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45 Cards in this Set

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Surrounding unimodal regions is where
Processing for the particular modality begins to take place.
Adjacent motor area is where
Motor commands are generated.
Information from a no. of sensory modalities(multimodal) are integrated and linked with
Motor cortices-substrates for highest brain fucntions of thought,perception,planning,memory,language.
What is association cortex?
All of neocortex other than those areas directly concerned with processing of sensory information and with control of mvt.
Knowing and perceiving involves thought,memory,use of language,planning of action.
Emotion and feeling
What are the 3 assoc. cortex?
-Anterior association cortex(prefrontal)
-Posterior association cortex(Parieto-temporal-occipital)
-Limbic association cortex(medial surface of brain)
Anterior association cortex responsible for :
-Motor planning
-Executive functionning(working memory)
Describe the route taken by sensory pathways converying visual,auditory,somatic information.
-Project from specific primary area
-To Unimodal association area
-To Multimodal assoc. areas in prefrontal,parieto-temporal and limbic cortex.
Ant. Assoc. cortex
-25 % of total human neocortex
-Granular cortex(laminar 4 and contrasts with agranular cortex of motor & premotor areas)
Ant. Assoc. cortex receives input from
-Dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus
-Cortical areas EXCEPT from primary motor and sensory areas.
Dorsomedial nucleus receives input from
Amygdala,Hypothalamus,olfactory complex.
Ant. assoc. cortex also receives afferent projections from CONTRALATERAL prefrontal area.
Output of Ant. Assoc. Area is
Premotor area-->motor cortex
Pts with disconnection of prefrontal lobe from rest of brain will have
Behavioural deficits in cognition and motor planning.
If lesion includes orbitofrontal cortex,
Cognitive impairment and general FLATTENING of emotional behaviour.
Posterior Assoc. Cortex located at
junction of parietal,temporal,occipital lobes
Post. Assoc. Cortex
Language and higher sensory functions(includes Wernicke in dominant hemisphere)-->lesion causes aphasia
In non dominant hemisphere,what does post. assoc. cortex include instead of Wernicke's?
-Appreciation of spatial orientation of objects and prosody(emotional content of speech)-->lesion causes HEMINEGLECT syndrome.
Posterior parietal area involved with
Integrating diff. sensory modalities & using info. to DIRECT BEHAVIOUR.
Language is represented in left hemisphere in
90% of ppl.
Right hemisphere language representation
Language represented in both hemispheres in
5% ppl
What is used to localize speech areas during surgery?
-Sodium Amytal(barbiturate)
What % of Right handed ppl have LEFT hemisphere speech ?
96 %
What % of Left handed ppl have LEFT hemisphere speech?
70 %
What % of left handed ppl have RIGHT hemisphere speech?
15 %
What % of left handed ppl have speech represented in BOTH hemispheres?
15 %(thicker corpus callosum)
Upto 8-10 y.o, kids can use Right hemi for language if damage to left hemi.
Signs and symptoms of pts with major intercerebral commisures sectioned(split brain) :-
-Unable to describe verbally or in writing objects presented in left hand or left hemifield
-Same objects presented to right hand or right visual hemifield,with input to left hemisphere,are readily described.
-Right hemisphere better able to process visuospatial info. than does left hemisphere.
Limbic assoc. cortex includes
-Orbitofrontal cortex
-Cingulate gyrus
-parts of temporal lobe(parahippocampal gyrus)
Limbic assoc. cortex receives inputs from
-Anterior and dorsal nuclei of thalamus
-Higher sensory order areas
Limbic assoc. cortex has efferent projections to
-Prefrontal cortex
-other cortical areas like hippocampal formation and amygdala.(thru these connections,emotional behaviour affects motor planning.)
What is important in conversion of short term memory to long term ?
Functions of limbic assoc. cortex
1.Emotional behaviour(orbitofrontal cortex & cingulate gyrus)-->amygdala
2.Memory formation (hippocampal and temporal lobe formations)
3.thru connections to limbic systems,it influences hypothalamus-->endocrine & ANS.
-part of limbic system concerned with social behaviour & expression of emotion.
-important for experience & expression of emotion.
Amygdala appears important in brain circuitry that processes
Fear and aggression.
While females are good at verbal fluency,
males are better at spatial tasks.
Boys tend to develop a greater
Hemisphere specialisation for language at an earlier age(lateralized earlier)
Boys more susceptible to perinatal brain damage.
Brain undergoes hormonally dependent sexual differentiation.
Sexually dimorphic nucleus of Preoptic area in rats in
5 times larger in male than female due to larger no. of neurons(testosterone might prevent programmed cell death in male)
In humans,interstitial nucleus of anterior hypothalamus-3 is larger in
Men than women.
Hormone induced modifications in brain structures are not limited to development.
True-in rats,significant changes in no. of hippocampal synapses over the oestrus cycle.
If language centres are damaged in childhood,they can transfer to undamaged side more successfully in