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73 Cards in this Set

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WHat doubles in size in pregnancy?
Pituitary gland
What is the most richly perfused mammalian tissue?
Pituitary gland
Ant. and Post. pituitary have
Diff. embryol. origins
Ant. pituitary known as
Ant. pituitary derived from
RATHKE's pouch-ectodermal outpouching of oropharynx
Ant. pituitary contains cells that produce
TROPHIC hormones
Post. pituitary=
post. pituitary comes from
-Evagination of VENTRAL hypoth. & 3rd ventricle
-consists of axons/nerve endings of neurons whose cell bodies reside in hypoth.
Trophic hormones
Feed other endocrine organs
Rathke's pouch
MIgrates backward to meet neurohypophysis.
Ant. pituitary is
Endocrine tissue
Post. pituitary is
Neuronla tissue
Median eminece becomes
Pituitary stalk
Where is pituitary gland located?
Found in SPHENOID bone in sella turcica(protuberance in sphenoid bone,near sphenoid sinus)
Pituitary gland can be accessed thru
Pituitary gland is
Small(1 cm)
If you put 1 stick in your ear and 1 stick in your eye,where they meet is
Pituitary gland
Hypophyseal portal system found in
Median eminence--> travels to ant. pituitary
Portal system occurs when
A capillary bed drains into another capillary bed via VEINS.
What are the 2 types of neurons in the hypothalamus?
-Short neurons:near 3rd ventricle,terminate in median eminence(releasing hormones)
-Long neurons from Supraoptic nucleus & Paraventricular nucleus(oxytocin + ADH)
oxytocin & ADH
released directly in central circulation.
How many hormones are released by ant. pituitary?
name them
How many cell types in ant. pituitary?
Name them and their hormones they secrete.
-Somatotroph: GH
-Lactotroph: PRL
-Thyrotroph: TSH
-Corticotroph: ACTH
-Gonadotroph: LH/FSH
-Null cells : alpha-SU
In the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis,what is the hypoth. releasing hormone/pituitary trophic hormone/Glandular hormone?
-Hypoth. releasing hormone:CRH
-Pit. trophic hormone: ACTH
-Glandular hormone : cortisol
ACTH has
SHORT feedback on CRH releae
What regulates pituitary dev./gene expression ?
Transcription factors-nuclear proteins which bind to promotor sequence of genes(TFs involved in early dev. of Ant. pituitary)
Binding does what?
Switches gene transcription on/off.
A mutation of PIT-1 responsible for
Pituitary hormone deficiency-deficient in GH,PRL,TSH.
promote growth of olfactory lobe + outgrowth of GnRH
Kallmann syndrome
-Cant smell
-no GnRH
-no puberty
-small testicles
-no body hair
-long bones(unicorn phenotype)
Pituitary and hypothalamic hormones are often initially synthesised as a
Larger precursor molecule-prohormone.
prohormone metabolized to diff. hormones in diff. cells ,depending on the complement of processing enz. in cell in question.(regulate appetite/pigmentation)
POMC mutations in humans lead to
-Severe early onset obesity
-adrenal insufficiency
-Red hair pigmentation
Hormone production is
ACTH is higher in
MORNING--> increased cortisol(reason why heart attacks occur more in MORNING)
What is important for biological function of hormones?
Name the glycoprotein hormones.
-hCG(from placenta)
The 4 hormones above are diff. due to their
Beta subunit(SAME alpha subunit)
Mutations in one of the enz. that glycosylate these hormones can lead to
Secondary hypothyroidism / hypogonadism.
What is specifity spill over?
-Excess of hCG can stimulate thyroid gland(gestational thyrotoxicosis)
No TSH implies
no functioning thyroid hormones--> CRETINISM
When thyroid fails and hypothyroidism occurs,TSH levels increase with
changes in glycosylation pattern--> lONGER t1/2 for TSH
Gonadotrophins in females
FSH and LH
-Stimulates growth of granulosa cells of ovarian follicle
-controls aromatase(estradiol production) in these cells.
-stimulates ovarian theca cells to produce androgens(converted to estrogens by granulosa cells)
-LH surge in mid menstrual cycle triggers ovulation.
In males,FSH
-Stimulates seminiferous tubules to produce sperm in conjuction with intratesticular T
LH in males
Stimulates T production in testicular Leydig cells.
-39 A.A
-Synthetized from POMC
-Stimulates GCS from adrenal cortex
Clinically,if you want to measure cortisol level in Cushing's pt,you would measure it in
Evening where it should be low.
-191 A.A
-secretion is typically pulsatile
-secretion changes over lifecourse(high in growing kids)
GH stimulates
-cell div.
-cell growth
-protein synthesis
-release of fatty acids(protein sparing)
GH inhibits
Glc uptake
Effects of GH mediated thru
-structurally similar to proinsulin
-exert some insulin-like effects
-IGF-1 is most important somatomedin(SM-C)
-made in liver
-bound to circulating binding proteins
-levels fairly constant(unlike GH)
--> better to check IGF in acromegaly cases.
GH control
-Somatostatin -vely controls
-somatostatin stops body growth
-somato. analogues used to treat GH overproducing tumours
-Peptide hormone(198 AA)
-Stimulates lactation in postpartum period
-Pituitary doubles in size during pregnancy
-NOT glycosylated
High levels of oestrogen
Inhibits lactation.
PRL regulation is under
-ve control
Dopamine is
PRL inhibiting factor
Dopamine released via
Big tumour compressing pit. stalk may cause
Mild increase in PRL levels.
Role of hypothalamus
-Body weight set point
-Core body temp
-sleep wake cycle
-memory and behaviour
Thirst and ADH secretion stimulated by
Increase in blood osmolality
ADH retains water by
Translocating aquaporin channels to renal tubular cell membranes.
-Peptide hormone
-causes contraction of smooth muscle in uterus to promote labour
-Also stimulates milk release from mammary glands
Pituitary is
Body's thermostat
It is important for
-response to stress
-regulation of metabolic rate
-reg. of growth/body composition
-essential for normal gonadal function,childbirth,lactation.