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133 Cards in this Set

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What layer surrounds the urethra?
corpus spongiosum
What is the prepuce?
foreskin that covers the glan
What is smegma ?
In the uncircumcised male, smegma is formed by the secretion of sebaceous material by the glans and the desquamation of epithelial cells from the prepuce. It appears as a cheesy white material on the glans and in the fornix of the foreskin.
Spermatogenesis requires maintenance of temperatures lower than ___
37 degrees
The adult testis is ovoid and measures approximately ___
4 × 3 × 2 cm
Where is the epididymis ?
posterolateral and upper aspect of the testis in 90% of males
What provides the storage, maturation, and transit of sperm?
Path from epididymis to ejaculatory duct?
The vas deferens begins at the tail of the epididymis, ascends the spermatic cord, travels through the inguinal canal, and unites with the seminal vesicle to form the ejaculatory duct.
What does the prostate produce?
major volume of ejaculatory fluid, which contains fibrinolysin
What is the function of the fibrinolysin produced from the prostate?
enzyme liquefies the coagulated semen, a process that may be important for satisfactory sperm motility
How much blood fills up the penis during erection?
20 to 50mL
What chemical substance from the autonomic nervous system aids in erection?
nitic oxide
What organs are involved in making ejection secretions?
vas deferens, epididymides, prostate, and seminal vesicles.
Orgasm is followed by constriction of the vessels supplying blood to the ___ and ___.
corpora cavernosa,gradual detumescence
The external genitalia are identical for males and females at __ of gestation, but by ___of gestation sexual differentiation has occurred
8 weeks, 12 weeks
Any fetal insult during ___ of gestation may lead to major anomalies of the external genitalia
8 or 9 weeks
During the___, the testes descend from the retroperitoneal space through the inguinal canal to the scrotum
third trimester
Separation of the prepuce from the glans is usually incomplete at birth and often remains so until the age of___ in uncircumcised males.
3 to 4 years
What happens to sperm in older adults?
production is same, viability is decreased
What medications cause difficulty with acheieving or maintaining erection?
diuretics, sedatives, antihypertensive agents, tranquilizers, estrogens, inhibitors of androgen synthesis, antidepressants
What medications can cause Infertility?
testosterone, glucocorticoids, hypothalamic releasing hormone
___ ejaculation has been associated with a lower risk of carcinoma of the prostate
Genital hair is ___ than scalp hair
What is the male escutcheon pattern?
abundant in the pubic region and may continue in a narrowing midline pattern to the umbilicus
What is phimosis ?
foreskin is tight and cannot be retracted; may occur during the first 6 years of life
phimosis is usually congenital but may result from recurrent infections or ___ or even __
balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans penis and prepuce) or radial tearing of the preputial ring, resulting in adhesions of the foreskin to the glans
What is Balanitis?
inflammation of the glans; occurs only in uncircumcised individuals and is often associated with phimosis
What medical conditions is a risk factor for Balanitis?
poorly controlled diabetes and a candidal infection
Bright erythema or a discharge from the urethral meatus indicates ___ disease
pinpoint or round opening of the urethral meatus may result from ___
meatal stenosis
The presence of a penile discharge may indicate a___
venereal infection.
What is priapism ?
prolonged penile erection
What medical conditions are a risk factor for priapism?
leukemia or hemoglobinopathies such as sickle cell disease.
Which testicle has a longer spermatic cord?
Left testicle
Lumps in the scrotal skin are commonly caused by ___
sebaceous cysts, also called epidermoid cysts
unusual thickening of the scrotum caused by edema, often with pitting
general fluid retention associated with cardiac, renal, or hepatic disease.
The hernia is described as___ if it lies within the inguinal canal
hernia that is common in young males that pass through the external canal
abdominal hernia
hernia viscus is felt medial to the external canal
direct hernia
What diseases make the testis totally insensitive to painful stimuli?
syphilis and diabetic neuropathy
presence of beaded or lumpy in its course as you palpate from the testicle to the inguinal ring on the vas deferens might indicate ___, ___, ___
diabetes or old inflammatory changes, especially tuberculosis
___ are the most common cancer occurring in young men
testicular tumors
How do you test the cremasteric reflex?
. Stroke the inner thigh with a blunt instrument such as the handle of the reflex hammer, or for a child, with your finger. The testicle and scrotum should rise on the stroked side
The nonerect length of the penis at birth is ___
2 to 3 cm
In infants, A hooked, downward bowing of the penis suggests a __
What can happen in an infant if you tear the prepuce from the glans?
binding adhesions to form between the prepuce and the glans
Mobility of the foreskin increases with time, and it should be fully retractable by ___ of age.
3 or 4 years
Dribbling or a reduced force or caliber of the urinary stream may indicate ____
stenosis of the urethral meatus
___ may be associated with a sex chromosomal abnormality 47XXY or 47XYY
A deep cleft in the scrotum (bifid scrotum) is usually associated with other ___ or ___
genitourinary anomalies or ambiguous genitalia.
The testicle of the newborn is approximately __ in diameter.
1 cm
roll the spermatic cord beneath the fingers to feel the solid structure going through the ring. If the feeling of smoothness disappears as you palpate, the peritoneum is passing through the ring, indicating an ___
invisible hernia
If a bright penlight transilluminates the mass, and there is no change in size when reduction is attempted, it most likely contains ___
fluid (hydrocele with a closed tunica vaginalis)
A mass that does not transilluminate but does change in size when reduction is attempted is probably a ___
A mass that neither changes in size nor transilluminates may represent an ___
incarcerated hernia, which is a surgical emergency.
In children, If the penis appears swollen, tender, or if ecchymotic lesions are present, be concerned about the possibility of ___
sexual abuse
A scrotum that remains small, flat, and undeveloped is a good indication of ____
cryptorchidism (undescended testes).
In children, what position is useful to showe inguinal hernias?
tailor position
A hard, enlarged, painless testicle may indicate a ___
acute swelling in the scrotum with discoloration can result from ___
torsion of the spermatic cord or orchitis
Acute, painful swelling without discoloration and a thickened or nodular epididymis suggests ___
An enlarged penis without enlargement of the testes occurs with ___, ___, and some central nervous system lesions.
precocious puberty, adrenal hyperplasia
An ___is the protrusion of a peritoneal-lined sac through some defect in the abdominal wall
abdominal hernia
Femoral hernias occur at the ____
fossa ovalis, where the femoral artery exits the abdomen
A ____is a nonreducible hernia in which the blood supply to the protruded tissue is compromised; this condition requires prompt surgical intervention.
strangulated hernia
Most common type of hernia; both genders are affected; often patients are children and young males
Indirect Inguinal
Hernia Less common than indirect inguinal; occurs more often in males than females; more common in those older than 40 years of age
Direct Inguinal
Hernia Through external inguinal ring; located in region of the Hesselbach triangle; rarely enters scrotum
Direct Inguinal
Bulge in area of Hesselbach triangle; usually painless; easily reduced; hernia bulges anteriorly, pushes against side of finger on examination
Direct Inguinal
Least common type of hernia; occurs more often in females than males; rare in children
Hernia Through femoral ring, femoral canal, and fossa ovalis
Hernia Right side presentation more common than left; pain may be severe; inguinal canal empty on examination
Hernia Through internal inguinal ring; can remain in canal, exit the external ring, and pass into scrotum; may be bilateral
Indirect Inguinal
Hernia Soft swelling in area of internal ring; pain on straining; hernia comes down canal and touches fingertip on examination
Indirect Inguinal
inability to replace the foreskin to its usual position after it has been retracted behind the glans. Impairment of local circulation can lead to edema or gangrene of the glans
congenital defect in which the urethral meatus is located on the ventral surface of the glans, penile shaft, or the perineal area
Hypospadis orifice is ventral but within the substance of the glans, it is termed ___
primary hypospadias
Hypospadis orifice along the ventral shaft of the penis is termed ___
secondary hypospadias
Hypospadis orifice located at the base of the penis is termed___
tertiary hypospadias
The presence of hypospadias does put the infant at greater risk of having undescended testicles. Rarely, the orifice may appear on the dorsal surface, a condition called ____
The lesion of ___ generally occurs 2 weeks after exposure. It is most commonly located on the glans, but can be located on the foreskin. Painless, the lesion has indurated borders with a clear base. Scrapings from the ulcer, when examined microscopically, show spirochetes
primary syphilis
appears as superficial vesicles. The lesions may be located on the glans, on the penile shaft, or at the base of the penis. They are commonly quite painful, and at the time of primary infection are often associated with inguinal lymphadenopathy and systemic symptoms including fever
Venereal herpes
A soft, reddish lesion that arises because of infection with a papovavirus is called ___
lesions are commonly present on the prepuce, glans penis, and penile shaft; but they may be present within the urethra as well. The lesions may undergo malignant degeneration to squamous cell carcinoma
STI caused by a chlamydial organism
Lymphogranuloma venereum
Although the lesions appear on the genitalia, symptoms may be systemic. The initial lesion is a painless erosion at or near the coronal sulcus. Subsequently, local lymph nodes become involved; unless the infection is treated, draining sinus tracts may form. If lymphatic drainage is blocked, penile and scrotal lymphedema may ensue.
Lymphogranuloma venereum
STI caused by a poxvirus
lesions are pearly gray, often umbilicated, smooth, dome shaped, and with discrete margins. They occur most commonly on the glans penis
fibrous band in the corpus cavernosum
unilateral and results in deviation of the penis during erection. Depending on the extent of the fibrous band, the condition may make erection painful and intromission impossible. No treatment has been altogether successful. Vitamin E therapy has recently become popular, and corticosteroid injection has also been used
Cancer of the penis is generally ___
appears as a painless ulceration that, unlike a syphilitic chancre, fails to heal. The lesions are often extensive by the time help is sought, either because of fear or because the lesion is unnoticed under the foreskin
cystic swelling occurring on the epididymis. Smaller and but it does transilluminate
results from fluid accumulation in the tunica vaginalis
nontender, smooth, firm mass. confined to the scrotum and does not enter the inguinal canal. The mass will transilluminate.
If the tunica vaginalis is not patent, the hydrocele will generally disappear spontaneously in the first__ of life
6 months
An abnormal tortuosity and dilation of veins of the pampiniform plexus within the spermatic cord is termed a
bag of worms
describe the grading of Varicocele
small (palpated only during Valsalva maneuver), moderate (easily palpated without Valsalva maneuver, and large (causing visible bulging of the scrotal skin).
An acute inflammation of the testis, ___ is uncommon except as a complication of mumps in the adolescent or adult. It is generally unilateral and results in testicular atrophy in 50% of the cases. In older adults it may result from bacterial migration from a prostatic infection
Inflammation of the ___ is often seen in association with a urinary tract infection. Or STI
Systemic symptoms such as fever and examination of the urine for white blood cells and bacteria
Occasionally, ___ may occur as a consequence of tuberculosis
chronic epididymitis
irregular, nontender mass fixed on the testis. It does not transilluminate. It may be associated with inguinal lymphadenopathy; often it is not, because lymphatic drainage is to the retroperitoneal nodes
Testicular tumor tends to occur in young men and is the most common tumor in males ___ of age
15 to 30 years
congenital anomaly associated with XXY chromosomal inheritance. It is associated with hypogonadism, including a small scrotum; female distribution of pubic hair; and, in some cases, gynecomastia
newborn has a very small penis with hypospadias or an enlarged clitoris. There may be partial fusion of the labioscrotal fold or a bifid scrotum. Testes cannot be palpated.
inflammatory bands that connect opposing serous surfaces
inflammation of the glans
ventral curvature of the penis
surgical removal of the prepuce
reflex characterized by rising of the scrotum and testicle when the inner thigh is stroked
undescended testes
inflammation of the epididymis
patter of hair growth on the male pubis and abdomen
conical structure at distal aspect of penis
fluid accumulation in the tunica vaginalis resulting in a nontender, smooth, firm mass
a defect on the ventrum of the penis so that the uretral meatus is more proximal than its normal glandular location
XXY chromosomal anomaly
acute inflammation of the testis
painful constriction of the glans penis by a phimotic foreskin, which has been retracted
disease characterized by a fibrous band in the corpus cavernosum
narrowness of the opening of the prepuce, preventing its being drawn back over the glans
Prolonged penile erection
cystic swelling on the epididymis
rotation producing ischemia of testis
abnormal tortuosity and dilation of veins in the spermatic cord
Initially a painless erosion on or near the coronal sulcus
Lymphogranuloma venereum
Painful superficial vesicles on the glans, penile shaft, or base of the penis
Venereal herpes
Dome-shaped, smooth, pearly gray lesions on the glans penis
Molluscum contagiosum located on glans penis
Painless lesion with clear base and indurated borders, ususally located on glans penis
Syphilitic chancre
Reddish lesions on preepuce, glans, and shaft; may also be present within uretha
Genital warts
* PenileLack of circumcision with failure to maintain good hygiene
* Condyloma acuminatum infection
* TesticularCryptorchidism with elevated testicular temperature (Elevated temperature cannot be the complete explanation because the descended testicle is also at increased risk of developing cancer.)
"Risk Factors
Carcinoma of the Male Genitalia"