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12 Cards in this Set

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Decryption Algorithms

Input C Cipher textInput K the decrypticn Keyperform decryption stepsoutputthe plaintext

SY metric Algorithms

Encryption and decryption operation use the Same key

Asymetric Algorithms

Use different keys known as public keysPaired keys

c I A

Ccnfi dentiality ensures that unauthorize individuals are not able to gain access to sensitive informationIntegrity protects messages against Unauthorized modification Authentication manySystems that Verify the identity of users rely upon the use of encryption Non Repudiation means That reciepent OF a message Can prove to an ihdepedent third party that the message actually came from the alleged sender AKA digital signatures

Codes and cipher

are two different things


A system thut substitutes one word or phrase for another . Codes are intended to provide secrecy and or efficiency

Police 10 code talk, or spy using phrases that are talking in code

Choosing encryption algorithms

Encrytion uses mothers. tcl techniques and Algorithms Do not try to build Your own algorithmIF a vendor does not want to disclose Share the detail red flag Use algorithm with proven background to be securedlonger the hey the more secure

The perfect encryption algorithm

Onetime pad1882Sender And reciever have identical neys


Data Encryption standardSYmmtr:c algorithMdesigned cnd Implemented by IBM in the 1970's for unclassified Communication through cut the federal governmentNO lcnge r Considered Secured


triple DESthree rounds of DESwarns on' 64 bit blockconsider secured today


Allows for three different key lengths 128 bit 192 or 256 bituey . All 3 are Considered secured


symmetric Algorithm works on blocks OF 64 bits using any Key length you Choose between 32 and 448 hitsno longer Considered secured