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18 Cards in this Set

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Design Pattern:


-used to reduce the memory and resource usage for complex applications containing many hundreds, thousands, or millions of duplicate objects

-only one object holding a specific value is ever created (immutable objects)

Pros of Flyweight

-reduce resource load

-easy to make an efficient API

Cons of Flyweight

-Only optimizes code, should not be used everywhere

-Adds complexity to code, harder to maintain and debug

Design Pattern:


-Permits the current state of an object to be "externally" stored without breaking the rules of Encapsulation or the SRP principle

-Domain object can be modified but can be restored to the saved state at any time

-Supports an "undo" option!

Operation Reversal

Storing a list of executed operations, each associated with a reverse operation

State Storage

Storing the state of something after each "move"

Used in checkers or chess, too complex for operation reversal.

Memento Components

Originator - domain object w/ internal state

Caretaker - responsible for saving memento objects and returning them. caretaker doesn't know what's inside the mementos.

Memento - used to hold information from an originator's state. a snapshot!

Design Pattern:


-partitioning design pattern

-allows a group of objects to be treated the same way as a single instance of an object

-composes objects into structures that represent part-whole hierarchies. composite lets objects treat individual objects and compositions uniformly

Single Responsibility Principle

-there should never be more than one reason for a class to change

-having more than one responsibility couples the responsibilities :\

Open-Closed Principle

-open for extension and closed for modification

-don't change old code but free to add new code

Liskov Substitution Principle

-Functions that use pointers or references to base classes must be able to use objects of derived classes without knowing it

-if a program module is using the reference of a Base class, then it should be able to replace the Base class with a Derived class without affecting the functionality of the program

Dependency Inversion Principle

-high-level modules should not depend upon low-level modules. both should depend upon abstractions

-abstractions should not depend upon details. details should depend upon abstractions.

Interface Segregation Principle

- Clients should not be forced to depend upon interfaces they do not use

Design Pattern:


An object with a defined null behavior.

Used to handle situations where a behavior is absent.

Design Pattern:


"Conceptual Singleton"

Multiple instances can be created, instances of variables are static. You can create a thousand instances of the class, but they will see and share the same values.

Design Pattern:


Removing unchanging "type" data from classes representing individual objects.

This pattern splits the "TheClass" into 2 classes. "TheClass" with changing data and "TheClassType" with unchanging data

Design Pattern:


Allows one object (or more) to watch another (the subject). Publish-Subscribe relationship.

Behavioral design pattern.

Design Pattern:


A pattern that allows behavior to be added to an individual object either statically or dynamically without affecting the behavior of other objects from the same class.

Employee investigator01 = new PrincipleInvestigator();
investigator01 = new SafetyCaptain(investigator01);