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72 Cards in this Set

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Aortic aneurysm
diagnosis of enlarged aorta; due to a weakened aortic wall
Aortic dissection
diagnosis in which the arterial wall splits apart
Aortic rupture
diagnosis which the arterial wall breaks open as could happen in aortic dissection, ruptured aortic aneurysm trauma
Aortic valve
a heart valve b/w the LV and ascending aorta
Atrial fibrillation
irregular beating of the atria; indicates that the sinus node is not conducting a normal sinus rhythm; "a fib"
Atrial flutter
irregular beating of the atria; often described as "a flutter with 2 to 1 block or 3 to 1 block"
Atrial septal defect "An ASD"
a hole in the atrial septum that causes blood to mix b/w the RA and LA
Atrial septum
heart tissue that separates the RA from the LA
Atrioventricular node "AV node"
the atrioventricular node; receives the electrical activity from the SA node and conducts it to the ventricular bundles: the right bundle and the left bundle
the direction of the vector of cardiac electrical activity
slow HR<60 bpm
Cardiac Angiogram
X-ray image of the coronary vessels that stand out when dye is injected into them during a cardiac catherization; done by a cardiologist using fluoro
Cardiac Catheterization
an invasive test for heart disease performed in the "cath lab" by a cardiologist who inserts an angiocatheter into a large artery
Cardiac ischemia
decreased blood flow through the coronary vessels and to the heart; usually diagnosed by ST segment depressions on EKG
Cardiac Stent
a device that is deployed into a blocked coronary artery in order to open it and restore blood flow
enlarged heart
dysfunctional heart muscle
Complete heart block
a complete block in the electrical conduction at the AV node; therefore the atria and the ventricles beat independently of each other
Coronary artery
an artery that supplies the heart muscle w/blood; there are the right coronary artery "the RCA," the left main coronary artery "the left main," the circumflex coronary artery "the LAD" and many branches coming from each know as marginal coronary arteries.
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
dysfunctional heart muscle b/c of an enlarged heart
ultrasound of the heart
an abnormal beat seen on EKG
Electrical cardioversion
cardioverting (restoring normal sinus rhythm) the electrical activity of the heart by placing pads or paddles onto the chest and literally "electrically shocking" the heart
measurement of the electrical activity of the heart; measured with a certain number of leads, often a "3 lead" or a "12 lead"
Electrical leads
a wire placed on top of the chest that records electrical activity from a specific area in the heart; there are up to 12 leads
Exercise stress test
a test for cardiac disease performed by having the patient run on a treadmill while hooked up to 12 electrical leads that monitor the electrical activity
Extra systoles
extra beats of the heart
Friction rub
a crunch sound heard over the heart when ausculating ; indicates inflammation of the heart sac known as pericarditis
extra heart sound resembling sound of galloping horse
Irregularly irregular
usually atrial fibrillation
Irregular rate
a rate that is more than 100 or less than 60 beats per minute
Irregular Rhythm
not a normal sinus rhythm; in other words,
jugular venous distention
Left Atrium "the LA"
Chamber in the heart receives blood from the pulmonary veins
Left Ventricle "the LV"
Chamber in the heart receives blood from the left atrium
Mitral Valve
A heart valve b/w the LA and the LV
abnormal heart sound, rated on scale 1-6
Myocardial infarction
diagnosis of dead cardiac muscle tissue that occurs when blood flow through the coronary artery is obstructed; "had and M I"
heart muscle
inflammation of the heart muscle
pre-atrial contraction
PR interval
the amount of time elapsed from the beginning of the P- wave and the beginning of the R wave on the EKG
pre ventricular contraction
Pericardial tamponade
diagnosis due to fluid in the pericardium that exerts pressure on the heart and hampers its ability to contract normally
procedure in which a needle is used to drain fluid from the pericardium; done emergently in cases of pericardial tamponade
perforation or tapping, as with a trocar or needle.
inflammation of the pericardium evidenced on physical exam by the presence of a friction rub on heart auscultation
the sac in which the heart is located "the heart sac"
Persantine-thallium test
a test for cardiac disease performed on patients who cannot complete an exercise stress test (for example the patient may not be able to run on a treadmill) The injection of persantine and thallium done by the daprtment of nuclear medicine is followed by x-rays
Pulmonary artery
the artery from the heart to the lungs
Pulmonic valve
a heart valve b/w the RV and the Pulmonary Artery
QRS interval
the amount of time elapsed from the beginning of the Q wave to the end of the S wave
QT interval
the amount of time elapsed from the beginning of the Q wave to the beginning of the T wave
Regular rate
a rate that is less than 100 and more than 60 beats per minute; in other words, not tachycardia nor bradycardia [60<reg.rt.<100]
Regular rhythm
normal sinus rythm
Right atrium "the RA"
chamber in the heart receives blood from IVC and SVC
Right bundle branch block (RBBB)
"RBBB" a block in the electical conduction through the right bundle; evidenced as the presence of "rabbit ears" in leads V1 and V2 on EKG
Right ventricle "the RV"
chamber in the heart receives blood from the right atrium
Sinoatrial node "SA node"
the sinoatrial node; originates the electrical signal and sends it to the AV node
ST elevation myocardial infarction; when the EKG shows "ST segment elevation" it indicates an "acute MI." A patient with a STEMI provokes rapid action b/w the ED and the cardiologist to get the patient to the cath lab for an emergent cardiac catherization and cardiac stent placement
a non-segment elevation MI is a heart attack that is not diagnosed on the EKG but is diagnosed by an elevated troponin on blood test
upper airway noise heard on respiration, common in croup
supraventricular tachycardia
fast HR>100 bpm
increased respiratory rate >20
Tricuspid valve
a heart valve b/w the RA and the RV
U wave
a wave that appears after the T wave; infrequently seen
Valvular vegetation
an infectious growth on the cardiac valves
Ventricular fibrillation
irregular beating of the ventricles; this is a terminal event that requires immediate electrical cardioversion
Ventricular septal defect "A VSD"
a hole in the ventricular septum that causes blood to mix b/w the RV and LV
Ventricular septum
Heart tissue that separates the RV from the LV
Ventricular wall thrombus
a blood clot that attaches to the inside wall of the ventricle; pieces of the thrombus can break off and spread to anywhere in the body leading to infarctions