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50 Cards in this Set

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When blood calcium levels decrease below normal, calcium is released from the _______so that there will be an adequate supply for metabolic needs.
When blood calcium levels are increased, the excess calcium is stored in the
bone matrix
the formation of blood cells, which mostly takes place in the red marrow of the bones.
There are two types of bone tissue:
spongy and compact
There are three types of cells that contribute to bone homeostasis
bone-forming cell
resorb or break down bone
mature bone cells
consists of closely packed osteons or haversian systems
Compact bone
consists of a central canal called the osteonic (haversian) canal,
osteonic (haversian) canal
The osteonic (haversian) canal is surrounded by
concentric rings (lamellae) of matrix
Between the rings of matrix, the bone cells (osteocytes) are located in spaces called
Small channels (canaliculi) radiate from the ______to the osteonic (haversian) canal to provide passageways through the hard matrix.
bones can be grouped in two divisions: .
axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton
Cranial Bones consist of:
Parietal (2)
Temporal (2)
Frontal (1)
Occipital (1)
Ethmoid (1)
Sphenoid (1)
Facial Bones consist of:
Maxilla (2)
Zygomatic (2)
Mandible (1)
Nasal (2)
Platine (2)
Inferior nasal concha (2)
Lacrimal (2)
Vomer (1)
Auditory Ossicles consist of:
Malleus (2)
Incus (2)
Stapes (2)
Vertebral Column consists of these bones:
Cervical vertebrae (7)
Thoracic vertebrae (12)
Lumbar vertebrae (5)
Sacrum (1)
Coccyx (1)
The thoracic cage consists of:
Sternum (1)
Ribs (24)
The Appendicular Skeleton consists of how many bones?
Pectoral girdles consist of:
Clavicle (2)
Scapula (2)
Upper extremity bones consists of:
Humerus (2)
Radius (2)
Ulna (2)
Carpals (16)
Metacarpals (10)
Phalanges (28)
Pelvic Girdle consists of:
Coxal, innominate, or hip bones (2)
Lower Extremity bones consist of:
Femur (2)
Tibia (2)
Fibula (2)
Patella (2)
Tarsals (14)
Metatarsals (10)
Phalanges (28)
A joint where two bones come together
there are three types of joints:
immovable, slightly movable and freely movable.
In these joints, the bones come in very close contact and are separated only by a thin layer of fibrous connective tissue.
The osteonic canals contain
blood vessels that are parallel to the long axis of the bone
is lighter and less dense than compact bone
Spongy (cancellous) bone
Spongy bone consists of
plates (trabeculae) and bars of bone adjacent to small, irregular cavities that contain red bone marrow
The canaliculi connect to the adjacent cavities, instead of a central haversian canal, to receive
their blood supply
follow the lines of stress and can realign if the direction of stress changes.
trabeculae of spongy bone
often used synonymously to indicate the process of bone formation
osteogenesis and ossification
There are two types of ossification:
intramembranous and endochondral
involves the replacement of sheet-like connective tissue membranes with bony tissue
Intramembranous ossification
involves the replacement of hyaline cartilage with bony tissue
Endochondral ossification
A membrane around the surface of cartilage.
The four principal types of bones are
long, short, flat and irregular
are roughly cube shaped with vertical and horizontal dimensions approximately equal.
Short bones
are thin, flattened, and usually curved.
flat bones
What are two types of irregular bone?
some bones in skull and vertebrae
The adult human skeleton usually consists of 206 named bones. These bones can be grouped in two divisions:
axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton
Name the cranial bones:
Parietal (2)
Temporal (2)
Frontal (1)
Occipital (1)
Ethmoid (1)
Sphenoid (1)
Name the facial bones:
Maxilla (2)
Zygomatic (2)
Mandible (1)
Nasal (2)
Platine (2)
Inferior nasal concha (2)
Lacrimal (2)
Vomer (1)
Name the auditory ossicles:
Malleus (2)
Incus (2)
Stapes (2)
What are the bones of the vertebral column?
Cervical vertebrae (7)
Thoracic vertebrae (12)
Lumbar vertebrae (5)
Sacrum (1)
Coccyx (1)
What are the bones of the thoracic cage?
Sternum (1)
Ribs (24)
What are the bones in the pectoral girdles?
Clavicle (2)
Scapula (2)
What are the bones in the upper extremity?
Humerus (2)
Radius (2)
Ulna (2)
Carpals (16)
Metacarpals (10)
Phalanges (28)
Name the bones of the pelvic girdle?
Coxal, innominate, or hip bones (2)