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17 Cards in this Set

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Define heat energy

The internal movement of particles

List three ways heat transfers from one substance to another




Complete the following statement :

Heat flows from


Wärmer to cooler both substances reach the same temp

Define conduction

The movement of when 2 things touch

List 3 examples of heat transfer by conduction:

Flat iron touching hair

Stove touching pot

Iron touching clothes

Draw an Illustration of heat transfer by conduction

Define convection (also called convection current)

Convection is heat transfer that only happen in liquids and gases

List 3 examples of heat transfer by convention


Hot pot (water inside)

Furnace heating a room

Draw an Illustration of heat transfer by convection

Define radiation

Heat transfer that happebs without the use of particles it travels in waves

List three examples of heat transfer by radiation

Heat from sun reaching earth

Heat from a campfire

Hear from a lightbulb

Draw an Illustration of heat transfer by radiation

🌞⇨Hot rays⇨🌎

Define conductor and list 3 examples

Conductors are made of Materials that allow heat to flow ex. (All types of metal, copper, aluminum)

Define insulaters and List 5 examples

☆insulaters are made from Material that do not allow hear to flow easilx ex. (Wood ,plastic, air, corj, fiber glass, styrofoam

You find a can of Coke in your BAG you decide to take it to lunch in the cafateria you take a sip and relized that the Coke is very warm you add some ice to the cup and pour the Coke in after a while the Coke is cold. How did this happen??

AS the Coke touches the ice the hear moves from the warmer to coke to the ice b/c the ice is cooler. AS the Coke becomes cooler it sinke to the bottom of the glass and the warmer Coke rises to the top creating a convection current.

Describe the heat transfer:

Which way will the heat flow first?

Going from A to B (warmer to cooler)