurance

recruited most often during low intensity endurance (marathon running) and daily activities for which the muscle force requirements are low (walking)

Type I fibers

have relatively poor aerobic endurance

type II fibers

are better suited to perform anaerobically

type II fibers

without oxygen


fatigue more easily because of limited endurance

type IIa fibers

primary fiber type used during shorter, higher intensity endurance events such as the mile run or 400m swim

type IIa fibers

not easily activated by nervous system

type IIx fibers

used infrequently in normal, low intensity activity and in high explosive events such as 100m dash or 50m sprint swim

type IIx fibers

basic functional unit of a myofibril and the basic contractile unit of muscle


light zone

I band

dark zone

A band

in the middle of the a band

H zone

in the middle of the H zone

M line

a sarcomere is composed of two different size filament

thick and thin filaments

thick and thin filaments are are responsible for

muscle contraction

the thin filament is composed of

actin, tropomyosin, troponin

one end of each thin filament is attached to a

z disk

the three energy systems that ATP is generated through

Atp-pcr system, glycolytic system, oxidative system

P is seperated from PCr through the action of creatine kinase. the P1 can then combine with ADP to form ATP using the energy released from the breakdown of PCr. this system is anaerobic and its main function is to maintain ATP levels early in exercise. the energy yield is 1 mol of ATP per 1 mol of PCr

ATP-PCr system

involves the process of glycolysis, through which glucose or glycogen is broken down to pyruvic acid. when glycolysis occurs without oxygen, the pyruvic acid is converted to lactic acid . one mol of glucose yields 2 mols of ATP, but 1 mol of glycogen yields 3 mols of ATP

glycolytic system

are major contributors of energy during short burst activities lasting up to 2 min and during the early minutes of longer high intensity exercises

ATP-PCr and glycolytic systems

the energy yield for the ATP-PCr system

1 mol of ATP per 1 mol of PCr

energy yield for glycolytic system

one mol of glucose yields 2 mol of ATP, but 1 mol of glycogen yields 3 mol of ATP

final system of cellular energy production is the

oxidative system

most complex energy system

oxidative system

oxidative system contains 3 processes

glycolysis, krebs cycle, electron transport chain

krebs cycle is aslo called

citric acid cycle and tricyclic acid cycle

the transfer of heat or cold via the movement of a gas or liquid across an object, such as the body


transfer of heat through direct molecular contact with a solid object; movement of an electrical impulse such as through a neuron


the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves


heat loss through the conversion of water (such as in sweat) to vapor


VO2= Q X (a-v) O2 difference

Fick equation

the basic functional unit of myofibril


muscle soreness that develops a day or two after a heavy bout of exercise and that is associated with actual injury within the muscle

delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)

the difference in oxygen content between arterial and mixed venous blood, which reflects the amount of oxygen removed by the whole body

arterial mixed venous oxygen difference (a-vO2 difference)

adaptations to aerobic training

endurance, cardiovascular,

the discipline that studies measurements of the body and body segments in terms of height, weight, volume, length, breadth, proportion, inertia, and other properties related to shape, mass, and mass distribution


the point at which the force of gravity seems to be concentrated

center of gravity

a change in the state of motion of the system caused by an applied force


a change in magnitude and or direction of the velocity of the vector with respect to time


the relationship of an object's mass relative to the space that it occupies


a body's resistance to having its state of motion changed by application of a force


a systems quantity of motion


a body whose motion is subject only to the forces of gravity and fluid resistance


the resistance of an object to having its equilibrium disturbed


the vector rate of motion or rate of motion in a specific direction


system is at the intersection of the three cardinal planes

center of gravity

the interval during which force is applied

linear impulse

the total length of the path traveled by the system of intereset

linear distance traveled

the change in linear position of the system in a straight line



the change in angular position of a segment or any point on the rotating segment

angular displacement

every body preserves in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a right line unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed thereon

newton's first law law of inertia

the alteration of motion is ever proportional to the motive force impressed and is made in the direction of the right line in which that force is impressed

newtons second law fundamental law of dynamics

to every action there is always opposed and equal reaction or the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal and directed to contrary parts

newtons third law, law of reciprocal actions

fundamental law of dynamics is newtons

2nd law

law of reciprocal actions is newtons

3rd law

law of inertia is newton's

first law

a machine consisting of a rigid or semi rigid object that is capable of rotating about an axis

lever system

a lever system in which the fulcrum is between the motive and resistive forces

first class lever system

shoveling dirt is an example of a

first class lever

triceps extension is an example of

first class lever

a lever system in which the resistive force is between the fulcrum and the motive force

second class lever

scissors are considered a

first class lever

rowing a boat is considered a

second class lever

pushing a wheel barrow is considered a

second class lever

a nutcracker is considered a

second class lever

push up exercise is considered a

second class lever

a lever system in which the motive force is between the fulcrum and the resistive force

third class lever system

front raise exercise and biceps curls are examples of

second class levers

swingin a baseball bat is considered

third class lever

paddling in a boat is considered a

third class lever

a body whose motion is subject only to the forces of gravity and fluid resistance


what effects projectiles flight

gravity, fluid medium, angle, velocity, height, vector

the resistance of an object to having its equilibrium disturbed


effects stability

equilibrium, balance, force, base of support

frequency that pregnant women should do aerobic exercise

3-4 days

intensity that pregnant women should do aerobic exercise

light intensity for women with BMI > 25

moderate intensity for women with BMI<25

time that pregnant women should do aerobic exercise

> 15 min/ day and gradually increasing to 30 min /day to 120 min/week

warm up and cool down time for pregnant women

10-15 min

type of exercise for pregnant women

dynamic, rhythmic, use large muscle groups like walking or cycling

women who are pregnant should avoid exercising in this position


they should avoid the supine position after ___ week of pregnancy

16 week

pregnant women avoid supine position after 16 week mark to

ensure that the venous obstruction does not occur

women who are pregnant should avoid performing the

valsalva maneuver

pregnant womens metabolic demand increases by

~300 kcal

reistance training for pregnant women includes ___ reps

12-15 reps

exercises are recommended to decrease the risk of incontinence

kegel exercises and exercises to strengthen pelvic floor

frequency of aerobic exercises for children and adolescents


intensity of aerobic exercises for children and adolescents

moderate to vigorous, vigorous for at least 3 days a week

time for aerobic exercises for children and adolescents

greater than or equal to 60 min

frequency for muscle strengthening exercises for children and adolescents

greater than or equal to 3 days a week

time for muscle strengthening exercises for children and adolescents

60 min a day

reps for children and adolescents for strength training

8-15 of moderate

frequency of aerobic exercise for elderly

5 days or more for moderate intensity

3 days or more for vigorous intensity

intensity for aerobic exercise for elderly

on a scale of 0-10 for level of exertion

5-6 for moderate

7-8 for vigorous

time for aerobic exercise for elderly

30-60min a day for moderate

20-30 min a day for vigorous

muscle strengthening frequency for elderly

2 days or more a week

intensity for muscle strenghtening for elderly

moderate intensity(60-70% of 1RM)

light intensity (40-50% of 1RM)

type of strength exercises for elderly

8-10 exercises involving major muscle groups with 1 or more sets of 10-15 reps

frequency of flexibility exercises for elderly

2 or more days a week

time of flexibility for elderly

30-60s for each stretch


less than 100

total cholesterol

less than 200


60 or above


less than 150

abosolute contraindications

recent change in resting ECG

unstable angina

uncontrolled cardiac dysrhthmias

severe aortic setnosis

heart failure

pulmonary infarction

acute myocarditis


acute systemic infection

relative contraindications

left main coronary stenosis

valvular heart disease

electrolyte abnormalties

arterial hypertension

neurmotor, musculoskeletal disorders

high degree av block

ventricular aneurysm

metabolic disease

chronic infectious disease

mental or physical impairment

sould not perform exercise tests until such conditions are stabilized are adequately treated


may be tested only after careful evaluation of the risk benefit ratio


informed consent components

purpose and explanation of test, attendant risks and discomforts, responsibilities of patient, benefits, inquiries, medical records, freedom of consent

3 site for women skinfold

triceps, suprailiac, and abdominal

3 site for men skinfold

chest abdomen thigh

chest has what type of fold


abdomen has what type of fold


thigh has what type of fold


triceps has what type of fold


suprailiac has what type of fold


all measurements for skin fold should be made on what side of the body


all measurements should be measured at least

twice; if measurement not within 1-2 mm measure again

sit and reach test procedures

warm up

no shoes

hands on top of each other

reach as far as out as possible

breathe out

hold for 2s

best of two trials recorded

knees dont bend

absolute indication of terminating exercise

drop in systolic bp of 10 or more

consider terminating exercises when bp has

sbp of more than 250mmhg

dbp of more than 115 mmhg

pulmonary function testing with spirometry is recommended for

all smokers over the age of 45

and in any individual presenting with dyspnea, chronic cough, wheezing, excessive mucus production

simple and noninvasive test that can be performed easily


spriometry uses

forced vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in 1 second, ratio, and peak expiratory flow

warm up for exercise training

5-10 min

conditiong for exercise training

20-60 min

cool down for exercise trainin

5-10 min

stretching for exercise training

10 minutes

exercise training session includes

warm up


cool down


aerobic training frequency recommendation

at least 5 days a week for moderate

at least 3 days a week for vigorous

aerobic exercise intensity recommendation

moderate 40-60% heart rate reserve

vigorous 60-90% heart rate reserve

Hear rate max equation

Hr max= 220-age

metabolic equation for walking

3.5 + 0.1 X speed + 1.8 X S X G

metabolic equation for running

3.5 + 0.2 X S + 0.9 X S X G

metabolic equation leg cycling

3.5 + 3.5 + (1.8 X workrate)/body mass

aerobic exercise time duration recommended

30-60 min moderate

20-60 min vigorous

1 MET =

3.5 mL kg min

target volume of mets

500 -1000 met min per week

[(Mets X 3.5mL kgmin X body weight in kg) / 1000] X 5 =


kcal/min X min X times per week

kcal /week

resistance training frequency

2-3 days / week

for people with diabetes pay attention to

increases in heart rate and breathing

diabetes frequency

3-7 days /week

diabetes intensity

40-60% RPE 11-13

time for diabetes

150 min /week minimum

skeletal disease that is characterized by low bone mineral density


frequency for osteoporosis at risk

3-5 days /week

resistance training for osteoporosis at risk

2-3days /weel

inensity aerobic for osteoporosis at risk

moderate to vigorous

time for osteoporosis at risk

30-60 min

frequency at osteoporosis for aerobic

3-5 days week

frequency for resistance training osteoporosis

2-3days /week

intensity for osteoporosis

moderate for both aerobic and resistance

time for osteoporosis

30-60 min

type for osteoporosis

weight bearing aerobic, stair climbing, walking

the part of the experiment that the researcher is manipulating

independent variable

the effect of the independent variable

dependent variable

a statistical technique to assess differences between two groups

t test

an estimate of the variability of the scores of a group around the mean

standard deviation

a statistical measure of central tendency that is the average score of a group of scores


type of research that involves the manipulation of treatments in an attempt to establish cause and effect relationships

experimental research

a systematic method of inquiry and follows the scientific method of problem soling to a degree

qualitative research

a type of reaserch that attempts to describe the status of the studys focus common examples are questionares, interviews, surveys, case studies

description research

type of research that involves in depth study and evaluation of available information in an attempt to explain complex phenomena' can be categorized

analytical research

reduced muscle size and strength


hormones that promote tissue building

anabolic hormones

example of anabolic hormones

insulin, testosterone, and growth hormone

a muscle action in which the muscle shortens


a muscle action in which the muscle lengthens


muscle action in which muscle length does not change because the contractile force is equal to the resistive force


stage of maturation or development by age in months or years

chronological age

measured in skeletal age

biological age

three site of growth cartilage

epiphyseal growth plate, joint surface, and apophyseal insertions of muscle tendon units

does not reduce or enhance the ability of musculoskeletal system to adapt to resistance training


can be one of the most beneficial modes of training for older populations who need to enhance musculoskeletal strength, power, muscle mass, bone mineral density, and functional abilities

resistance training

refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimal weight for age and height


intense fear of becoming fat or gaining weight even though underweight


disturbed by their own body weight or shape, denial of seriousness of current low body weight


absence of at least three consecutive menstrual cycles


during anorexia the person has not regularly engage in binge eating or purging behavior

restricting type

during amorexia person has engaged in binge eating or purging behavior

binge eating type

reverse exercise arrangement, a viable ordering method that purposely fatigues a large muscle group as a result of performance of a single joint exercise prior to a multijoint exercise involving the same muscle


involves two sequentially performed exercises that stress two opposing muscles or muscle areas


involves sequentially performing two different exercises for the same muscle group

compound set

the planned distribution or variation in training means and methods on a periodic or cyclic basis


short term


medium term


long term


warm up and cool down sequence

5-10 minutes

stretching time

30 seconds or more holding stretch

resistance training for the elderly

2 days per week

normal sinus rhythym


calculate BMI

(weight in LBS/height in In. 2)X 703

a group of specialized cardiac muscle cells in the walls of the heart that sends signals to the heart causing it to contract

cardiac conduction system

For a lipid blood profile test you must fast for

12 hours

HDL level

above 60

LDL level

below 130

total cholesterol level

below 200

tirglycerides level

below 150

a restriction in blood supply to tissues causing shortages of oxygen and glucose needed for metabolism


blood flow to the heart is decreased by a partial or complete block in the heart's arteries

myocardial ischemia

hearts muscle does not get as much blood as it needs

angina pectoris

side effects of angina pectoris

chest pain and pressure

angina pectoris is also known as


class of drugs to manage cardiac arrhythmias and to prevent a 2nd heart attack

beta blockers

blocks the effect of hormone epinephrine aka adrenaline

beta blockers

beta blockers help the heart rate


prevents calcium from entering the cells heart and blood vessel resulting in lowered blood pressure, slows HR, and relieves pressure

Ca channel

treats hypertension and congestive heart failure, relaxes blood vessels, lowers blood volume, lowers blood pressure, decreases oxygen demand from heart

ACE inhibitor

inhibits angiotension-converting enzyme

ACE inhibitorpr

proportion of nutrients in food

nutrient density

ascorbic acid is aka

vitamin c

the most toxic vitamins are

iron containing vitamins

has an increased potential for toxicity

fat soluable vitamins

vitamins that have an increased potential for toxicity

Vitamin A

Vitamin B-1,2,3,6,12

Vitamin C

Vitamin D

Vitamin E

Vitamin K

Folic Acid

less potential for being toxic vitamins

water soluable vitamins