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71 Cards in this Set

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Self-destructive behavior may be
direct or indirect
Low self-esteem leads to
depression, always present in self-destructive behavior
suicidal activity with intent to cause death
direct self-destructive behavior
suicide ideation, threats, attempts, completed suicide
direct self-destructive behavior
any activity detrimental to person's physical well-being that may result in death
indirect self-destructive behavior
The age group that has highest suicide rate
people over age 80
Suicide is ____ of young people
third leading killer
___ commit overwhelming majority of completed suicides
____ attempt three times as often
____ account for half of all completed suicides
Women use means of ____ in suicide attempts
mediations, wrist slashing
Highest ethnicity of suicide rates
natives ages 15 to 34
Hispanic females and suicide rates
grades 9 to 12 higher in attempt rates
The types of suicidal behaviors
1. Suicidal ideation
2. Suicide threat
3. Attempted suicide
4. Completed suicide
Floats around as an idea in our mind
action or statement
Attempt at suicide
completed suicide
Accounts for 125,000 deaths annually
___ people generally aware they have chosen to not care for themselves
act of deliberate harm to one's own body, done to oneself, without aid of another person
cutting and burning skin, banging head and limbs, picking at wounds, chewing fingers
injury severe enough to cause tissue damage
-People with mental retardation
-Psychotic pts as response to command hallucinations or delusions
-Prison populations
-Character disorders, especially borderline personality disorders
Categories of self-injurious pts
thought of self-inflicted death: self reported or reported to others
Only thoughts of suicide
passive suicide ideation
plans of causing one's own death
active suicide ideation
verbal or nonverbal warning (direct or indirect) that person is planning to take his or her own life
suicide threat
All suicide behavior is
serious, whatever the intent
Suicide ideation, threats, and attempts all
require the nurse's highest priority
any self-directed action that will lead to death if not stopped
suicide attempt
when assessing suicidal behavior, place
emphasis on lethality of method threatened or used
Although all suicide threats and attempts must be taken seriously, vigilant attention
indicated when person is planning or tries highly lethal method
Most suicidal person is one who has
-Highly lethal method (gunshot to head)
-Specific plan (as soon as wife goes shopping)
-Means available (loaded gun in desk drawer)
Person exhibit ____ as compared with someone "asking for help"
little ambivalence
death from self-inflicted injury, poisoning, or suffocation with evidence that decedent intended to kill self
completed suicide
Most people want to be prevent from carrying out self-destruction;
relieved to be asked about it
Merely asking a pt if he or she is suicidal
does not meet the standard of care
self-injury learned and reinforced in childhood or adolescence
behavior theory
problems in early stages of ego development may provoke episodes of self-injury
psychological theory
self-injury may result from interactions that leave child feeling guilty and worthless
interpersonal theory
-Psychiatric dx
-Personality traits and disorders
-Psychosocial factors
-Physical illness
-Genetic and familial variables, biochemical factors
-Biopsychosocial model for understanding self-destructive behavior over life cycle
Predisposing factors to self-injury
Over 90% who complete suicide have psychiatric illness
-Mood disorders
-Substance abuse
-Anxiety disorders
Hostility, impulsivity, depression, hopelessness associated
with increased risk of suicide
Suicidal people are more
socially withdrawn, have lower self-esteem, are less trusting of others, expect bad things to happen, have rigid and inflexible way of thinking
-Loss, lack of social supports, neg life events, chronic physical illness
-Humiliating events: personal, public embarrassment, job loss, threat of jail
-More vulnerable to self-destructive behavior from knowing someone who attempted suicide or media exposure
-Strength and quality of social supports improve compliance with treatment
Predisposing factors - Psychosocial
Suicide rate in recently discharged hospital patients
3x higher than general population
Chronic, debilitating disorders most often associated with suicide
Cancer, Huntington chorea, epilepsy, MS disorders, peptic ulcer disease, HIV/AIDS
Explained by ____ with an _____ of family member who has committed suicide, family stress, transmission of genetic factors
identification; imitation
The offspring of mood-disordered suicide attempters are at a
markedly greater risk for suicide attempts themselves
Growing evidence of association between suicide or suicidal tendencies and low level of brain neurotransmitter
-Self-destructive behavior: from overwhelming stress
-Stressors individualized, as is person's ability to tolerate stress
-All self-destructive behaviors may be seen as attempts to escape from uncomfortable or intolerable life situations, related anxiety
-Suicide implies loss of ability to value self
Precipitating stressors
When sense of self-worth is extremely low, self-destructive behavior
In alcoholism, losing close relationship in _____, concurrent use of other drugs, physical illness
6 weeks
-Comorbid substance abuse
-Prior suicide attempts
-Family history of major depression
-Previous antidepressant tx
-History of legal problems
-Handgun available in house
Significant predictors in depresses adolescents
Social isolation may lead to loneliness
increased vulnerability
People involved with others in their communities are
more able to tolerate stress
Social activities and religious involvement
supportive to many people
-Clinical care for mental, physical, substance abuse disorders
-Easy access to clinical interventions
-Restricted access to lethal methods
-Family and community support and supportive relationships in ongoing medical/mental health care
-Learned skills in problem-solving, conflict resolution, nonviolent handling of disputes
-Cultural and religious beliefs give sense of hope that discourages suicide
Protective factors against suicide
The best predictor of suicide is
a previous suicide attempt
Denial, rationalization, regression, magical thinking, defend from strong emotional responses to life events that seriously threaten ego
Coping mechanisms
In the case of self-destructive behavior,
caution is the recommended in determining the level of risk
It is better to overestimate the patient's level of risk
than allow serious injury to occur
-Anxiety disorders
-Major depressive disorder
-Noncompliance with treatment
-Substance use disorders
Medical dx r/t suicidal behavior
Expected outcomes
-Patient will not physically harm himself or herself
-First priority is to prevent actively suicidal person from acting on impulses
-Give highest priority to preservation of life
Nursing care plan must focus first
on protecting patient from harm
Suicide precautions require checking pt at least
q15minutes to ensure safety
-Inadequate suicide assessment of the pt at intake, absent or incomplete reassessment, and lack of assessment at discharge
-Unsafe environment of care
-Insufficient orientation or training, incomplete competency review or credentialing, and inadequate staffing levels
-Incomplete communication among caregivers
-Inadequate care planning or care provision
Common avoidable causes of suicide in hospitals
Suicidal patients may appear to be feeling much better before
immediately before making attempt
Agreement not to inflict self-harm specified period and contact nurse if tempted to act on self-destructive impulses
contracting with suicidal pt
Estimated that each suicide intimately affects
at least six other people
Survivors are
also at risk of suicide following a relative/close relationship's suicide