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24 Cards in this Set

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Gene Expression
transfer of information from genes to an ultimate protein that is functional
Regulatory Proteins (trans)
bind to the promoter to regulate RNA Pol, TF, activators and repressors
Negative Regulation (trans)
- Bound repressor inhibits trans

- molecular signal causes dissociation of regulatory protein form DNA

- needs a signalling molecule which binds to operator, repressing trans

Positive regulation (trans)
- binding of molecular signal causes the activator to bind and facilitate transcription
Regulatory Sequence
- have DNA binding motifs

- interact with specific sequences (activator/operator)

- specific; depends on H-bond donor/acceptors

- most common AA involved: Asn, Gln, Glu, Lys, Arg

Helix-turn-Helix Domain
20 AA long with 2-alpha segments - onesegment is “recognition Helix”
Zinc Finger Domain
-30 AA long

-loops are coordinated b/w Zn2+

-DNA binding is weaker ***Thusproteins may have more than one Zn finger

- Can act as an RNA-binding protein

Found in eukaryotes

- 60 AA long

- Similar to H-T-H

Leucine Zipper Domain
Leu occurs every 7th position

- Interact with proteins

- Partially interacts with DNA (Lys/Arg)

Only one Leu residue

Interact with proteins

Partially interacts with DNA (Lys/Arg)

Eukaryotic Gene expression
- Access to promoters is restricted by chromatinstructure

- Positive regulation most common

- Transcription and translation separated bynucleus (more complex regulation)

DNA+ histones (H1, H2A, H2B, H3, H4)
Transcriptionally Active Chromatin
-Deficient in H1

- enriched with H3.3 and H2AZ

Histone Modification
SWI/SNF proteins needed

- Methylation (cytosine in CpG)

- phosphoryltion

- acetylation (regulated by HATs and HDACs)

- ubiquination

- sumoylation

High Mobility Group

- help in activation of regulatory proteins that help to assemble pre-initiation complex

Upstream Activator Sequence

- turned off by repressors

Eukaryotic Gene Expression
Mediator modifies/remodels enzymes

- then remodels complex

TBP binds to TATA

- forces Pol-II to bind there

Activation Domains in Trans.Factors
“---“ Acidic AAs--> Asp and Glu

“ppp”--> Proline

“QQQ”--> Gln

Regulation of Trans. Factors
- Steroids and vitamins

- Covalent modifications

Nuclear receptors mainly with multiple domains

Alternative Splicing
A gene can have 2 or more Poly-A sites

- can lead to cleavage in different ares, making completely different proteins (i.e. calcitonin and CGRP)

miRNA: Regulation
Silence genes by binding to mRNA

- results in mRNA degradation or trans. inhibition

- done by endonucleases Drosha and Dicer

siRNA: Regulation
Bind to mRNA and silence

- constructed by Dicer to make stRNA

- Dicer makes double stranded RNA and makes siRNAs

Hormonal Gene Expression: Hsp70
Hormone comes into NR-Hsp70 complex

- Hsp70 removed to leave NR-hormone to dimerize

- binds to HRE on DNA near Pol II

- turns target gene ON

- makes mRNA with specific changes in cell fun like heat-shock proteins

Hormonal Gene Expression: corepressor
Hormone takes corepressor off DNA which have it currently turned OFF

- hormone binds to HRE near Pol II

- turns gene ON

- change in cell fxn