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39 Cards in this Set

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web app: deployment descriptor: Example <session-config> element.

//if 0 or less - never times out
web app: deployment descriptor: Deployment Descriptor Elements Directly Under <web-app>
API: JSP: implicit objects: methods of JSPWriter
- clear - clearBuffer
- close - flush
- getBufferSize - getRemaining
- isAutoFlush - newLine
- print - println
API: JSP: exceptions: methods of JspTagException
- constructors
* ()
* (String)
web app: deployment descriptor: Example <login-config> element: BASIC
web app: deployment descriptor: Example <web-resource-collection> element
API: JSP: exceptions: methods of JspException
- constuctors
* ()
* (String)
* (String, Throwable)
* (Throwable)
- public Throwable
web app: deployment descriptor: Example <security-role> element
web app: deployment descriptor: Example <taglib> element
abs or rel URI
API: JSP: TagExt: methods of BodyTagSupport
**extends Tag, impl. BodyTag**
- doAfterBody
- doInitBody
- doStartTag
- doEndTag
- getBodyContent
- getPreviousOut
- setBodyContent
Design Patterns
- Value Objects:Composition
* create properties on dummy object to pass one, rather than many objects
- MVC: Model-View-Controller
* separate layout from functionality from data
- Data Access Objects: wrap JDBC
- Business Delegate: your methods call business methods
API: JSP: TagExt: methods of BodyTag
**extends IterationTag**
- doStartTag
- doInitBody
web app: deployment descriptor: Example <servlet-mapping>
name used in servlet elmt.
/catalog | *.snp
custom tag: TLD: example <tag> element
web app: deployment descriptor: Example <servlet> element using JSP
API: JSP: TagExt: methods of Tag
**implements Tag**
- findAncestorWithClass
- getID
- getValue
- getValues
- removeValue
- setValue
API: JSP: contract: methods of JSPEngineInfo
- getSpecificationVersion
web app: deployment descriptor: Example <login-config> element: FORM
API: JSP: TagExt: methods of BodyContent
**extends JspWriter**
- clearBody
- flush
- getEnclosingWriter
- getReader
- getString
- writeOut
API: JSP: implicit objects: methods of PageContext
- find/remove/set/getAttribute
- getAttributesScope
- getAttributeNamesInScope
- getOut/Exception/Page/ Request/Response/Session/
- forward
- include
- handlePageException
custom tag: TLD: Example <attribute> element
web app: deployment descriptor: Example <taglib> element
API: JSP: contract: methods of JSPFactory
- getDefaultFactory
- getEngineInfo
- getPageContext
- releasePageContext
- setDefaultFactory
web app: deployment descriptor: Example <listener> element
API: Servlet: methods of ServletContext
- getAttribute - getAttributeNames
- getContext - getInitParameter
- getInitParameterNames - getMimeType
- getNamedDispatcher - getRealPath
- getRequestDispatcher - getResource
- getServerInfo - log
web app: deployment descriptor: Example <security-constraint> element
web app: Describe the structure of a web application.
*.war: jar with WAR extension
- root: jsps, html, etc.
- WEB-INF: not accessible
to clients
- web.xml: deployment
- classes : loose cls
- lib: supporting jars
API: JSP: TagExt: methods of Tag
- getPageCotext
- getParent
- doStartTag
* returns SKIP_BODY |
- doEndTag
* returns EVAL_PAGE |
web app: deployment descriptor: Deployment Descriptor Elements
* Servlet Context Init Params
* Session Configuration
* Filters & Mappings
* Listeners
* Servlets & Mappings
* MIME type mappings
* Error Pages
* Security
* Tag Libraries
web app: deployment descriptor: Example <error-page> element: error code
web app: deployment descriptor: Example <error-page> element: exception
API: Servlet: methods of ServletConfig
- getInitParameter
- getInitParameterNames
- getServletContext
- getServletName
web app: deployment descriptor: Example <user-data-constraint> element
//CONF or INT usually trigger SSL
API: JSP: TagExt: methods of IterationTag
**extends TAG**
- doAfterBody
* returns EVAL_BODY_AGAIN |
API: JSP: contract: methods of JSPPage
- jspInit()
- jspDestroy()
web app: deployment descriptor: Example <auth-constraint> element
On which objects can you call getRequest Dispatcher?
- ServletContext
- ServletRequest
API: JSP: contract: methods of HttpJspPage
- _jspService(req,resp)
web app: deployment descriptor: Example <servlet> element