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55 Cards in this Set

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Outer layer of cerebral hemispheres?
Cerebral cortex
Cerebral cortex involved with
Language,Abstract thinking,Forward planning + basic aspects of perception,movement,adaptive responses to outside world.
Association cortex
Large area between primary sensory and motor areas.
90%-cortex visible on surface & most recently acquired region of brain during evolution.
-10%(hippocampus and cortex assoc. with olfaction)
-phylogenetically older
How many layers in the cortex?
6(numbered from pial surface to white matter)
2 major cortical cell types?
-Non pyramidal
Neurons can be broadly defined into
-Projection neurons
-Local interneurons
Projection neurons
-Pyramidally shaped cell bodies
-located in layers 3,5,6
-uses Glutamate as NT
Pyramidal cells
-75 % of cortical cells
-Glu NT
-20-80 um diameter(largest are Betz cells-corticospinal tract)
Local Interneurons
-also known as granule or stellate cells or non pyramidal cells
-GABA inhibitory NT
-25 % cortical cells in neocortex
-located in ALL layers
Pyramidal cells and some granule cells have
Spines on their dendrites(sites of excitatory input and play a role in learning and memory)
Layer 1 of cortex has
few or NO cells.
Each cortical region has a characteristic
Laminar pattern
How many diff. cortical fields did Brodmnann identify?
47 on basis of laminar arrangement and fibre pattern.
All primary sensory areas have a
Granular cortex(due to high density of granule cells in middle lamina-lamina 4
Motor cortex has
Fewer granule neurons in middle lamina BUT a conc. of PYRAMIDAL cells in layer 5(cells have long axonal projections to spinal cord and other subcortical structures)
Motor cortex is
Layer 1 of cerebral cortex
Few cell bodies-cell processes and glia
Which layer is densely cellular with mostly granule and pyramidal cells?
Layer 3
Medium-sized pyramidal cells
Which layer is rich in GRANULE cells?
Layer 5 has
Large Pyramidal cells
What layer contains wide variety of cell morphologies including bipolar and pyramidal ?
Each efferent cortical projection arises from cell bodies within a particular laminar distribution.
True( and each afferent fibre terminates within particular laminae)
Cortico-cortical connections
between regions within same hemisphere or with opposite hemisphere e.g corpus callosum(300 million fibres)
Cortico-cortical & cortico-commisural afferents go to layers
2 & 3
Thalamocortical afferents go to deep layer
3 & 4
Cortical projections to Basal ganglia,brainstem,spinal cord and limbic system arise from
layer 5
To thalamus
Layer 6
In addition to laminar organization,cortex also arranged in
Columns(structural and functional: visual,motor,somatosensory)
Major functional areas of cortex are
-Primary visual
-motor areas
Wernicke's area
Comprehension of language
Broca's area
Articulation of speech and verbal short term memory.
What connects those 2 areas?
Arcuate fasciculus
Precentral gyrus contains
motor cortex which controlled mvt of the contralateral side of body.
Imaging of brain
Do you have a primary vestibular region in cortex ?
What are the 2 association areas?
Area 17
Initial processing of visual information.
Pathways project through
V2 (dorsal and ventral pathways)
Ventral pathway
-Goes to Inferior temporal cortex
-perception of COLOUR & FORM
Dorsal pathway
-Goes to posterior parietal cortex
-perception of depth,motion and form.
Premotor cortex
Motor association area
Motor cortex
-4 mm thick with betz cells in layer 5
Layers 1 &2 in primary cortex have
Corticocortical connections
Layer 3 of motor cortex receives fibres
From thalamus,basal ganglia,cerebellum,sensory cortex.
Layer 4 in primary motor cortex is
virtually absent
Layer 5 projects to
Spinal cord,brainstem,basal ganglia.
Layer 6 projects to
Premotor area includes
-Premotor cortex
-Supplementary motor cortex
Premotor area receives inputs from basal ganglia and cerebellum via
-Prefrontal cortex
-Posterior parietal cortex
-Equivalent motor area from contralateral hemisphere
Premotor area projects to
-motor cortex
-Basal ganglia
-contributes fibres to corticospinal tract
Important concept :
intial processing of info in UNIMODAL areas adjacent to primary sensory areas(eg from visual and motor systems)