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17 Cards in this Set

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What does a functionalist believe?

Society is based on values which members are brought up with and socialized to believe and follow. Each part performs functions to maintain society as a whole.

Theory, Functionalism

What does Parsons think about the family?

Only good for...


Teaching of norms and values, from parents to children.

Stabilization of adult personalities

Adults being able to be more child like and children understanding the rules of society.

Theory, Functionalism

What does Murdock think about the family?

Family performs four functions to meet the needs of society and its members:

• Sexual gratification

• Reproduction of the next generation

• Socialization of the young (norms and values)

• Meeting economic needs (food and shelter)

Theory, Functionalism

What does Fletcher think about the family?

He suggests the 'warm bath theory' is the only reason for the family. The family creates a safe and comfortable environment, to escape from the exploitive and demanding world. The introduction of the Welfare State has supported the family to work more effectively.

What does a Marxist believe?

Society is divided into two separate classes. The Capitalist society (the rich, big company owners) exploit the labour of the working class. The education system and the media help to maintain this Capitalist society.

Theory, Marxism

What does Marx think about the family?

He believes the family is only helps the inheritance of property, Capitalistic ideas which encourage inequality and cause people to think it is fair, and for a unit of consumption to help the Capitalist society.

Theory, Marxism

What does Zaretsky think about the family?

The family provides a 'haven' from the harsh and exploitive world of Capitalism. He believes women are 'takers of sh*t' in families and put up with too much and that the family cannot meet its members needs. It is based on the mistreatment of women.

What does a Feminist believe?

They argue that men and women should be completely equal. They believe we live in a patriarchal society which is supported by the media, education system and sexist views.

Theory, Feminism

What does a Liberal feminist think about the family?

They believe the family/society is unequal but through the changing of laws and the education system, women can become equal to men. They campaign against discrimination and equal opportunities.

Theory, Feminism

What does a Radical feminist think about the family?

They believe society is based on patriarchy and that men are the enemy. The family and marriage are the cause of our male dominated society and men only benefit from this. They argue for 'political lesbianism' as heterosexual relationships involve 'sleeping with the enemy'. Equality can only be achieved through separatism.

Theory, Feminism

What does a Marxist feminist think about the family?

Capitalism is the main cause of women's oppression. Women reproduce the labour force, absorb their husbands anger from work and are a 'reserve army' of cheap labour. They argue the family must be scrapped in order for men and women to be equal.

Theory, Feminism

What does a Difference feminist think about the family?

They argue that we cannot generalise on women's experiences. Each type of women recieves different treatment due to who they are. There is not a 'one size fits all' policy,

What do The New Right believe?

They believe the nuclear family is the best type and that everyone should aspire to be part of one. They are against the idea of a Welfare State and believe any type of family other that the traditional nuclear family is wrong.

Theory, The New Right

What does Murray think about the family?

Murray believes the only good and effective family type is the nuclear family. Lone parent families and the Welfare State has lead to the creation of the underclass which is leading us to 'Broken Britain'.

Theory, Post Modernism

What does Stacey think about the family?

She believes the greater choice has benefited women and enabled them to free themselves fro patriarchal depression. They are now able to arrange their family to meet their needs to. Through research, she discovered most women had rejected the idea of a housewife role.

Theory, Post Modernism

What does Beck think about the family?

He argues we now live in a 'risk society' where tradition has less influence and people have more choice. Traditional roles are now not always followed and individualism has increased.

Theory, Post Modernism

What does Giddens think about the family?

He believes that the family and marriage have been transformed by greater choice and a more equal relationship. Contraception and women's independence have allowed women to rise up in the family.