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18 Cards in this Set

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What molecule carries genetic information and what is a gene?
DNA carries all the genetic information needed to build a new indivisual. Gene- is part of DNA base sequence that codes for a protein.
State the “Central Dogma” of molecular biology
Gene expression involves using the information encoded in DNA to make RNA molecule. The information stored in RNA is then used to make a protein. All organisms express hereditary information in this matter!
What is gene expression?
Process by which the information in a gene becomes converted to an RNA and protein product
Why do genes code for proteins; i.e.: why are proteins so important?
“you are what you are because of proteins!” Structural proteins- make up the body of an organism. Enzymes- catalyze metabolic activity, Other proteins-Hemoglobin, actin, myosin
What are the two processes of making proteins starting with a DNA sequence?
Transcribtion,and translation
What is mRNA and by what process is it made?
MRNA is the middle man. A gene’s DNA nucleotide sequence encodes instructions for building an RNA nucleotide sequence. A cell transcribes the nucleotide sequence of a gen into MRNA (messenger RNA). mRNA carries the protein-building message.
How do DNA and RNA nucleotides differ from each other, and which base replaces the thymine of DNA in RNA?
Base pairing rules in DNA replication also aply to RNA synthesis in transcribion.but RNA uses uracil in place of thymine;Also, RNA nucleotides have the sugar ribose and DNA nucleotides have the sugar deoxyribose
what is translation? What is the “language” (are the subunits) of proteins?
Translation is the process by which proteins (polypeptides) are assembled from amino acids in the order specified by an mRNATranslation requires the participation of tRNA, and (transfer RNA) and rRNA (ribosomal RNA) proteins have twenty letters.
Who are the players of transcription and how is each involved?
Dna strand (includes promoter), Growing mRNA strand (the product), Free RNA nucleotides, RNA polymerase. Enzyme that carries out transcribtion, Initially binds to the promoter sequence on the DNA starnd, close to the sequence being transcribed
Describe the process of transcription.
Polymerase moves along the DNA,unwiding the DNA so it can read the base sequence. RNA polymerase assembles a strand of RNA by linking RNA nucleotides in the order determined by the base sequence of the gene. The new mRNA is a copy of the new gene from which it was transcribed.
How many RNA polymerases can transcribe a gene at any one time?
three gene many RNA polymerases. Many RNA polymerases can transcribe a gene reigion at the same time.
What is involved in RNA processing of eukaryotic cells?
The Eukaryotic cell processes the RNA after transcribtion. A euaryotic DNA gene sequence consists of alternating introns and exons.
What is splicing?
removing introns, combining exons
what are introns and exons?
Exons code for amino acids of a protein. Introns are intervening sequences that do not code for a protein and need to be removed from the transcribed RNA
What are the players of translation and how is each involved?
ribosome,Mrna,Growing polypeptide (protein) chain, tRNA (transfer RNA) with attached amino acids.
What is splicing?
removing introns, combining exons
What are the players of translation and how is each involved?
ribosome,Mrna,Growing polypeptide (protein) chain, tRNA (transfer RNA) with attached amino acids.
What is a codon and an anticodon?
Codons are three bases of RNA that code for a specific amino acid (or for translation to stop) Anticodon is a set of three nucleotides in a tRNA, base pairs with mRNA codon. Which molecule has a codon and which the anticodon?