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25 Cards in this Set

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Restricted trade with Europe. In the end hurt Europe. Passed by Jefferson

Embargo Act of 1807

Warning Europeans not to invade western hemisphere.

Monroe Doctrine

U.S. gained the Florida territory from Spain

Adams Onis Treaty

Tariff, National Bank, Internal Improvements (transportation)

Henry Clay's American System

This sped up the production of cotton and increased the demand for slaves

Cotton gin

This person invented the cotton gin

Eli Whitney

This treaty ended the War of 1812

Treaty of Ghent

This person led the troops in the Battle of New Orleans.

Andrew Jackson

These people wanted to go to war with England in the 1800s

War Hawks

The Native American leader that wanted to create an Indian alliance.


This person was a leader during the American Revolutionary War and eventually became the 1st president of the U.S.

George Washington

This established Supreme Court and the district/federal court

Judiciary Act of 1789

This person created an economic plan that would create a national debt and national bank

Alexander Hamilton

This event farmers rebelled due to tax on corn. Washington put rebellion down making it the first time in history that federal power was superior to states rights

Whiskey Rebellion

This political party was dominate in the South and supported by an agriculture economy. Thomas Jefferson was a leader.

Democratic Republican Party

This political party was dominate in the North and supported by manufacturers and industralists. Alexander Hamilton was the leader.


This was a tax on an imported good.

Protective tariff

In this Washington warned to not entangle with foreigners.

Washington's Farewell Address

This treaty was designed to stop impressement

Jay's Treaty

In this event the U.S. was angered due to the French demand for money to speak with their offical

XYZ Affair

You could not speak bad about the federal government.

Alien and Sedition Acts

This was a law that said that you could nullify any federal law that was unconstitutional

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

Judges put in place in the very last moments of John Adams presidency

"Midnight Judges"

This court case established "judicial review"

Mabury v. Madison

This was land bought by Jefferson that more than doubled the size of the U.S.

Louisiana Purchase