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6 Cards in this Set

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What is eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Give examples
Eukaryotic - have nucleus and membrance - animal, plant, fungi, human
Prokaroytic - have none except DNA - bacteria
Explain the nucleus and its three parts
Nucleus - largest organelle, directs cell activities
Nucleolus - send chemical messages to cytoplasm, manufacture of ribosome
Nuclear membrane – separates material in nucleus from cytoplasm
Explain mitochondria, cytoplasm, endoplasmic recticulim, organelle
Mitochondria - organelles where food is broken down and released as energy
Cytoplasm - gel like material inside cell membrane, moves in the cell and gives structure to cell
ER - folded membrane which moves material around cell
Organelle - samll organ
Explain cell membrane, cell wall, lysosomes, golgi bodies, ribosomes, vacuoles
Cell membrane - outer boundary of cell, thing go in and out, made of double layer of fats and proteins
Cell wall - found only in plants structure outside of cell m. supports/protects plant
lysosomes - organelles that contain chemicals to digest wastes and worn out parts
ribosomes - makes proteins, made my nucleolus, don’t have a membrane, in cytoplasm and ER
Vacuoles - storage areas that store waste, water and food
Explain centrioles, flagella, cilia, chromatin, photosynthesis and cytoskeleton
centrioles - aid in cell division like euglena
flagella - long whip organelle that whips around to give cell movement
cilia - cover cells with tiny hairs which sweep along to move the cell
Chromatin - DNA
Photosynthesis - the process which green plants change sun into food
cytoskeleton - network of hollow proteins called microtubules and fiber that help the cell keep its shape
Explain Plastids, chromoplast, leucoplast, chlorophyll and chloroplast
Plastids - membrane bound organelles that are found in plant cells and unicellular
Chromoplast - gives color to flowers, fruits and leaves
Leucoplast - store starch/save food for plant
Chloroplast - that have pigment which carries out the process of photosynthesis
Chlorophyll - pigment in chloroplasts