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93 Cards in this Set

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Why would the Jewish people of Jesus' day expect Elijah's return to the land of Israel?
Elijah was to usher in the Messiah-- the land was occupied by the Romans so they thought it was time
How do the jews of the Exile sustain the practice of their faith while living in Babylon?
they built synagogues (worship), had rabbits (writings and teachings) and had books.
What meaning does the author of Daniel give the title, 'Son of Man'?
a righteous Jew who would bring about the end of days. good will conquer evil.
What does the prophet Isaiah proiclaim about what God wants from the people of Israel>
not sacrifice, but compassion and love for each other (mainly the poor)
What new name is given to the land under Greek rule?
How do the Romans occupy Palestine without a fight?
there was already conflict in the area among themselves so the Romans could easily come in using political manuvering. Herod the great became king
Why would Gentiles be knowledgable of the religion of Judaism?
Postulates at the gate= non-Jews, people who observed Jewish religion. The Roman Empire was also 7% Jewish
What functions did synagogues provicde the Jewws of Jesus' time?
teaching schoolhouse
Why are the Pharisees in the Gospels in conflict with jesus?
at the time the gospels were written, Jesus movement is in Conflict with the pharisee movement
Describe herod the great
cruel leader, great architect, great politician, killed babies at time of Jesus' birth
Describe the Pharisees
champion the rights of the poor. teachers, rabbis, oral law. challenged Jesus
Who were the Essenes?
lived in the wilderness and disliked Temple practices
Describe the High priests
ruled the sanhedrin. temple/religious leader and political leaders
describe pontius Pilate
Roman governer, ruled at trial of Jesus
Describe the Sadduccees
govern the temple, wealthy priest
Describe the Zealots
rebels, oppossed Roman Rule
Describe the Sanhedrin
council of jews, ruled religious aspect of the temple
Why are the Pharisees the foundation of modern Judaism?
after the destruction of the temple, Pharisees opened up schools and were the teachers- kept Judaism alive
Why do the Sadduccees diappear after the destructionof the Temple?
they ruled over the Temple, so once the temple was gone, there was no point. No more Temple- no more sacrifice
What functions did the temple serve the people of Jerusalem?
schoolhouse, house of prayer, meeting house, House of Judgement, organize charity
Why would Jesus object to the ay the ealth of the temple was obtained?
the wealth came from scamming people
Why do the Samaritans and jews so similar yet hate each other
the samaritans styaed during the exile and built a temple. Jews objected
hy are the mentally and physically ill (and their family) of Jesus' time seen as outcasts?
they were considered sinners and the illness was a sign of evil and others did not want to associate themselves with them
What is meant by synoptic?
to be seen together
Which gospels are synoptic?
Matthew, Mark, Luke
wHO wrote the first gospel
which two gospel writers borrowed from Mark's gospel?
Matthew and Luke
What was each of the followings image of Jesus:
1) Matthew
2) Mark
3) Luke
4) John
1) New Moses/ Teacher
2) suffering messiah
3) Compassionate Savior
4) Divine son of God
Which Gospel symbol is this: the lion crying out in the desert symbolizes John the Baptist calling sinners to repent
Which Gospel symbol is this: the bull symbolizes Zechariah inb the Temple hearing the news of the future birth of John the Baptist
Which Gospel symbol is this: The eagle represents the soaring praise of Jesus as the word of God
Which Gospel symbol is this: A man represents the genealogy tracing back to abraham
Which author is this: a well-educated christian and follower of the apostle John wrote this gospel
A christian jew of palestinian origion, probs a scribe well versed in the law wrote this gospel
A gentile-christian wrote this gospel and the acts of the apostles
A christian living around Rome in 65-70 A.D. wrote this gospel
A persecuted Christian community in Rome around 70 C.E.
was the audience for this gospel
The Christian-Jews community struggling ith leadership issues within their community
was the audience for this gospel
a Gentile Christian community of wealthliving under the domain of the Roman empire was the audience for this gospel
a community that is in conflict with the Jews and recognize themselves as Christians as they are being pushed out from the synagogue is the audience for this gospel
The big question for this gospel is what happens when the light of the world encounters darkness
The big question for this gospel is who is my neighbor?
The big question for this gospel is can we take up our cross and drink from the cup as Jesus did
The big question for this gospel is can we take up our cross and drink from the cup as Jesus did
The big question for the gospel is what are the beatitudes? And what does it mean to be blessed?
What is the Resurrection story from Mark
The women met a man at the empty tomb. The message from the stranger tells them Jesus will meet them in galilee. The women run away in fear
What is the Resurrection story for Luke
The women encounter two men dazzling garments. The message from the man is Jesus will meet them in gallilee. The woman tell the disciples. Peter runs to the empty tomb.
What is the Resurrection story in the Gospel of Matthew
An earthquake strikes. The stone is removed and the guards are like Dead. The women encounter angels. The woman run away in fear but encounter Jesus
What is the Resurrection story for John
The empty tomb is found. Peter and the beloved disciple race to the tune. The beloved disciple wins but let Peter enter first. Mary Magdalene encounters Jesus outside the tomb and mistakes in for a gardener.
What is the meaning of the incarnation
God became flesh
what is the annunciation
The announcement of the angel Gabriel to tell mary she is having a son
What is the significance of Mary's virginity and Luke's Gospel
It shows Jesus is fully God and fully human
Why Does Luke place, Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem for Jesus's birth
David's birthplace
What is the significance of the Angels announcement that Jesus is Savior, Christ, the Lord?
Savior = free people from bondage, rescue Christ= the anointed one Lord = God's right hand
How does the boy at the temple story foreshadow Jesus' life
The boy is gone for three days, Jesus is dead for three days. He was found, Jesus was found in the resurrection
hat is the Ephipany?
the wise men visit, manifestation of the Christ
Why must Jesus 'come out of Egypt'
prophecy says from Egypt
"i will bring my son", fufill prophecy
Why is John's baptism such a radical alternative to Temple practices
no animal sacrifice, no payment of temple tax, free
What are the three temptations that Jesus rejected (what types)?
magical, economic, and politcal powers
WHy does Jesus tell his mother "my hour has not yet come" when asked to help with the lack of wine at the wedding feast
-he refers to that his hour is when he is dying on the cross
-his demonstation of who he is as the messiah has not come, he is not ready to display his disciple-ship
- doesn want miracle to represent the essence of his ministry
Why Jesus' cleansing of the temple threaten the practices of the Temple
Temple should only be for worship. Jeus was challenging the status quo by Rejecting business practices of the temple
How did Jesus' teaching differ from that of the rabbis of his time
he got his authority from himself, he taught with his own authority
Describe the teachings of Jesus
-must be baptised with water and spirit
- last shall be first, first shal be last'
-woe to those who place worldly things before God
-love your enemies
How do Jesus' actions demonstrate he is in charge of passover events?
jesus sends his disciples into jerusalem to meet a man who has arranged the passover meal
Why does Jesus praise the woman who anoints him with oil
Jesus recognizes the womans actions are preparing him for his burial
Describe the significance of the passover cup that Jesus does not drink in regards to his death
Jesus doesn't drink final cup; he will drink it on the cross for it is a cup of suffering and pain
What does jesus request at Gethsemane
that the cup beremoved from him, the cup of suffering
Why does Jesus give the responsibility of his mother to the beloved disciple
to show that mary is given to all beloved disciples of christ, just as every disciple is given the maternal care
Why does Jesus refuse the wine and myrrh while on the cross
the wine and myrrh would lessen the pain, jesus rejects because he accepts the suffering
List the cups of the Passover celebration
1) deliverance
2) freedom
3) redemption
4) cosummation
Contrast Peter's actions at Jesus's trial with Jesus's words and deeds
peter denied, jesus testified faithfully
What is the significance of the holy of holies being torn apart at jesus' death
symbolizes that the barrier between God has been removed
What restores the vision of the disciples on the road to Emmaus
breaking the bread/faith
Why is it significant that jesus empowers the disciples with the ability to gorgive sins
only god can forgive sins but now we have the ability and opportunity to restore our relationship with God
Why would John tell the story of Thomas' doubt to his audience
to tell the audience that you can believe in Jesus even though we havent seen him
In john's gospel why does jesus ask peter do you love me three times
peter denied three times, three times profession of faith
what type of baptism did john the baptist proclaim in the deset
repentence of sin or conversion
what occurred when Jesus called Simon and his brother andrew to follow him
they immediately dropped everything and followed him
why did jesus speak in parables
1) in language of people, people can relate
2) doesnt ant to reveal his messiah-ship and he uses parables to hide it
how did jesus respond to the disciples after he calmed the storm at sea
"Ye of little faith"
hat is different about the healing of the Gerasene Demoniac
the man was allowed to tell everyone what had happened
What as Jesus' first reply to his disciples request to help feed the people (feeding of the 5,000)>
give them something to eat
What was jesus' response to the woman who asked him to drive the unclean spirit from her daugher
it is not right to take the food from the children and give it to the dogs (gentiles)
Why did Jesus say to peter, "get behind me satan"
Peter was tempting him to see the messiah in human terms
elijah (prophets)

Moses (law)
How did Jesus describe his Passion
suffering and death
why did the pharisees and scribes not act when jesus cleansed the temple
they were afraid of the crowd/people
who tells jessu that he has answered correctly n describing the great commandment
What message does Jesus preach to his disciples about life after death
to meet him in Galilee, preach to all nations
after the arrest of Jesus who ran off naked?
young man
why was barabbas released while Jesus was crucified
the people asked for him, Pilate allowed
Why was the veil in the sanctuary torn in two from top to bottom
now we have access to God, all people not jsust priests
What was the womans reaction when they found the empty tomb
run away in fear