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88 Cards in this Set

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Unionisgt vs. Nationalists
The Nationalist wanted Ireland to seperate from Great Britain. The Unionist wanted to stay apart of Great Britain
Dreyfus Affair
This began in 1894 when a Jewish French military officer was falsely accussed for telling military secrects to the Germans. The French Government want the Catholic influence to decrease, the took the Church out of the primary and secondary school.
This war happened in 1904. This war made Russia bankrupt. This lead to a revolt and the creation of the Duma.
Nicholas II & the Duma
The Duma was was created after the Russo-Japanese war it was a parliament. It lasted for a year. Nicholas II was the Tsar and the agreed to ruke with the Duma.
This is when the Magyar language and culture is the main culture in the Hungarian part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire it angered the nationalist.
Whihelm II
He made Bismarck leave office in Germany. He didn't renew thhe Reinsuance treaty with Russia in 1890. This made the tension grow between Russia and Germany.
Dual Alliance
this is a treaty between the Germans and the Austro Hungarian Empire whiched said that if either country was under attack that the other would come to help. It was for defense only.
Entente cordiale (aka triple Entente)
this was a treaty signed betweeen France Germany and Russia saying that if germany attacked any of the countries that the other 2 would come and help. This made Germany almost completely surrounded, which was one of its greatest fears.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
He was the heir to the Austria- Hunarian empire. He was murdered on June 28, 1914 by a Bosnian Serb who wanted Bosnia to becoame part of the Serbian state. this is what started the first World War.
Gavrilo Princip
He was the Archduke of Serbia's assassin. He was working with he Blackh Hand a secret Serbian Nationalist group that had ties to milotary and political leaders. After finding out about this the Austrians were able to make them go to war which they wanted them to do.
Schlieffen Plan & invasion of Belgium
The Schlieffen plan was tried by the Germans. They thought that they could move through northern France and knock out France in ^ weeks. This would allow the Germans to move their troops to the east. For this to be done the Germans need to invade Belguim which was supposed to be neutral. When this happened this made Britain enter the War.
Battle of the Marne & trench warfare
This is when the German troops crossed th Marne River in France and was meet by Gerneral Joffre and his French troops. They stopped the Germans from advancing. Trench warfare the troops were better protected but they had to deal with a lot like rats.They would send people "over the top" which ment that they would send people into no man's land to attack.
Winston Churchill(1874-1965) & Gallipoli
Churchill plan an attack on the Turks to help send supplies to the Russians. In April 1915 there was a Battle at Gallipoli where the Turks defeated the British making them go home. He later became the Prime Minister.
General Philippe Petain
He was able to repel an attack on the French Fortress of Verdun. He later became a disgraceful leader.
This boat sank an British passanger boat, the Lusitania. This angered the Americans. The U.S.A. said that if they didn't stop sinking ships they would enter the war, which they did, becasue the Germans didn't stop.
Woodrow Wilson
The was the U.S. president when the German leader Prince Max von Baden asked fofr a armistce. ZWhich would be based on Wilson's 14 points.
Fourteen Points
This was a documanet made by Woodrow Wilson which was to reduce future tension between countries. This maintained free trade and no secret nagotiations.
total war
Total war means that every part of the nation is affected by the war. This first happened in the First World War and then again in the second World War.
Social impact of WWI
Women in Great Britain and in the U.S. got more rights. In Britain women got the right to vote for their work during the war. There were more than % million Brittish womwn working in factories during the war.
Treaty of Versailles
This treaty was signed on June 28,1919. There were three major leaders making this treaty. One was Woodrow Wilson, the French Premier Georges Clemenceau, and the British Prime Minister David Lloyd George.
League of Nations
This came out of the Treaty of Versailles. It was made to settle disagreements between nations.
Georges Clemenceau
He ws the Lead of France and during WWI. He wanted to make sure that Germany will never be a threat to France again. He made sure Germany couldn't have an amy of more than 100,000, and they couldn't have a air force.
David Lloyd George
He was the British Prime Minister During WWI. He help write the Treaty of Versailles and he wanted Germany to be punshed like Clemenceau.
This was when Germany had to take full responsibiliy for strted the war and all the damage that was caused by them and their allies. There was 132 billion gold marks of damage they needed to pay.
Empress Alexandra & Gregory Rasputin
Alexandra was the wife of Nicholas II and when he was gone she was left in Charge of ruling Russia. Rasputin was a monk wo Alenandra believed could control her son's hemoplilia. He infleuenced her to put his friends in high position.
March Revolution of 1917 (1st rev.)
This revolt happened becasue the provisional government promided land to peasnts but then didn't give it to them. So the peasants revolted and took the big estates.
Provisional government
This idea was supported by the Mensheviks. This was a government that was based on Mark's ideas for social reform.
Mensheviks & Bolsheviks
The Menshevls were a large group od socialist in Russia who was forming soviets. Th Bolsheviks were also forming soviets but were smaller and more extreme. This group was started by Vladimir Lenin.
Vladimir Lenin(1870-1924)
He believed that small professional revolutionaries could sieze power for the working class. His followers were the Bolsheviks. He was exiled to Switzerland but was brought back by the Germans.
Loen Trotsky(1870-1940)
He lead the Bolsheviks to seize the city of Petrograd. These seized some very important buildings.
Novermber Revolution of 1917 (2nd rev.)
This started on November 9, 1917. This is were the Bolsheviks siezed Petrograd. This was done with little violence and bloodshed.
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
This removed Russia from WWI in 1917. This gave Germany a lot if Russian land. But due to the Treaty of Versailles they ahd to give it back.
Karl Liebknecht & Rosa Luxemburg
They were dadical Marxists who lead rebellions in the German Weimar Republic.
This name was taken by the Bolshevik party in Russia. They spent three years taking and controling parts of Russia. Finally in 1920 they ruled Russia
Reds vs. Whites
The Whites were anti-communists who tried to stop the Bolshevik's rule. They were monarchists and republicans The Reds were the Bolsheviks that were lead by Lenin and Trotsky.
Third International (Comintern)
Once the Soviet Unio was formed this was created to deal with the Revolutinary tide that could sweep across Europe. It impacted socialist parties across Europe.
New Economic Policy (NEP)
This was created by Lenin, it was the idea of the hights of the industry would be in the hands of the government. But there was still an oppertunity for private enterprise. The economy of the Soviet Union grew back to what it was before the war.
Nikolia Bukharin
Once Lenin died Trotsky wanted to go back to war communism and spead communism acroos Europe. His oppenent was Bukharin who wanted to keep the NEP
Joseph Stalin(1879-1953)
He became the leader of the Soviet Union after Lenin. He turned The Soviet Union into an industrial power. He made detention camps in Siberia where he sent arrested people.
Old Bolsheviks & show trials
The Old Bolsheviks were anyone who joined the party before 1917. Stalin destroyed anyone he thought was disloyal to the state. The show trils were Stalin tortured old opponents until they confessed to crimes.
Five-Year Plan
This plan started in 1928. This was a plan for industrial expansion in Russia.
Collectivization & the Kulaks
Collectivization was part of the Five-Year PLan. It forces peasanst to give their land and work on collective farms. The Kulaks were wealthy peasants who fought against Collectivization, but Stalin sent people to kill anyone who would follow. There were about over 10 million deaths.
Great Depression
This was a time when most of Europe hd little or no money. Banks were closing and teh Stock Market crashed.
Stock Market Crash of 1929
This happened in October of 1929. This is what started the Great Depression.
This was the most powerful bank in Vienna. It closed in 1931, and after that banks all though Germany closed.
Gold standard
Another problem that casue dthe Depression was when Great Britain took their pound off of the gold Standard.
John Maynard Keynes(1883-1946)
He said that governments needed to spend money on public works to get the economy moving and working again.
Franklin Roosevelt
He was elected president of the United States during the Depression. He made the New Deal in hopes to save the countries economy. The U.S. and Germany were hit the worse during the depression
New Deal
This was Franklin Roosevelt plan for the Great Depression
This is the idea of striving for a better common community and not a single person. It but the nation above the individual They believed in a strong leader.
Benito Mussolini (II Duce)
He was the founder and the leader of the Italian Fascists. He signed the Lateran Pact with the Pope and for the first time the Vadican recognized the Italian state.
Pual von Hindenburg
He was president of the Weimar Republic in Germany. He installed a more authoritarian government. He asked Hitler to become the chancellor in 1933.
This was the German parliment up to 1945. in 1933 the Nazis had the most seats in teh Reichstag with 196.
Adolf Hitler (der Fuhrer)
The lived from 1889-1945. He lived in Vienna for a while where he developed his anti-Semitism views.
National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis)
This was first the German Workers Pary but the changed its name. it was a small extremist group that started during the Weimar Republic.
Beer Hall putsch
This was in 1923 when the National Socialist German Workers Party thought thay were stong enough to sieze the power. Their revolt was put down and Hitler who was leading it was put on trial.
Mein Kamft
This was Hitler's book that he wrote in prision after the Beer Hall putsch. It talked about his extremist ideas and how he thought the Germans should overturn the Treaty of Versailles.
Enabling Act
This gave the Nazis party emergency powers to control the country of Germany. It also combined the power of the president and the Chancellor, which gaev Hitler all th power.
Joseph Goebbels(1897-1945) & Propaganda
Goebbels was the leader of the Ministry of Propaganda in Germany. Propaganda is trying to influence large groups of people.
Hitler Youth
The Hitlers Youth was created so that the idea's of the Nazis and Hitler would be taught to the youth.
Labour Party (Britain)
This became one of Britain's largest political parties. This party was worried about the problems of the working people.
Popular Front (France)
This was created in France so their couldn't be a fascist victory in France like there was in Germany. The Popular Front was made in 1934.
Leon Blum(1872-1950)
He was elected Prime Minister in France after the Popular Front worked. He was the leader of the Socialist Party.
Spanish Civil War
This war was fought between the Spanish republican loyalist and the nationalist insurgents. This war started in 1936.
General Francisco Franco
He was the leader of the nationalist insurhents in the Spanish Civil War. The nationalist were made up of a small group of army officers.
Pablo Picasso
He was a Spanish painter who painted Guernica. This painting was about when the Italian and German forces bombed the city of Guernica in Spain.
Rearmament and Remilitarization of the Rhineland
This is when Hitler overturned the Treaty of Versailles and started to build Germany's armies again.
This was when Germany invaded Vienna Austria. The Nazis and Hitler were greeted with celebration becasue many Austrians were happy.
Sudeten Germans (Sudetenland)
These were German people who lived in the western part of Czechoslovakia.
Rome-Berlin Axis
This was an alliance between the Germans and the Italians.
Appeasement &the Munich Agreement
The Munich Agreement was when Germeny, Italy, France, and Great Britain got together and talked about what should happen to Czechoslovakia. They decided that the Sudetenland would go to Germany and then Germany would never attack Czechoslovakia again.
Neville Chamberlain
He was the British Prime Minister. He signed the Munich Agreement.
Soviet-German nonaggression pact
This pact made Germany able to invade Poland and the Soviet Union could invade eastern Poland, Finland, and the Baltic Stats.
This was a type of warfare the Germans used in WWII. It was made up of tanks, mobile units and planes.
Phony War
This was a time in WWII over the winter of 1939 and 1940 when there wasn't much fighting. This endedn in April 1940 when Germany attacked Norway.
Maginot Line & Dunkirk
The Maginot line was a strong defense biult by the French. The Germans just bypassed it. On the beaches of Dunkirk Great Britain got every available ship tp take the British troops back home.
Vichy France
This was a new government in France that ended the Third French Republic. It was started by Marshal Petain a hero from the Battle of Verdun in WWI
Charles de Gaulle(1890-1970)
He was a French general who called for help frpm the French colonies. He was called a traitor. De Gaulle lead his troops, the Maquis, fighting the Germans and the Vichy France
Battle of Britain
This was when Hitler tried to invade Britain in September 1940. He Germans had more planes and better pilots, but the British had better planes. The British also had radar to detect German attacks, and thel alos broke the German's military code.
Nuremberg Laws
These laws were made shortly after the Nazis took power. It said that Jewish people weren't citizens, and it firce them to wear a yellow Star of David when they left their house. Many Jews left after these laws were inforced.
Thius was "the Night of Broken Glass." This was when Germans broke and destroyed the glass of Jewish stores and homes. There were hundreds of Jews killed and 30,000 sent to concentration camps.
"Final Solution"
This took place in 1941, by the end of the year 1 million Jews were killed. They were in vans poisoned by carbon monoxide or S.S. troops shot them.
This is the most famous of the extermination camps that the Nazis set up. This is where people would be selected to work or killed. Jews, Russian POWs, Communists homosexuals, Gypsies, and Jehovah's Witnesses all were sent to these camps.
This is the killing of 6 million Jews by thh Nazis and Hitler.
Erwin Rommel and El Alamein
Erwin Rommel was a German officer who was sent to Egypt to help the Italians push the British out. The Battle of El Alamein happened in November 1942. The British were able to defeat the Italians and Germans.
D-Day is when U.S. and British troops landed on the Western coast of Europe on June 6, 1944.
Nuremberg Trial
The trials lasted from Nov. 20, 1945 to Oct. 1 1946. mant of the leaders of the Nazis were put on trial and sentenced to death, while some committed suicide, and others fled to the Middle East and South America.
Locarno agreements
This was to help settle post-war territorial issues after WWI. It was also to help relation with Germany.