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18 Cards in this Set

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What is a seizure?

Disorganised brain activity with overstimulation of the CNS causing random involuntary muscle spasms.

What are some causes of seizures?

Toxins, brains trauma, tumours, epilepsy, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, meningitis.

What is idiopathic epilepsy?

Has an unknown cause. Potentially genetic. First fit occurs between 1 and 3 years of age. Requires life long treatment using neuron suppressing drugs.

What are the 3 stages of seizures?

Pre ictal, ictus and post ictal

What happens in the preictal stage of a seizure?

Just before a seizure, a change in behaviour is seen.

What happens in ictus?

The seizure itself, can be partial, generalise, cluster or status epilepticus.

What happens post ictus?

After a seizure, animals may be restless, polydipsic and disorientated.

What is a partial seizure?

Only part of the brain is affected so only part of the body may react -- muscle twitch, howling, hypersalavation.

What is a generlised seizure?

The whole brain and body if affected. Can be clonic (just jerking) or tonic-clonic (period of stiffening and then jerking)

What is a cluster seizure?

Where multiple seizures occur in 24 hours.

What is status epilepticus?

Where a seizure is continuous for more than 5 minutes, or seizure repeats in less than 1/2 an hour. EMERGENCY

What should owners record if they see their pet seizuring?

When it occurs and how long it lasts -- see if there is a pattern to when it happens.

If possible what should owners be asked to do on their smart phone?

Film the seizure to show to the vet.

What should owners do for an animal that is seizuring?

Watch from a safe distance, ensure they can't hurt themselves, move danger away, darken and quieten room.

What should owners do after their pet has stopped seizuring?

reassure the animal, let them come to you, offer food and water.

What questions might be asked if a status epilepticus case if bought in?

Had it seizured before? Has it eaten something toxis? Has it had a trauma? What meds is it on? Behavioural changed?

What care is required for status epilepticus?

TPR constantly, frequent neuro exams, dark quiet spacious padded kennel. IV access needed. monitor blood glucose. Vet may sedate or anaesthetise. O2 therapy.

What long term effects might be involved with seizuring?

Owner commitment to meds that may cause pet drowsiness, PUPD, polyphagia and ataxia. May see behavioural changes.