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23 Cards in this Set

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What is an independent variable?
The variable that you deliberately change in your investigation to see what effects it has on the dependent varible.
What is a dependent variable?
This is the variable we are observing the change in throughout our investigation.
What is a control variable?
these are the varibles that you eliminate
What is a hypothesis?
This is the theory or idea that is going to be investigated.
What happens during evaporation?
A liquid changes to a gas.
Clouds are formed by
a] rain falling.
b] hot air rising
c] water vapour condenses
c] clouds form when water vapour cools and condenses into tiny water droplets
what is a variable?
This is anything that measure that can have different numerical measurements.
How do you create a fair test?
A fair test that allows only one independent varible to effect the dependent variable.
What steps should you take to design a Fair Test? name three steps.
1] State what you want to study and what you think you will find. This is the hyopthesis.
2]Identify the dependent and independent variables.
3]Make sure any extra variables that could have an effect upon the dependent variable are controlled or removed.
What are the processes that all living things have in common?
Why do we classify animals?
So that we can understnad the similarities and differences of the millions of different animals on the planet. It is called CLASSIFICATION.
What is the first big division in classification?
Kingdoms. There are five.
In the Kingdom of Animals what is the next classification?
Vertebrates and invertebrates.
Those with a backbone and those without.
On what criteria is the the classification of KINGDOMS based?
On what the organism's cells are like.
How are the vertebrates further catagorised?
In science, what is a physical change?
This is when there are changes in the condition of the substance but NOT in the chemical properties.
True or False
The mass of a substance will remain the same even a fter a physical change.
eg. if you melt 100g of ice you get 100g of water And if you boil 100g of water you will get of 100g steam
Name three examples of physical changes?
changes in colour
what is evaporation?
a change of physical state from liquid to gas by heating up.
what is condensation?
A change of physical state by cooling down from gas to liquid.
What is melting?
A change in a substances state from solid to liquid by heating up
What is freezing
A physical change of state from liquid to solid by cooling down.
True or False
The melting point of ice and the freezing point of water are different.
water freezes at the sme temperature that ice begins to melt zero degrees centigrade.