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28 Cards in this Set

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Resistance to movement.


Gas released from a volcano.

Pyroclastic Flows

Waves of gas from an explosive volcano the travel 450mph and can reach 1000 degrees celsius.

Active Volcanoes

A volcano that is currently erupting.

Dormant Volcanoes

A volcano that recently erupted, but shows no signs of erupting soon.

Extinct Volcanoes

A volcano that has not erupted in a long time, and is unlikely to erupt again.

Composite Volcano

A classic cone-shaped volcano. Explosive eruptions and high viscosity.

Shield Volcano

A more gently sloped volcano with low viscosity.

Cinder Cone

The most common volcano type, it mostly sprays ash and gas.

Super Volcano

The most destructive type of volcano, they have slow schedules and could, hypothetically, changs the world's environment drastically.

Lava Dome

A solidified lava bubble.


Underground water heated by magma chambers that periodically releases pressure by shooting water through cracks.

Lava Plateau

Lava settling to create a flat, elevated area.

Hot Spring

A lake or pool heated by magma pockets.

Confining Stress

When uniform pressure is pressed on a object on all sides.


When an object is pushed in two directions, top and bottom.


When a rock is being pulled apart.


When a rock experiences parallel pressure in opposite directions.


When enough stress is applied to change shape.

Elastic Deformation

When something is stretched, but can return to its original shape.

Plastic Deformation

When something is stretched so much that it can't return to its original shape.


The point when something separates into two things.

Mercalli Intensity Scale

A scale that records how much damage an earthquake has done.

Richter Magnitude Scale

A scale that records only the strongest point of an earthquake.

Moment Magnitude Scale

A scale that records the total energy released in an earthquake.


A small earthquake that forebodes a larger one.


The initial point where an earthquake's vibrations begin in the crust.


The point on the surface where an earthquake begins.