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22 Cards in this Set

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Why are diagnostic and staging procedures essential in pediatric cancer?
- prompt & accurate diagnosis
- determine type, location, and extent of metastasis
- allows planning & initiation of treatment
Symptoms Suggestive of childhood cancers
page 71
Read table 4-1
What are the basic diagnostic procedures available to determine how to proceed with diagnostic evaluations?
- H&P
- Labs (cbc dp, chemistry, UA, tumor markers, immunophenotyping & cytogenetics)
- Nursing assessment & interventions
What cbc w/diff result can indicate leukemia?
elevated WBC
presence of lymphoblasts
(BM involvement = Hgb, HCT, & platelets may be low)
Why is it important to monitor serum chemistries?
- able to evaluate bodies response to cancer process
- reflects metabolic compensation & organ function
What general information can a UA inform providers about?
general renal function
What can immunophenotyping of monoclonal antibodies indicate?
they can identify, classify, and describe tumor cells
What study can determine whether any chromosomal abnormalities exist within the tumor?
Cytogenetic studies
When is a BMA & biopsy performed?
When suspected leukemia or any evidence of bone marrow malfunction in CBC.
What testing is perfomed on a bone marrow sample when leukemia is suspected?
- flow cytometry
- immunophenotyping
- karyotyping
- cytogenic analysis
In what scenario is there a bone marrow biopsy performed?
- suspected leukemia
- metastasis to BM from solid tumor
What type of procedure is a Jamshidi needle used for?
Bone marrow biopsy
Why is a lumbar puncture performed in the presence of certain childhood cancers?
Assess if cancer has spread to CSF
What are 3 nursing assessments that should be peformed in regards to diagnostic procedures?
1. Asses knowlegde of BMA/Bx and LP
2. Assess platelet count (<50K?)
3. Assed level of fear & anxiety
What are imaging studies used for when considering a childhood cancer diagnosis?
- locate tumors & metastases to stage malignancies
What imaging studies are useful in diagnosis and staging?
Radiological studies
CT scans
Bone Scan
PET scan
What can PET scan help diagnose?
Hodgkin's disease
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
bone, lung, colon, brain tumors
What sites are most frequently used to perform a BMA or Bx?
Posterior & anterior iliac crest
Why is the sternum NOT an ideal place to perform a BMA or Bx?
too close to vital organs
What can be distinguished by using PET scan imaging in the face of a potential cancer diagnosis?
Viable tumors can be distinguished from necrotic tissue neoplasm and scar tissue
How do ultrasounds work?
Sound waves are emitted to body tissues, they return echoes, and when are processed they return an image.
What does an echocardiogram test show?
Displays chambers of heart & its contractility, septa integrity, & valve function.
Measures cardiac flow & ejection fraction