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50 Cards in this Set

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How to treat PMS?
Assure pt that her symptoms are real
Pt should chart her symptoms for several cycles (really premenstrual?)
Stress healthy diet, exercise, sleep
Consider SSRIs, spironolactone, prostaglandin inhibitors
Consider progesterone therapy for non-responders
How to treat breast tenderness associated with PMS?
Bromocriptine 5mg qday during luteal phase
What is dysmenorrhea?
Pelvic pain associated with periods
Can also be backache, headache, extemity
Lightheadedness, insomnia, GI symptoms
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
What difference between primary and secondary dysmenorrhea?
Primary: aka intrinsic; not associated with identifiable pathology
Secondary: caused by gynecological condition – uterine myomas, adenomyosis, endometriosis, pelvic infection
What is incidence of dysmenorrhea?
As high as 72% of women experience some discomfort
A smaller percentage experience it to a point that it interferes with activities, work, or school
Is less common and less severe in women who have given birth
How to evaluate dysmenorrhea?
H&P – r/o other gynecological or non-gyn causes (U or GI)
Get timing of onset and exacerbation – should be tied to menstrual bleeding
What is mechanism that causes pain in primary dysmenorrhea?
Seems to be PGF2α
Causes cramping, nausea, diarrhea, headache
How to treat dysmenorrhea?
Manage both primary and secondary via:
NSAIDs (decrease PGs)
OCPs (atrophies endometrium – less and shorter bleeding)

COX-2s help
Secondary: treat underlying pathology (try medical before surgery)
Non-medical options to treat dysmenorrhea?
Heating pad
What to do if dysmenorrhea response to medical therapy is inadequate?
Primary: do more extensive w/u to look for underlying cause – pelvic US, sonohysterography, laparoscopy, MRI
Short-term PO narcotics for a few days of severe sx
Secondary: treat underlying pathology (usually via surgery)
How much blood is typically lost during menses?
How much is considered abnormal?
How long does bleeding typically last?
4d (range: 1-8d)
What is abnormal uterine bleeding?
Bleeding at irregular time intervals
Bleeding that is excessive but at normal time
1) Menorrhagia
2) Metrorrhagia
3) Menometrohagia
1) XS bleeding at regular intervals
2) Menstrual bleeding at irregular intervals
3) XS, prolonged bleeding at irregular intervals
1) Intermenstrual bleeding
2) Polymenorrhea
3) Oligomenorrhea
4) Postmenopausal bleeding
1) Bleeding btw normal cycles
2) Frequent, regular bleeding that occurs in <21d cycles
3) Infrequent, irregular bleeding that occurs in >45d intervals
4) Bleeding that occurs >1yr after menopause, or at irregular intervals while on HRT
What are the pregnancy related causes of abnormal uterine bleeding? (3)
Ectopic pregnancy
Gestational trophoblastic disease
What are the infectious causes of abnormal uterine bleeding? (2)
What are the neoplastic causes of abnormal uterine bleeding? (4)
Cervical dysplasia/carcnioma
Endometrial hyperplasia/polyps/carcinoma
Submucous leiomyomas
Estrogen-producing ovarian tumors
What are the systemic causes of abnormal uterine bleeding? (4)
Thyroid disease
Liver disease
Coagulation disorders
What are the iatrogenic causes of abnormal uterine bleeding? (5)
Menstrual history: # days of flow, #pads/tampons used per day, impact on daily living
Hx of unusual bleeding from gums; easy bruising, prolonged bleeding after minor cuts
Symptoms of wt gain, constipation, hair loss, fatigue, edema
Sexual hx & use of contraception
What should you ask in H&P of pt w/ abnormal uterine bleeding?
Tanner stage of breast & pubic hair development
Ht & wt
xs hair growth
What tests to order to eval abnormal uterine bleeding?
FSH, LH, Testosterone, DHEA-S (if wondering about PCOS)
What is dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB)?
Diagnosis of exclusion after r/o pregnancy-related, infectious, neoplastic, systemic, iatrogenic causes
Is result of anovulation or oligo-ovulation → ovary makes estrogen but no corpus luteum forms & no progesterone is secreted
What are major physiologic causes of anovulation? (4)
What are major pathologic causes of anovulation (4)
Hyperandrogenic states
Premature Ovarian failure
What is connection btw age and anovulation?
Perimenarchal: teens have immature HPG axis; can't respond to E or LH surge
Perimenopausal: women have declining ovarian fxn
When to do endometrial biopsy when evaluating abnormal uterine bleeding?
When suspect hyperplasia or endometrial cancer: all women over age 35 and any obese woman under 35
What is incidence of endometrial cancer?
Age 35: 6.1/100k
Age 40-49: 36.2/100k
When to do US in evaluating abnormal uterine bleeding?
When you've ruled out organic causes of AUB and suspect a structural abnormality (e.g., fibroids or polyps)
How to medically manage abnormal uterine bleeding in teens?
Treat any underlying cause (like hypothyroidism)
Anovulation: Can tx w/ Provera or OCPs; Fe for anemia
Acute menorrhagia: IV conjugated estrogen 25mg q4H or OCPs 35-50mcg TIDx3d → BIDx2d → QD to finish pack (2mo)
How to medically manage abnormal uterine bleeding in reproductive age women?
Consider OCPs
Can induce ovulation w/ clomiphene citrate or gonadotropins
How to medically manage abnormal uterine bleeding in perimenopausal patient?
Low dose OCPs if nonsmoker
Can get HRT once menopausal
What is non-hormonal medical therapy of abnormal uterine bleeding?
Can use NSAIDs to reduce these women's abnormally high levels of PGI2 & PGE2:PGF2α, and EN-1
How to treat abnormal uterine bleeding caused by fibroids?
GnRH agonist like Lupron (leuprolide acetate) → fibroids re-grow when tx is stopped
Vaginal hysterectomy
What are surgical treatments for abnormal uterine bleeding?
Endometrial ablation (destroys basalis layer) via:
Thermal ablation w/ rollerball or resectoscope
Thermal ablation balloon (5% dextrose @87F x 8min)
Hydrothermal ablation (NS 80-90C thru insulated sheath
Microwave endometrial ablation (thru 8mm applicator)
What is success rate of endometrial ablation?
>85% of pts only need 1 treatment
If pt fails medical therapy and endometrial ablation, what is option?
Definition of hirsutism?
XS body hair growth in anatomic sites in “male” pattern
What are 3 types of body hair?
Lanugo: light, thin, found in neonates
Vellous: fine, non-pigmented, found in most adult body regions
Terminal: pigmented, coarse, found in scalp, axilla, pubic area of adult men and women, and on face and chest of men.
What are 3 phases of growth cycle of hair follicle?
Anagen: growth
Catagen: involution → hair stops growth and moves up in follicle
Telogen: resting phase that precedes hair loss
What are causes of hirsutism?
Increased exposure to androgens 2/2:
Increased adrenal androgen production
Increased ovarian androgen production
Alterations in binding globulins

Increased end-organ sensitivity 2/2 increased 5α-reductase activity in skin
What are androgens made by body?
Where produced?
Ovary: testosterone + androstenedione
Adrenals: DHEA, DHEAS
Periphery: testosterone + DHT
What modulates androgen action? (2)
1) Sex-hormone binding globulin (grabs and holds circulating androgens, decreasing their free concentration & hence action)
2) 5α-reductase (converts androgens to DHT; can only affect follicle if is DHT)
What is Ferriman & Gallwey Scoring System?
Score hirsutism depending on body site
normal <8
severe >15
What is DDX of hirsutism in women? (7)
Nonclassical adrenal hyperplasia
Cushing syndrome\
Androgenic tumors (ovary, adrenals)
Exogenous androgens
What meds have androgenic activity? (3)
Anabolic steroids
What is significance of abrupt onset of hirsutism?
More likely to be associated w/ tumor or exogenous hormone use
What tests to use w/ pt w/ hirsutism?
Total testosterone (>200ng/dL = tumor)
DHEAS (>700ug/dL = tumor)
17OH-progesterone (drawn in early morning)
24 urine cortisol or o/n dexamethasone suppression test
What are medical treatments for hirsutism?
OCPs (FDA approved)
Cyproterone acetate (strong progestin + estrogen)
Spironolactone (blocks androgen-R)
Flutamide (blocks androgen-R)
Finasteride (5α-reductase blocker)
GnRH analogs (suppress HPG axis)
Glucocorticoids (blocks adrenal androgen production)
Insulin-sensitizers (for PCOS)
What are adjuvant therapies for hirsutism?
Wt loss
Eflornithine Hcl cream (Vaniqa) (FDA approved)
How long does it take to see improvement in hirsutism after treatment has begun?