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89 Cards in this Set

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Some Shape simple primitives include...

Rectangle, ellipse, line, polyline, polygon, path and ditrigonal icosideodecahedron.

Do shapes draw themselves?

Yes, there is no need to refresh them.

Shapes can be placed just like other elements. What is the best container for shapes?


Some properties of shapes include...

Fill, Stroke (Line around the shape), StrokeThickness, StrokeStartLineCap, StrokeEndLineCap and Stretch.

Shapes can also transform allowing you to rotate and do other things with them. List some methods for transforming Shapes.

Translate -> x, y

Rotate -> angle, centreX, centreY

Scale -> scaleX, scaleY, centreX, centreY

Skew -> angleX, angleY, centreX, centreY

Matrix -> A matrix

Brushes on shapes allow the programmer to...

Fill colours, Allow gradients, paint an image or draw shapes.

Some Bitmap effects include...


Beveled edges


Glows and shadows

In WPF, it will route the event along the tree of elements until it finds a handler?


If no handler is found for a event on a given element WPF will continue the event all the way to the root element to find a handler if necessary?


Routed events can only travel in one direction?

False. Routed events can travel in two directions, depending on how the event is defined.

Events are said to "bubble" down when they move away from he root?

False. Events are said to "bubble" up through the tree when they are moving toward the root element.

Events are said "tunnel" down when they move away from the root element?


The standard signature for an event handler is...

void Hanlde_Event(object sender, EventArgs e)

The standard signature for a routed event handler is the exact same as the event handler signature?

False. The signature is almost identical except instead of EventArgs e, it's RoutedEventArgs e

Define the Source property of RoutedEventArgs

Source: The object that raised the event. Its useful to note that with routed events this is likely to be different from the sender.

Define the OriginalSource property of RoutedEventArgs

OriginalSource: This returns the original reporting source. That's the object that really raised the event.

Define the Handled property of RoutedEventArgs

Handled: A bool that lets you know if the event has already been handled.

Define the RoutedEvent property of RoutedEventArgs

RoutedEvent: This identifies the type of event that was raided.

By adding in e.Handled = true, it tells the routed event system that we are finished with the event?


When should you make use of Routed events?

When you want to build your own custom controls. You can generate this by creating generic event handlers for parent elements.

If we have a StackPanel with buttons and want a generic event handler for a button click, what tag do we need to add to the StackPanel?

ButtonBase.Click. We could just use Button.Click, whats important is knowing the syntax.

[ Type.EventName ].

Drag and Drop in WPF involves two containers, what are these containers called?

The source control or container and the destination control or container.

What mouse events does the source control use to determine a drag?

MouseMove and PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown

What WPF function call initiates a drag and drop?


What property needs to be set to True on the destination control to allow items to be dropped in?

The AllowDrop property needs to be set to True to allow dropping.

What event on the destination control determines if something is being dragged into it area?

The DragEnter event is used to detect a dragging over the destination control.

The data from a drop must be in the expected format/type?

True. If the destination control is expecting strings and you pass in raw integers it wont allow it.

How can you check the data of a given drag event?


The drop event is only fired when the user releases the mouse button?


GetData() and GetDataPresent() are the same?

False. GetDataPresent() is called when an item is being dragged into the destination control. GetData() is called once the drop event has triggered and the item is dropped in the destination control.

Briefly describe the PreviewMouseleftButtonDown event

Fires immediately before the MouseLeftButtonDown event.

Briefly describe the MouseMove event

Fires when mouse is moved over the control.

Briefly describe the DragEnter event

Fires when the dragged item enters the control. Used to decide if the current location is a suitable drop location for the given drag item.

Briefly describe the Drop event

Fires when the mouse is released while dragging! Used to complete the drop by retrieving the DataObject.

Describe the DragEnter event

Uses DragEventArgs e. Used to control what cursor the user sees while dragging. Controlled by the control being dragged onto.

Describe the Drop event

Uses DragEventArgs e. Calls e.Data.GetDataPresent(). In brackets is the type you expect, if the type isnt the same it returns null.

What do MVC, MVP and MVVM stand for?

Model View Controller

Model View Presenter

Model View View-Model

The observer pattern plays a key role in the MVC pattern?


What is the Presenters role is MVP?

The presenter assumes the functionality of the "middle-man" All presentation logic is put in the presenter.

MVVM is a specialization to the more general MVP pattern, tailor-made for WPF and Silverlight platforms?


What happens when a property of the View Model in MVVM changes?

The change propagates automatically to the view specifically because of data binding.

What two features make MVVM so useful for WPF?

Data templates and the resource system of WPF.

The view classes in MVVM are aware of the model?

False. In MVVM the view classes have no idea that the model classes exist.

The ViewModel and Model in MVVM communicate with the View?

False. The ViewModel and Model are unaware of the Views existence.

What tag sits inside a ToolBarTray to signify a new item in the ToolBarTray?


You cannot have multiple ToolBar tags inside a ToolBarTray?

False. has host multiple instances of ToolBar.

To increase maintainability in a RTF application, what is it advised you use?

A user control.

How do you add a namespace to a file?

xmlns:[Name]="clr-namespace:clrNamesapce; assembly=assembly.dll"


xmlns:local="clr-namespace:TextEditor". 'local' is now a namespace pointing to TextEditor.

If the assembly of a namesapce is the same as the one in which the XAML exist, you do not have to declare the namespace?


Menus in WPF do not have a click event?

False they do have a click event much like a buttons click event.

The RichTextBox has a text property?

False. The RTB does not have a Text propety, instead it has a Document property of type FlowDocument.

Building the Document Manager is an application of the principle of...

Separation of Concers

The DocumentManager class used in our examples handles...

Saving a loading documents and text range to represent the content within the document.

Can filter what type of file types can be opened in the DocumentManager class we built in class?

Yes you can filter the file types by creating a SaveFileDialog and placing what types of files you want to be able to open in there.

What is the difference between normal events and preview events?

Preview events are triggered and executed when its corresponding event is raised.

Preview events tunnel down the tree to the element that was in focus?


Normal events bubble back up to the root?


What are preview events prefixed with?

'v' to indicate tunneling.

What are Keydown events prefixed with?

'^' to indicate bubbling.

Describe what a command is in WPF

A command is a function or action that can be bound to an input gesture.

Describe what an input gesture is

An input gesture is some way a user provides input to an application. Such as mouse clicks or keyboard presses.

What are the Five built in command libraries

Application Commands

Component Commands

Editing Commands

Media Commands

Navigation Commands

Describe the Application Command library

Contains commonly used commands such as Cut, Copy, Paste, New, Open, Save, Undo, etc.

Describe the Component Command library

Used for moving around inside an application such as MoveDown, ExtendSelectionLeft, ScrollByLine, SelectToEnd and more.

Describe the Editing Command library

Used for dealing with text, such as alignment, formatting and navigation. Examples: ToggleBold, AlignLeft.

Describe the Media Command library

Used for controlling audio and video

Describe the Navigation Command library

Used for navigating in an application built around a web browser.

In order to make use of commands, be it custom or already built ones what must you do to ensure the command is executed?

Bind the command to an event trigger, i.e. When you click bold the command for bolding text is executed.

You can choose whether or not a command is available for use?

True. You can set whether or not you want the user to be able to issue a given command.

What are Universal Windows Apps?

Apps that target both Windows and Windows phones. They are single apps but contain multiple executables for compiling on each target device.

Can Universal Windows Apps can be run a Android and iOS?

False. Universal Windows Apps can only be ran on Windows computers and Windows phones.

What are the three XAML strategies for Universal Windows Apps?

Adaptive nirvana. Most reuse, least likely.

Solving styles. Faking themes.

Device-specific. Least friction, most likely.

What are some Windows computer platform specific features for Universal Windows Apps?

Print contract

New window

Search Box

App Bar

What are some Windows Phone platform features for Universal Windows Apps?

Call dialog

Back button

Status Bar

Pivot Control

What is the Precompilation code that Universal Windows Apps use to determine what platform they are on?




For localization of Universal Windows Apps, you should...

Remove string literals

Use x:Uid for localization instead of x:Name

Describe how Universal Windows Apps determine the size of your devices window

Makes use of function calls to Window.Current.Bounds property of type Windows.Foundation.Rect. Its important to note to that because the size of the screen can change we need the event Winow.Current.SizeChanged

What are the possible orientation layouts for your device?

Landscape (Horizontal)

Landscape-flipped (Horizontal - upside down)

Portrait (Vertical with bottom of screen on left)

Portrait-flipped (Vertical with bottom of screen on right)

How can you determine what orientation your device is currently sitting in?

Making a call to Windows.Graphics.Display.DisplayProperties.CurrentOrientation. You should also have an event for when the orientation changes. (Use OrientationChanged instead of CurrentOrientation)

Use of Panels should be avoided when programming in Windows Universal Apps?

False. Panels are a great way of handling variability.

To handle content overflow what should be used in Universal Windows Apps?

A ScrollViewer.

What functionality does a ScrollViewer add to touch screen in Windows Universal Apps?



Because ScrollViewer can scale, what is by default already enabled?


List some Universal Windows Apps Items Controls






Describe how ListView and GridView are similar in Universal Windows Apps

Both have SemanticZoom, Reording items are allowed, left mouse selects, right mouse toggles.

What does Semantic Zoom mean when talking about Windows Universal Apps?

Two different views, zoomed-in and zoomed-out.

Describe a FlipView in regards to Windows Universal Apps

Nothing like a ListView or GridView. Shows one item at a time. User "flips" through the items like a flip book. Incorporates touch gestures and mouse gestures for going forwards and backwards.

A FlipView in Universal Windows Apps does not automatically arrange itself with snap points and margins?

False. FlipViews do automatically arrange themselves with snap points and margins.

Who is the biggest wanker at Fanshawe?

Garth Santor.