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50 Cards in this Set

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What is best treatment approach for hirsutism?
Androgen suppression plus hair removal
What are common findings in PCOS?
Elevated LH:FSH (>2:1)
Perimenrchal onset of symptoms
polycystic ovaries on US
Insulin resistance in lean or obese pts
How do sex steroid levels affect SHGB concentrations?
Decrease if testosterone is high
Increase in response to estrogens
How does PCOS present in teenager?
Premature adrenarche
Persistent oligomenorrhea
Wt gain
What are health consequences of PCOS?
Adult-onset DM
Endometrial hyperplasia
What is acanthosis nigricans a marker of?
Insulin resistance
What percent of PCOS women are obese?
What are the cysts in PCOS?
Atretic follicles, usually 3-5mm in diameter
What percentage of PCOS pts have impaired glucose tolerance?
1) 35%
2) 10%
What are surgical treatments for PCOS?
Wedge resection of ovary
Laparoscopic drilling
Laparoscopic needle cautery
How to prevent endometrial hyperplasia in PCOS?
Combined OCPs
Cyclic progestin therapy
What is a leiomyoma?
Aka fibroid, fibromyoma, myoma
Growth of uterine muscular wall, +/- fibrous tissue
Benign >99% of the time
Most common pelvic tumor?
Incidence of leiomyoma?
25% caucasians
50% black women
Note: 77% of post-hysto uteruses are found to have incidental myomas
Account for 25-30% of hysterectomies
What is etiology of leiomyomas?
Thought to be somatic mutation of monoclonal myometrial cell line
Often occur in clusters & recur, so likely is genetic predisposition
Have not been documented to occur more frequently in 1st degree relatives of probands, though.
What conditions cause leiomyomas to grow?
Under what conditions do leiomyomas stay the same size?
Under what conditions do leiomyomas abate?
1) During menstrual life
2) Pregnancy, OCPs, HRT
3) After menopause (if grow at this time, consider malignancy!)
What percent of leiomyomas are malignant?
What are most common locations of leiomyomas? (3)
1) Subserosal (on external surface)
2) Intramural (on uterine wall)
3) Submucosal (protrude into endometrial lining)
What symptoms are commonly associated w/ leiomyomas? (4)
Abnormal uterine bleeding
Pain (w/ menses or w/ myoma degeneration)
What specific symptoms are commonly associated w/ LARGE leiomyomas? (2)
Urinary frequency
Pelvic pressure
What specific symptoms are commonly associated w/ SUBMUCOSAL leiomyomas?
DUB – usually menorrhagia
What specific symptoms are commonly associated w/ INTRAMURAL leiomyomas?
Abnormal uterine bleeding
What is mechanism behind which myomas lead to DUB (dysfxnal uterine bleeding)? (5)
1) increased endometrial surface area
2) endometrium ulcerates over myoma
3) endometrial hyperplasia at myomal-endometrial jxn
4) uterine wall can't contract & close spiral arteries during menses
5) abnormal microvascular pattern w/ stasis & change in venous drainage
When to remove leiomyomas?
1) If rapid growth or growing after menopause
2) Persistent abnormal bleeding not responsive to medical tx
3) excessive pain or pressure
4) Consider if >8cm in women who still desires childbearing
What are potential treatments for leiomyomas?
1) Surgery: hysto or myomectomy (laparotomy or -oscopy or w/ hystoscope)
2) Medical: GnRH agonist
3) IR: uterine artery embolization
How long does GnRH agonist take to effectively treat leiomyoma?
What is its max reduction in fibroid size?
What are major drawbacks of GnRH treatment?
1) 3-6 mo
2) 30-64%
3) Fibroid will grow back when d/c drug. Drug simulates menopausal state (but can give add-back low-dose HRT to younger pts)
What types of degeneration do myomas undergo?
1) Hyaline (65%)
2) Myxomatous (15%)
3) Calcific (10%)
4) Carneous – the most acute; 5-10% pregnancies have this complication
5) Cystic degeneration
6) Fatty degeneration
Relationship btw leiomyomas and infertility?
Not thought to be a major cause
If do have impact, is likely through uterine cavity distortion or mechanical obstruction @ cervix or tubial ostia
If in posterior uterine wall might inhibit implantation
If no other cause for infertility is found and leiomyomas are removed, what is resultant pregnancy rate?
What is endometriosis?
Hormonally responsive tissue is found outside the uterus
Can see endometrial glands and stroma; macrophages w/ hemofusin and hemosiderin; & fibrosis on histology
Is progressive
Can have big impact on pt's quality of life via pelvic pain, dyspareunia + infertility
What is adenomyosis?
Endometrial tissue is found w/in uterine myometrium
Can cause severe menorrhagia & disabling dysmenorrhea
What is endometriosis prevalence?
~5-15% of pre-menopausal women
20-50% in infertile women
>50% in chronic pelvic pain pts
Note: increased incidence amongst 1st degree relatives
Affects teens.
No racial preponderance
What is adenomyosis prevalence?
15-20%, usually in peri-menopausal women
May be association btw tamoxifen administration and adenomyosis
What are endometriosis anatomical sites?
Posterior cul-de-sac
Uterosacral ligament surface peritoneum
Bilateral ovarian fossa + ovarian surfaces
Broad ligament
Fallopian tubes
Anterior cul-de-sac
May see peritoneal defects (usu lateral to uterosacral ligs)
Has been reported in lung, nasal mucosa, bladder, kidney, incisional sites
What is metastatic theory of endometriosis?
Implantation after retrograde menstruation into peritoneal cavity, lymphatic dissemination, or hematogenous spread of endometrial tissue
Or, iatrogenic dissemination via procedures
What factors support the metastatic theory of endometriosis?
Endometriosis location in dependent parts of body
Endometrial cells can implant
Increased incidence of endometriosis in pts w/ outflow obstruction
IDing endometriosis in sites distant to abdominal cavity
What is embryonic cell rest and coelomic metaplasia theory of endometriosis?
Is de novo development of endometrial tissue outside uterus
What factors support the embryonic cell rest and coelomic metaplasia theory of endometriosis?
What is thought to be the true mechanism behind endometriosis?
Altered macrophage capacity to induce cytolysis of ectopic endometrial cells
Plus increased ability of this tissue to survive, proliferate, invade, and induce angiogenesis
Plus impaired endometrial cell apoptosis
Are more MPs in endometriosis, along w/ peritoneal MPs making increased synthesis of growth factors, cytokines, angiogenic factors
These MPs have impaired cytotoxic ability
No one knows why this happens, though.
What is clinical presentation of endometriosis? (5)
1) Pelvic pain
2) Infertility
3) Dypareunia
4) Rectal discomfort and tenesmus
5) Abnormal uterine bleeding
What is clinical presentation of adenomyosis?
Abnormal uterine bleeding (usually prolonged)
Severe dysmenorrhea
What are characteristics of pelvic pain associated w/ endometriosis?
Usually cyclic, occurring prior to or w/ menses
Unilateral or bilateral in lower quadrants
Progression: increased pain week before menses
What is thought to be the etiology behind the pelvic pain of endometriosis?
Tissue edema
Blood extravasation
These stimulate A-delta and C primary afferent fiber mechanoreceptors
What is the relationship between pelvic pain and extent of endometriosis spread?
What is the mechanism behind infertility caused by endometriosis?
Scarring and adhesions distort pelvic architecture and affect oocyte transportation from ovary to tube
Peritoneal environment affects oocytes and sperm
Peritoneal fluid inhibits sperm function
What percent of women w/ endometriosis are affected by infertility?
What is the mechanism behind dyspareunia in endometriosis?
An immobile, fixed uterus, usually present w/ severe disease
Note: there's an association btw endometriosis and pain in specific coital positions
What is the mechanism behind rectal discomfort and tenesmus in endometriosis?
Posterior cul-de-sac scarring & immobility
What are physical findings in endometriosis? (6)
VARIABLE! Can have:
1) Diffuse lower abdominal tenderness in various locations
2) Nodularity and tenderness along uterosacral ligaments
3) Immobility of pelvic viscera → pain w/ manipulation
4) Fixed, retroverted uterus
5) Narrowing of posterior vaginal fornix
6) Adnexal tenderness and immobility
What are physical findings in adenomyosis? (2)
Mobile uterus, often top-normal size or enlarged
No evidence of leiomyomas