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11 Cards in this Set

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The Olmec lived on the ________________ of the ______________.
humid southern coast, Gulf of Mexico
What did the Olmec buid?
temples and giant statues
Why did the Maya build stone temples?
to worship their gods
What did the Maya study and develop?
They studied the stars and developed a detailed calender.
In what year did the Aztecs build their capital?
____________ grew into one of the largest and most impressive cities of its time.
What did the Aztecs build?
a large, powerful empire
What did the Aztecs make their neighboring tribes do?
Pay taxes and provide war captives for sacrifice to the Aztec gods.
What happened after the conquest?
Spanish and American Indians and cultures mixed.
True or False: When Africans were brought to America as slaves, they added this to the mix of people.
What was life in colonial Mexico greatly influenced by?
the Roman Catholic Church