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50 Cards in this Set

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Accusso, accusare

to accuse (accusation)

adoro, adorare

to adore (adoration)

ambulo, ambulare

to walk (ambulatory)

amo, amare

to love (amorous)

appello, appellare

to address

aro, arare

to plow (arable)

celo, celare

to hide (conceal)

clamo, clamare

to shout (clamor)

creo, creare

to create (creation)

culpo, culpare

to blame (culpability)

delecto, delectare

to delight in, to please (delectable)

demonstro, demonstrare

to point out, to show (demonstrate)

dubito, dubitare

to doubt (dubious)

erro, errare

to err, to wander (error)

exploro, explorare

to explore (exploration)

expecto, expectare

to expect, to wait for (expectation)

habito, habitare

to live in, to dwell (habitat)

judico, judicare

to judge, to consider (judgement)

laboro, laborare

to work (labor)

laudo, laudare

to praise (laudable)

libero, liberare

to set free (liberate)

muto, mutare

to change (mutate)

narro, narrare

to tell (narrate)

nato, natare

to swim

navigo, navigare

to sail (navigate)

nego, negare

to deny (negate)

nutio, nutiare

to report (announce)

occupo, occupare

to seize (occupy)

oppugno, oppugnare

to attack

opto, optare

to desire, to wish (optimist)

oro, orare

to speak, to pray (orator)

paro, parare

to prepare (preparation)

perturbo, perturbare

to disturb (perturb)

porto, portare

to carry (portable)

pugno, pugnare

to fight (pugnacious)

puto, putare

to think (computer)

rogo, rogare

to ask (interrogate)

saluto, salutare

to greet (salutation)

servo, servare

to guard, to keep (service)

specto, spectare

to look at (spectacle)

spero, sperare

to hope

supero, superare

to overcome (superior)

tempto, temptare

to tempt (temptation)

voco, vocare

to call (vocation, vocal)

volo, volare

to fly (volley)

vulnero, vulnerare

to wound (vulnerable)

do, dare

to give (donate)

juvo, juvare

to help

sto, stare

to stand

lavo, lavare

to wash (lavatory)