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22 Cards in this Set

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Bernoulli's principle states the internal pressure of a fluid blank at points where the speed of the fluid


When air is forced to travel at a faster speed across the top of a wing versus the bottom of the wing this would result in

Lower pressure above the wing

Which statement best expresses Newton's third law of motion

For every action there is an equal opposite reaction

The three principle airfoils on aircraft that produce lift are

Wing propeller and horizontal tail surfaces

An imaginary straight line drawn from the Leading Edge to the trailing edge of a cross-section of an airfoil is called the

Chord line

The direction of the relative wind determined by the

Flight path of the aircraft

What force in Flight counteracts lift


What is used to determine the angle of attack

Relative wind and chord line

Actual atmospheric pressure at a given time does not depend on which of the following


For an aircraft to maintain a constant AirSpeed and maintain straight and level flight what must be in balance

Thrust and drag lift and weight

Which are the primary control surfaces on an airplane

Rudder ailerons elevator

Movement around the vertical axis is controlled by the


Movement around the longitudinal axis is called


Which action would cause a change in Pitch

Pushing the control yoke

Which control as the pilot to relieve manual pressure on the primary controls

Trim tab

At approximately what angle of attack will are no longer flows smoothly over the angles upper service

15 - 20

The most hazardous aspect of structural icing is

Airfoil distortion

What type of icing is an aircraft likely encounter when a flying in temperatures above freezing

Carburetor icing

The forces that are acting on a helicopter in flight are lift thrust blank and blank

Wait and drag

What term defines a maneuver in which a helicopter is in Motionless flight over a reference point and maintaining a constant heading and altitude


What is the basic purpose of the auto rotation maneuver in a helicopter

Provide a control and when the engine is no longer supplying power

The pitch of a helicopter rotor blade is controlled by the
