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35 Cards in this Set

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plants that produce naked seeds


plants that produce enclosed seeds

What are the 2 types of vessels and what are they for?

Phloem : Food & Nutrients

Xylem: Water

what adaptations provide success in seed plants?

reproductive adaptations and improved vascular system

What is inside a seed?

a plant embryo/ partially developed plant

how does the size of seed plants vary?

small duck weeds to giant redwoods and eucalyptus trees (100 m tall)

How does vascular tissue give seed plants an advantage?

allows seed plants to reach heights unattainable in the non-vascular world

What are some examples of gymnosperms?

pines, spruces, junipers, firs

What are some characteristics of gymnosperms?

thin, needle-like leaves covered in a hard, waxy cuticle to keep from drying out.

What are the living conditions of gymnosperms?

hot dry summers, cold winters, moderate rainfall.

what is the ecological role of gymnosperms?

maintain gases in the atmosphere by removing CO2 and adding oxygen "earths lungs" , controls flooding by absorbing water with roots and prevents topsoil from being eroded/ blown away.

What is the economical role of gymnosperms?

building/ furniture construction, newspaper, paper products, medicine, varnishes, disinfectants, fuels, turpentine

Explain how there are two types of spores in two types of cones.

Male cones: the spore mother cells undergo meiosis and produce microspores which develop into pollen grains containing a male gametophyte

Female Cones: they bear ovules which inside a mother cell undergoes meiosis where one haploid spore resulting from meiosis survives and develops into a female gametophyte called a megaspore

explain fertilization of gymnosperms

each spring pine trees produce millions of pollen grains which have winglike structures that enable to be dispersed by wind. After landing on a female cone the pollen is trapped in a sticky sap made by the female cone. as the sap dries out it pulls the pollen into the ovule.

explain what happens after the fertilization of gymnosperms

the resulting zygote develops into an embryo. The embryo, female gametophyte, and seed coat are shed from the pine cone.

Define Coevolution

when 2 different species exert selective pressures on each other.

What are the male parts of the flower?

Stamen- The male part

Filament- a stalk

Anther- where the pollen grains are formed

What are the female parts of the flower?

Stigma: sticky part where pollen grains land on and grow

Style- slender stalk where pollen grains reach the ovary-contains the ovule

ovule- inside the ovary which contains an embryo sac that holds the egg cell

carpel / pistil- the whole female part

micropyle- a small hole where semen and nuclei enter through

Which parts are neither male or female?

Petals- meant to attract the pollinators

sepals- green leaf-like structures that surround the carpel and stamen

seed- changes into a fruit, contains embryotic plant and stored food

what are the three ways of seed dispersal

wind- light weight seeds/ parachute like structureW

animals- feces of animals, seeds caught in fur, mixed into mud stick on animals feet

water- air trapped in tissues to float/ waxy water proof coating

Define Pollen Grains

small grains containing male gametophyte

Define pollination

process in which pollen is carried from the anther to the stigma or from the male cone to female cone

What are the pollen dispersal agents

Wind dispersal- for flowers that are small and inconspicuous and lack odor and nectar

Insect pollination: the majority of flowering plants. mainly bees, insects

pollen sticks to insects body and is rubbed off onto the stigmas

what is taxol and where does it come from?

the bark of the pacific yew Taxus breviolia, it is an anticancer drug.

In a gymnosperm, male and female cones are produces by an:

diploid sporophyte

in an angiosperm, flowers are produced by an:

diploid sporophyte

what happens after a pollen grain lands on the style:

a pollen tube begins to grow

where is food stored in the seed?

the endosperm

Monocots have:

- 1 cotyledon

- parallel veins

- parts multiples of 3

vascular bundles scattered

- fibrous roots

dicots have:

- 2 cotyledon

- branched veins

- multiples of 4/5

- vascular bundles in a ring

- taproot

why do seed baring plants no longer need standing water

pollen replaces sperm and does not need fluid to be transported because it floats in wind

how do gymnosperms differ from angiosperms

angiosperms have ovaries and gymnosperms have pollen tubes

which structure evolves into the pollen grain?

male gametophyte

which part of the flower develops into the fruit?

the ovary

what is the function of a fruit?

it helps ensure the seed dispersal of the parent plant