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53 Cards in this Set

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What are the three core services offered by Cryptography?

  1. Encryption: converts text to cipher text and back.
  2. Hashing:
  3. Authentication:

Name two common cipher types?

  1. Substitution: substitutes one character for another.
  2. Transposition: Involves shifting characters a certain number of spaces

Hashing is used to maintain what?

the integrity of information

Non-repudiation is the term used for?

ensuring that senders cannot say they did not send a message

Encryption involves both _____________ and ____________

Algorithms and keys

How is the algorithm and key used in encryption.

  1. Algorithms encrypt the clear text
  2. Keys encrypt and decrypts the text

The cryptography term Key Space means?

How many bits are the encryption key.

The cryptography term Work Factor means?

Refers to a value indication the time it would take to break the encryption. The higher the value the more time it will take.

The cryptography term One-Time Pads means?

An encryption method that involves using a key only once.

The cryptography term Block Ciphers vs. Stream Cipher mean?

Stream encrypts data one bit at a time while a Block encrypts one block at a time.

Block Ciphers vs. Stream Cipher what are the advantage of Stream over Block?

Stream ciphers are less overhead, faster and less error prone a error in block ciphering renders the entire block useless.

Stream Cipher vs. Block Ciphers what are the advantage of Block over Stream?

Block ciphers are more secure

The cryptography term Padding refers to?

Adding zeros or ones to the end of a message to create an even number of blocks.

The cryptography term XOR means?

Means if one and only one the value is 1

What is Symmetric encryption?

The method uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt the message.

What type of encryption is used on wireless networks?

Symmetric encryption

Name four other names for Symmetric encryption?
  1. Shared or pre-shared key
  2. Secret key
  3. Session key
  4. Private key

What is the advantage and disadvantages of Symmetric Encryption?

Much faster than Asymmetric Encryption, the disadvantages are passing the encryption key and the number of key required to ensure confidentiality among all persons.

How is the number of keys needed to encryption messages computed.

Number of people X (Number of People -1)/2

What is Data Encryption Standard (DES)?

It is a deprecated 56-bit block Cipher that used to be the government standard, but it is no longer considered secure.

Name four Data Encryption Standard (DES) based block ciphers used today?

  1. Blowfish which replace DES offers variable rates of encryption from 1 to 448 bits
  2. Twofish offers 128-bit encryption
  3. Triple DES (3DES) a DES base cipher that runs the information through three mathematical operations using three different keys 56-bit to 168-bit keys.
  4. Rivest Cipher use the RC algorithm

Rivest Cipher (RC4/RC5) are streaming block ciphers that use the RC algorithm. What are they used for?

RC4/RC5 are stream cipher used in SSL and WEP (for wireless security)

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a symmetric block cipher?

AES replaced DES as the new standard for symmetric encryption. It supports 128-bit, 192-bit, and AES256 256-bit encryption.

The Asymmetric encryption involves using two mathematically related keys to perform the ____________ and ______________ process

Encryption and Decryption

The two main concepts about Asymmetric encryption?

  1. Whatever operation one key in the pair does the other key undoes.
  2. The two that are used a related but one cannot be derived from the other.

Public and Private Keys are associated with which type of encryption?

Asymmetric encryption

How are the public and private keys use for encryption and decryption in Asymmetric encryption?

The private key is used for decryption and the recipient's public key is used to encryption .

Where do public key reside?

Generally on a central server, but the idea is that whomever communicates with sender should have access to their public key.

In order to ensure non-repudiation messages are _____________?

Signed using the senders private key.

What is the advantage and disadvantages of asymmetric Encryption?

The public keys can securely be communicated to other parties unlike with symmetric encryption. Key management is a key benefit. Only one pair of keys per user is needed for encryption. A major disadvantage is speed.

Name three Asymmetric Encryption Algorithms?

  1. Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA): the first asymmetric algorithm tha implement signing and encryption.
  2. Diffie-Hellman: is a secure key exchange protocol.
  3. Elliptic curve: newer protocol based on Diffie-Hellman uses the DIgital Signature Algorithm (DSA) for signing messages.

Quantum cryptography is used with fiber-optic networks. How does it work?

Works by sending encrypted information as photons (particles of light) which is converted to binary data.

What is the benefit of Quantum cryptography?

  1. Is that the state of the photons changes if passed through rogue networks.
  2. The change is the state of the photons is easily detected indicating that the cryptography key should be changed.

What is the difference between in-band key exchange and out-of-band key exchange.

In the in-band key exchange the exchange is part of the communication. In out-band a separate channel is used to exchange keys.

What is another name for hash value?

Message Digest

For the following four hashing algorithms what is the bit value of the generated hash:

  1. Message Digest (MD2 - 5) most common
  2. Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA0 - 2 1 common)
  3. SHA-256 and 512
  4. RACE integrity Primitive Evaluation Message Digest (RIPEMD)
  1. 128
  2. 160
  3. 256 and 512
  4. Uses DES not secure
  5. 128, 169, 256, and 320

For the following four hashing algorithms do not generate hash values what do they use:

  1. LANMAN (LM) (not secure)
  2. NT LAN Manager (NLTM)
  3. NTLMv2
  4. Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC)
  1. DES is used to encrypt the password
  2. NTLM which uses MD4
  3. Uses HMAC-MD5 to hash the challenge and response between client and server
  4. Uses a secret key combined with the hashing algorithm to calculate the message authentication code (MAC). The MAC is the hash value.

What is Trusted Platform Module (TPM)

A computer chip on a system that is used to store the cryptographic keys used for encryption. BIOS must support TPM

The secure replacements for:

  1. HTTP
  2. Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS)
  3. FTP
  4. Telnet
  1. HTTPS
  2. TLS is more secure than SSL
  3. Secure SFTP which rides on top of SSH
  4. SSH

The following secure protocols are used for encrypting:

  1. Secure MIME (S/MIME)
  2. Internet Protocol Security (IPSec)
  3. Secure Copy Protocol (SCP)
  4. WEP, WPA or WPA2 (most secure)
  1. Mail
  2. All IP traffic
  3. Runs on top of SSH encrypts the communication used to transfer a file.
  4. Used encrypt wireless communication.

Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) has two modes, what are they?

  1. Transport Mode only packet is encrypted
  2. Tunnel Mode the header, packet and data are encrypted.

Name three new security concepts for protecting keys?

  1. Ephemeral key uses a temporary key to encrypt a single message instead of a the same key for all messages.
  2. Perfect forward secrecy a system that generates random public keys (ephemeral key) for each session.
  3. Key stretching uses a special algorithm to convert weak passwords into a stronger key.

PBKDF2 and Bcrypt are examples of what kind of key protection.

Key stretching

What is a Cipher suite?

Cipher suite is a group of security algorithms used to provide authentication, encryption, and message authentication code functionally. Cipher suits are used to negotiate security settings in SSL and TLS.

What are the two key negotiation protocols used by TLS?

Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral (DHE) and Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral (ECDHE).

Ephemeral key is key that?

Uses a temporary key to encrypt a single message instead of the same key for all messages.

Perfect forward secrecy is when?

A system that generates random public keys (ephemeral key) for each session so that secret key exchange can occur during the communication.

Key stretching uses a?

Special algorithm to convert weak passwords into a stronger key.

A Vigenere Cipher use a?

Table to encrypt the message base on a intersection in the table.

Key Space refers to what?

How many bits are in the encryption key. The larger the key the more secure the key.

Work Factor refers to what?

A value indicating the time it would take to break the encryption.

One-Time Pads refers to what?

A very secure method of encryption information that involves using a key only once.

Block Cipher vs. Stream Ciphers differences?

Stream Cipher encrypt data one bit at a time, faster than block cipher, text is same size and part of the text can be invalid without invalidating all of it.

Block Cipher more secure, uses XOR , encrypt blocks