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32 Cards in this Set

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Peculiar institution
-a euphemistic term in place of slavery
-implied that the south slavery was different than the harsh slavery in other places
-used when william lloyd garrison began to attack slavery
Missouri Compromise
-admitted Missouri as a slave state
-Maine admitted as free
-all future bondage was prohibited North of the line 36'30
Tariff of Abominations
-Tariff of 1828
-wanted to protect industry in the North from competing with European goods
-Southerners forced to buy goods from american market which was heavily protected by tariffs
-inspired John C Calhouns attempt of nullification
The Liberator
-an abolitionist newspaper founded by William Lloyd Garrison
-Garrison used it to send out messages against slavery
-in a sense fired one of the opening barrages of the Civil War
Gag Resolution
-required all antislavery appeals to be tabled without debate, preventing them from being discussed
-occured in the house of representatives
-southerners drove it
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
-settled the dispute over the location of the border between Maine and New Brunswick
-named after the signees of the treaty
-also called for a final end to the slave trade on the high seas
-agreed on terms for use of great lakes
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
-between US and Mexico
-ended the mexian-american war and provided for mexian cession
-mexico agreed to give 1.36 million km2 to US in exchange for 15 million
-US agreed to take on 3.25 million in debt from Mexico
Wilmot Proviso
-introduced in house of representatives for final negotiations to resolve the mexican-american war
-intent was to prevent the introduction of slavery in any territory aquired by mexico
-did not pass
Popular soveriegnty
-belief that the state is subject to the will of the people in which citizens decide on the issue of slavery
-Stephen A Douglas was a supporter
Free Soil Party
-broke off of democratic party
-opposed expansion of slavery into western territories
-wanted to keep the western lands free of blacks and slaves
Compromise of 1850
-california admitted as free state
-texas recieved compensation for giving up lands to new mexico
-new mexico territory organized
-slave trade abolished in washington DC
-fugitive slave laws passed, required all citizens to return runaways
-endorsed popular sovereignty
Fugitive Slave Act
-passed in 1850
-provided for the return of slaves who escaped regardless of legality of slavery in that state
-part of the compromise of 1850
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
-between US and Great Britain
-over the issue of the interoceanic canal across nicaragua
-bound both parties not to obtain or maintain any control over the canal or unequal advantage in its use
-guranteed neutralization of the canal
-declared that the parties agreed to extend their protection to any other principle communications across the isthmus connect N and S America
-said neither party would occupy, fortify, or colonize, nor assume domination or make us of any protectorate over nicaragua, costa rica, or central america
Ostend Manifesto
-secret document written in 1854 in belgium
-described a plan to acquire cuba from spain
-sent 3 diplomats to get cuba but if spain refused us would use force
-document leaked out and n outraged about trying to extend slavery
Kansas-Nebraska Act
-1854, created territories of kansas and nebraska
-act designed by Stephen A Douglas and involved popular sovereighnty
-repealed missouri compromise because both north of line 36'30
Uncle Tom's Cabin
-by Harriet Beecher Stowe
-anti-slavery novel that focused on cruelty of slavery
-fueled abolitionism in 1850
New England Emigrant Aid Company
-aka Massachusetts Emigrant Aid Company
-transportation company set up to take emigrants to kansas to shift the balance so that freestaters would have the majority for voting
Bleeding Kansas
-sequence of events involving free staters vs border ruffians
-took place in kansas and missouri trying to influence kansas as entering free or slave state
-border ruffians crossed kansas border only to sway the vote pro slavery
lecompton constitution
-enshrined slavery in the state and protected the rights of the slave holders
-provided a referendum that allowed voters the choice of allowing more slaves into kansas
-president buchanan endorsed it but congress rejected it
Dred-scott decision
-supreme court ruled that africans (slaves or not) could never be citizens of the US and congress has no authority to prohibit slavery in federal territories
-dred scott was a slave in illinois which was free. wanted to buy freedom but couldnt so sued because he lived in a free state.
Freeport Doctrine
-articulated by Stephan A Douglas in freeport illinios
-lincoln tried to force douglas to choose between popular sovereignty and supreme court case dred scott
-douglas attempted to find a compromise between both saying it was up to the people living in the territory to refused to pass laws favorable to slavery
Harpers Ferry Raid
-john brown (abolitionist) and followers seized united states arsenal at harpers ferry, virginia
-used pseudonym Isaac Smith
-brown expect local slaves to revolt but they didnt
-Robert E Lee was ordered to capture brown
-brown hanged for treason
Nat Turner
-american slave who led a slave rebellion in southampton county, virginia
-most remarkable instance of black resistance to slavery
-killed white civilians during uprising including women and children
-did not use firearms
-sentenced to death, hanged then beheaded and quartered
Gadsen Purchase
-region what is now southern arizona and new mexico
-purchased by US from Mexico in 1853
-signed by president pierce in 1854
-supposed to be more land but mexicans angry and abolitionists did not want so much new slave land
Election of 1860
-between lincoln, john breckinridge, john bell, and stephen douglas
-abraham Lincoln won without a single southern state support
-political system split 4 ways
-followed by secession of southern states
Hinton R Helper
-wrote Impending Crisis of the South about how nonslaveholding whites suffered most from slavery
William Lloyd Garrison
-published the Liberator
-radical abolitionist
-publically burned a copy of the constitution
Sojourner Truth
-freed black woman
-fought for black emancipation and women's rights
Frederick Douglas
-lectured widely for abolitionism
-looked to politics to end slavery
John Slidell
-sent to Mexico City in 1845 by Polk to buy California for $25 million (the offer was rejected)
-his rejection by Santa Anna was reason for mexican-american war
Immortal Trio
-Henry Clay
-John C Calhoun
-Daniel Webster
Know Nothing Party
-aka The American Party
-formed by Protestants who were alarmed by the increase of immigrants from Ireland and Germany.