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58 Cards in this Set

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List Four things aout fresh water on Earth

1 About hree quarters of Earths fresh water is in ice masses near the poles

2 Most fresh water in the atmoshpere is in the form of water vapor

3 Less than 1 percent of all the water on Earth is fresh water that humans can use

4 Some of Earths frsh water is deep underground


A smaller stream or river that feeds into a main river

river system

A river and all its tributaries together


The land area that supplies water to a river system


The ridge that separates one watershed from another


A lake that stores water for human use


It has cattails, rushes, and other tall grasslike plants


It has trees and shrubs growing int the water


It has acidic water and mosses

Salt marsh

It has tall, strong grasses and a rich, muddy bottom

Mangrove forest

It has short tress with a thick tangle of roots

How has development affected the water in the Everglades?

THere has been a realease of exotic species into the Everglades, killing animals. Framing, pollutated water, and households nearby also affect the Everglades waters

List three natural functions of wetlands

Helping control floods

Filtering waters

Trapping silt and mud

Precipitaion that soaks into then ground trickles downward due to _______



Space between rock and soil particles


Allows water to pass through


Does not let water pass through

saturated zone

Area that is totally filled with water

Water table

Top of straurated zone

Unsaturated zone

Layer above the water table


Places where groundwater bubbles or flows out of cracks in the rock


Any groundwater layer of rock or sediment that hold water

True or false

The depth of water table is always the same, even over a large area of land


Artesian well

A well in which water rises because of pressure withen and aquifer


A type of hot spring from which the water bursts periodically into the air

List three ways you can conserve

Taking shorter showers

Tur off faucet while brushing your teeth

only run the dishwasher when full


The condition of scarce rainfall for a few years

True or False

In the United staes, the biggest use of water in agriculture


point source

A specific source of pollution that can be identified/ such as factories

non-point source

A widly spread source of pollution that cant be tied to a specific point of origin - water/lake/litter

List the drinking water treatment

First Filteration


Settling basin

second Filteration



Additional Treatment

True or false

The pH of water is a measurement of how acidic or basic the water is


True or false

The higher the pH, the more acidic the water


How can acidic water cause problems

It will disolve metals in pipes and the metals get into the water


Water is passed through screens to remove objects


Water is treated to create flocs


water in treated to kill microorganisms


The movement of energy through a body of water

How do most waves form

The wind blows across the water surface and transmit the energy through the water

What four things make up the size of the wave

The strength of the wind

How long the wind blows

How far the wind blows

What happens to water particles near the surface when a wave passes by

The water particles move in circles

What happens to water particels in deep water when a wave passes by

The water particels move in large circles


Horizontal distance between crests


Number of waves that pass a point in a certain amount of time

Wave height

Vertical distance from crest to trough

True or false

The energy of a wave depends mainly on its wavelength


As a wave approaches shore, what happens to wave height and wave length

Wave height incases, wave length decreases

How is surf formed

When a wave reaches a certain height the crest of the wave topples

Longshore drift

Movement of sand along a beach


Underwater ridge of sand

rip current

Rapid rush of water out to sea


The daily rise and fall of Earth's water on its coastlines

What is the difference between hight tide nad low tide

High tides are when the water comes ontothe shore. A low tide is when the water moves back out toward the sea

When the moon is closer to A ( and D is to its left and B to its right and C is behind it) what happens if a tidal bugle is at A

C will also have a tidal buldge

Spring tide

(list postion of sun and moon)

( list differnce between high and low tides)

THe sun and moon are in a straight line and the differnece is greatest

Neap tide

(list postion of sun and moon)

( list differnce between high and low tides)

Sun and moon at right angles and the difference is the lest

List three things that are true about spring tides

THey occur twice a month

They occur during a new moon

They occur during a full moon

Go over diagrams in workbook

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