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48 Cards in this Set

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Chicago Style Format

Author. date. "Title of Article." Journal Title, volume(issue): pg numbers.

Definition of empirical research and 2 variations

Research based on actual "objective: observation of a phenomena

qual and quan

Qualitative research

Takes place in a natural setting, interpretive research.

Quantitative Research

confirmatory, deduces the answer from data.

What are the 3 Belmont principles

Respect for persons (informed consent)

Beneficence (risks/benefits)

Justice (fairness in risk/benefit distribution)

What is the IRB

The Institutional Review Board

What is the IRBs purpose

Administrative body established to protect the rights and welfare of human research subjects

Hypothesis template

If x increases, then Y decreases

4 types of surveys

Mail, internet, phone, face to face

Independent variable

changes other variable both positively and negatively

moderator variable

variables that change the effects, can have an impact on results

dependent variable

seeking to explain, response to stimulus

control variable

include in analysis because we know they have impact. Typically socioeconomic variables

intervening variable

may/may not be identified, can assume effect from the impact it has on the analysis

cofounding variable

possible effect that cannot be identified

Levels of measurement and analysis






no ranking to the answers, characteristics that cannot be changed


arrange in some sort of order (not always numeric)


precise distance between variables, mostly used for age


rarely used in social science.

things like temp or iq points


Concrete and conceptual


expressed using tangible qualities

"democracy has election every 4 years"


ideal, political theory questions, hard to test empirically

"what is democracy?"

What goes into an introduction

tell them what you're going to tell them

thesis statement, research question

engage the reader

What goes into the conclusion

Tell them what your paper says (findings)

accessible to the reader

what future research should be done, limitation to research.


one variable causes the other


both variables change in a consistent pattern


Decide if something is measured correctly, look at data to make sure it matches assumptions

two types of validity

face validity (informed judgement from literature)

construct validity (does it interact the way we expect)


How often would you get the same response/observation

2 types of errors

systematic measurement error (consistent distortion of data)

random measurement error (haphazard distortion of data)

6 different ways to study comparative politics

-1 country study

-2 or more country study

-regional study

-compare across regions

-global comparison

-thematic studies

Define observational studies

data collected through observing activities of people

Textual analysis

trying to demonstrate what the text says, can do this by coding language

Type of samples


Simple random sample

randomly generate numbers for everyone and select numbers to sample

systematic random sample

number everyone 1-15,000 sample every 5th person

stratified sample

divide population into sub groups and sample from within groups

cluster sample

pick a smaller region to over sample

Why write a lit review

to understand what the current state of the field is

Ways to organize lit review

find a focus

what their contribution is

is there a trend in the literature


methodological differences

Central tendency

Mode (any variable)

Median (ordinal, interval, ratio)

Mean (interval and ration)

Research question design

should be interesting, important, direct, doable, and start with an appropriate word.

4 quasi experiment approaches


steps taken to create a survey


research process steps


5 qualities of a research question


what are the 4 assertions of scientific knowledge and define them
