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40 Cards in this Set

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In what year did the Franks emigrate to Holland from Germany?

In the year 1933

How old is Anne when she begins writing in her diary?

Anne was 13

What was the original date that the Franks were supposed to go into hiding?

July 16, 1942

Why did Anne slap the diary closed when Mrs. Van Daan walked in?

She wrote something about Mrs. Van Daan

According to the PROSPECTUS AND GUIDE TO THE "SECRET ANNEXE," when were rest hours on Monday through Saturday?

10 pm- 7:30am on Sundays 10 pm

What does Anne think Margot wants to be when she grows up?


What does Anne call her dairy?


Who is Moortje?

Her cat

In what city did the Franks take refuge in the "Secret Annexe"?


What is the name of the group that is rounding up Jews and relocating them?


What is the date of the entry in which Anne gets extra fed up with the discussions and quarrels concerning her?

Monday, September 28, 1942

What was the first thing that Anne packed as she prepared to go into hiding?


"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps the end of the beginning." Who said this?

Minister Winston Churchill

What did Anne and her father make so that neighbors would not see them?


Who became the eighth person to live in the Annexe?

Mr. Dussel

Who does Anne think is trying to get through the cupboard door on October 20, 1942

She thought it was the carpenter

According to Anne, who are the greatest freaks on earth?

The teachers

What luxury do the members of the Annexe have to take turns doing in their own place?

They can bath quietly in peace

When is Anne Frank's birthday?

June 12th

Where does Anne find the best spot for bathing?

In the W.C office

How many taps mean a meal


While Churchill was recovering from pneumonia, who was fasting in India in the name of freedom?


What did Mr.Frank give Anne on her fourteenth birthday?

a handwritten poem

What time does the day in the "Secret Annexe" begin?


What did robbers steal on July 16, 1943?

Two cashboxes containing 40 florins, postal orders, checkboxes, and coupons for 150 kilos of sugar

According to Anne, what are Mr. Drussel's true colors?

Disiplinarian and preacher of sermons on manners

What was discovered about Mr. Vossen when he went in for ulcer surgery?

He has advanced cancer

What was Mr. Van Daan's nickname?


What happened to the German department of the Labor Exchange and to the Registrar's Office?

Set on fire

What did students who wish either to get their degrees or continue their studies have to sign?

They are in sympathy with everything the Germans do and approve the New Order

What does Anne say has been in decline since her family has been in hiding?


What was written in the newspaper every evening in bold letters?

Play fair and keep prices down

What will each person in the Annexe recive for Christmas?

An extra quarter pound of butter

Why don't the residents of the Annexe know the exact time any more?

Western clockbell removed

Who lves on the houseboat immediately opposite the building where Anne is living?

Bargeman with his family

Despite all of the air raids and bombings, what good news was learned on July 26, 1943?

Mussolini has resigned

Why won't Miep give any more information about what is happening to Jews?

Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Van Daan cry when they hear the news

What is there a shortage of that puts Mr. Van Daan in a bad mood


Who used to be in the meat, sausage, and spice business?

Mr. Van Daan

What caused Peter to tumble down the attic ladder?

He got bit by a rat