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58 Cards in this Set

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Levine 1966

regulates prod of sex hormones


Goldstein et al 2011

M brains: bigger

frontomedial cortex, amygdala, hypothalamus

Goldstein et al 2011

F brains: bigger

frontal cortex, limbic cortex

goldstein, 2011

brain development

brain areas with more sex steroid receptors during development = higher dimorphism

shors et al, 2004

rats reacting to acute stress

m rats: react better to acute stress in learned task (+inc in dendritic density)

cahill et al 2004

brain activity when exposed to violence

M - right amygdala activated, in F - left

gender differences of stanford-binet and wechsler adult intelligence tests:

distribution (more F in middle), M better at spatial tasks and maths,

heim 1970

differences in psychometric tests

mediocrity of women hypothesis

hyde 1990

differences in maths performance

only exist in adolescence

maccoby and jacklin 1974


M more aggressive, boys play more aggressively from 2yo

bardwick 1971


women = indirect aggression

frodi et al 1977


women more anxious about aggressive feelings than men

deaux 1976


F more likely to see success as luck/failure as lack of ability

horner 1972


65% F vs 10% M include fear of success in story about academic success

F MH disorder prevalence

attempted suicides, depression, anxiety

M MH disorder prevalence

antisocial PD, successful suicides, drug abuse

stafford 1961

genetic explanation

recessive genes on X chromosome influence phenotype in all men

martin et al 2008


replacement - mod's spatial, verbal, working memory

tulandi 1996

ovarian hormone

suppression of ovarian hormone in F - affects verbal memory

grigorova 2006

ovarian hormone

suppression of ovarian hormone in F - affects working memory

money and Ehrhardt 1972

hormone exposure

girls exposed to androgens prenatally - more rough and energetic

reinisch 1981

hormone exposure

girls exposed to androgens prenatally - more aggressive in conflicts

kreuz and rose 1972

hormone levels

aggressive M and F - higher testosterone in puberty

Ehrenkanz et al 1974

hormone levels

violent prisoners, more T

katz 1975


baby x experiment - adults presented 6 month child as either M or F - treatment changes

bandura et al. 1961

bobo doll experiment

boys more likely to imitate M / aggressive acts

girls - more physically aggressive if M model/more verbal if F

siann 1977


cultural stereotypes=engagement in gendered activities

tieger 1980

environment (agg)

cultural stereotypes about aggression transmitted through various mediums

Serbin et al (73)

environment (agg)

teachers of preschool children reprimand girls more for aggressive behaviour

Hyde and Mertz (2009)

environment (academia)

correlation between country’s % girls on top 30-ranked IMO teams and its gender gap index score.

Spencer et al. (99)

environment (academia)

sex differences in tests assessing mathematical ability more pronounced when subjects asked to state their gender

Rimfeld et al 16

nature vs nurture (academia)

genetics affects choice of academic subjects as well as achievement

Harworth et al 08

nature vs nurture (academia)

genetics accounts for 62% of variance, shared environmental effects - 14% of variance

distribution of empathising skills

normal bell curve

cognitive component of empathy

“decentering//responding non egocentrally” (Piaget) / theory of mind//mentalising (Frith)

empathy measurements

False belief task, empathizing quotient, balanced emotional empathy scale, empathic concern scale, reading the mind in the eye test

neural activation - physical pain only

primary and secondary somato-sensory cortex

neural activation - physical pain or loved one in pain

Bilateral anterior insula, rostral anterior cingulate cortex, brainstem and cerebellum

eisenberger et al 2003

social exclusion neurocorrelates

activates dACC/AI

singer et al 2004

empathy neural correlates

empathy activates dACC and AI

eisenberger 2015

dACC/AI activation indicates

not pain - processing stimulus salience - activation indicates cognitive process

Singer et al 2006

empathy neurocorrelates

M experienced inc activation in reward related areas when “unfair” player experienced pain

Lutchmaya and Baron Cohen (2002a)

sex dimorphism in babies

Baby girls look at film of face more than film of cars - opposite true for boys

ritch savin williams 1987

girls better empathisers?

slower to establish a “dominance hierarchy”

Social skills in turner syndrome dep on

whether X chromosome inherited from mother or father.

haworth et al 2008

genetics (academia)

math skills inheritable

hughes and cuting 1999

genetics (emapthy)

theory of mind skills inheritable

false belief task correlation % in twin pairs:

MZ - 66%; DZ - 32%; Genetic effects: 68%

Hur (2007)

genetics (empathy)

concordance for empathy scores on Eysenck personality scale → 0.35 in MZ twins, 0.03 in DZ twins

geschwind and galaburda 1985

hormones (academia)

low testosterone causes early growth of left hemishpere in females → dev. Of linguistic skill

Lutchmaya and Baron Cohen 2002

hormones (S/E)

Foetal testosterone in amniotic fluid predicts eye contact and vocabulary

Knickmeyer et al. 2006

hormones and S/E

foetal testosterone negatively correlated w/ frequency of intentional propositions (ascribing motivations to non moving objects)

Auyeung et al 2010

hormones and S/E

+ve relationship between foetal testosterone levels and autistic traits

Connellan et al. 2000

sex dimorphism in babies

Neonates with mean age 36.7hrs presented with face/mechanical object; sexual dimorphism at 1 day old

Girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia

inc’s foetal testosterone - more autism like traits

Chakrabarti 2009

hormones/genetics and S/E

some sex steroid genes show significant association with autism spectrum quotient score

Conrad et al 2004

rat response to chronic stress

F rats - hippocampal cells less vulnerable to neurotoxin

Wechsler adult intelligence test

verbal comprehension, working memory, perceptual organization, processing speed

stanford binet

verbal, quantitative, abstract visual reasoning + short term memory