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60 Cards in this Set

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What bone forms the floor of the orbit?
What bones form the lateral wall of the orbit and the cheek bones?
Zygomatic bones
What are the two parts of the mandible, as well as the chin prominence?
Body and ramus + mental protuberance
Which nerve passes through the supraorbital notch/foramen?
supraorbital nerve from CN V1
Which nerve passes through the infraorbital foramen?
Infraorbital nerve from CN V2
Which nerve passes through the mental foramen?
Mental nerve from CN V3
What passes through the stylomastoid foramen?
Terminal portion of facial nerve (CN VII)
Which pharyngeal arch do all muscles of facial expression develop from? Which nerve are they all innervated by?
2nd, so facial nerve (CN VII)
What are the two parts of the orbicularis oculi? What does each cover?
Orbital (peripheral) and palpebral (eyelid)
What function does the orbicularis oculi serve?
Close eye and protect eye/cornea
What function does the orbicularis oris serve?
Close mouth and lips, purse lips
How can you identify the buccinator muscle?
The duct of the parotid gland pierces it as it enters the oral cavity.
What is another name for the buccinator muscle?
Bugler's muscle (used to expel air while playing a wind instrument)
What muscle wrinkles the forehead and shows "expression of surprise"?
What larger muscle is the frontalis muscle part of?
Occipitofrontalis muscle
What muscle draws the eyebrows together as in frowning? (and is treated with botox)
Corrugator supercilli
This muscle depresses the corner of the mouth, causing frowning.
Depressor anguli oris
This muscle is used for laughing and smiling.
Zygomaticus major
This muscle is used to raise the upper lip (+corner of nose).
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
Which artery provides most of the blood supply for the lateral anterior face?
External carotid
Which artery provides most of the blood supply for the medial forehead?
Internal carotid
The internal carotid artery vascularizes the eye via the ophthalmic artery. What two arteries does it then contribute to?
Supraorbital and supratrochlear
What two main arteries does the external carotid artery give off?
Facial artery and superficial temporal (transverse facial arises from this)
Which artery on the face is most likely to be described as tortuous?
facial artery
Name three main branches off facial artery.
Inferior labial, superior labial, lateral nasal (and terminates as angular artery)
Which vein provides the majority of the venous drainage of the face?
Facial vein
Where does the facial vein eventually drain?
Why does your face turn red when you do a handstand?
No valves in the veins in your face, so blood can flow in either direction
The facial vein travels superficially. What 4 channels does it communicate with?
Ophthalmic, infraorbital, deep facial, & pterygoid veins
What is the largest of the salivary glands?
Parotid gland
How does the parotid gland drain? What are some landmarks for this?
Drains via the parotid duct; passes superficial to the masseter muscle, then pierces buccinator
What provides the innervation for the parotid gland? What type of innervation is this?
Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX), parasympathetic
3 main structures passing through the parotid gland
facial nerve (CN VII), retromandibular vein, external carotid a.
5 main branches of the facial nerve (CN VII)
Temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, cervical (to zanzibar by motor car)
What is the branch of the facial nerve to the occipitalis and auricular muscles?
Posterior Auricular branch
Injury to the facial nerve can cause this.
Bell's palsy (sometimes acute trauma, sometimes unknown etiology), common between ages of 30-60
The retromandibular vein exits the parotid gland and divides into an anterior and posterior branch. Where does each join?
Anterior branch joins the facial vein; posterior joins the external jugular vein
2 terminal branches of external carotid artery
maxillary a. and superficial temporal a.
5 sets of superficial nodes from posterior to anterior
Occipital, mastoid, parotid, submandibular, submental
What are the last two areas of lymphatic drainage that everything from the head and neck drains?
Deep cervical nodes, right lymphatic duct(right IJV) / thoracic duct(left IJV)
Which cranial nerves have parasympathetic fibers?
Which cranial nerves provide parasympathetic innervation to the face?
What are the 4 paired parasympathetic ganglia?
Ciliary, pterygopalatine, otic, submandibular
Which ganglion do the parasympathetic nerves from CN III synapse?
Ciliary ganglion
Which ganglion do the parasympathetic nerves from CN IX synapse?
Otic ganglion
Which ganglion do the parasympathetic nerves from CN VII synapse?
EITHER pteryogopalatine OR submandibular
4 main roles of the facial nerve
Innervates facial expression muscles, taste sensation via chordi tympani nerve, parasympathetic to lacrimal/nasal glands & sublingual/submandibular glands, general sensation to ear canal
Which cranial nerve is the great sensory nerve of the face?
trigeminal nerve (CN V)
What does the trigeminal nerve have that houses the cell bodies of the sensory neurons?
Trigeminal ganglion (like DRG)
Three main divisions of the trigeminal nerve
Ophthalmic (V1), Maxillary (V2), Mandibular (V3)
Which of the three divisions of the trigeminal nerve carries both general sensory and branchiomotor nerve fibers?
V3 (others only carry general sensory)
Where does V1 exit the skull?
Superior orbital fissure
Where does V2 exit the skull?
Foramen rotundum
Where does V3 exit the skull?
Foramen ovale
What are the 3 sensory branches of the trigeminal nerve that are easily seen during dissection?
Supraorbital, infraorbital, mental
The trigeminal dermatomes provide sensation to the face. Where does the ophthalmic division provide sensation?
Between eyes and forehead (frontal bone)
The trigeminal dermatomes provide sensation to the face. Where does the maxillary division provide sensation?
Between eyes and mouth (maxillary)
The trigeminal dermatomes provide sensation to the face. Where does the mandibular division provide sensation?
Mandibular region up to temporal lobe
Which pharyngeal arch does V3 innervate?
1st, generally the muscles of mastication
Name the 5 muscles of mastication that are innervated by CN V3.
Masseter, temporalis, pterygoids, mylohyoid, anterior digastric, tensor veli palatini, tensor tympani