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45 Cards in this Set

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The moon help us divide our year into how many months?

12 months

How many days are in a year?

365 1/4

How are the days of the year determined?

By one revolution of the earth around the sun

How is the length of our week determined?

By God

What gives us our day which is 24 hours long?

The rotation of the earth on its axis

The zodiac is a group of how many constellations?


What galaxy is our sun located?

Milky Way

The part of our galaxy made up of our ______ and how many planets in the solar system?

sun; eight

The universe is all things who created?


What is the study of the planets?


What is a constellation?

a star picture

How earth is how many miles from the sun?

93 million

What is the sun made up of?


Of the earth, moon and sun which is the smallest of the three?

the moon

Light colored objects reflect ______ and _________.

heat and light

What Big Dipper is part of the constellation called the__________________.

Great Bear

When you face the North Star, west is to your right or left?


What keeps the planets circling the sun?

the sun's gravity

Why type of moon do we see when the earth is directly between the sun and moon?

Full moon

Holes on the surface of the moon is called, what?


The hard, smooth metamorphic rock that makes excellent blackboard is called, what?


What is conservation?

the wise use of natural resources

What is matter that settles to the bottom or sides of a body of water?


What is a slow moving river of ice?


What is humus?

decayed material in soil

What is the wearing away of the earth's topsoil?


What is a solid layer of rock underneath the soil?


What is the name of the hard, abundant igneous rock used in monuments called?


What is used to make bricks?


What is the largest fish?

Whale Shark

What is the largest animal?

Blue Whale

What is the warmest ocean?


What is the largest ocean?


How do marine animals breathe?

with their lungs

Planets in order from the sun

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune

What is sea slope?

lies between the shelf and the floor

What is sea shelf?

located on the edge of the continent and area of underwater land

What is the floor?

bottom of the ocean

1st day of creation

light and dark (firmament)

2nd day of creation


3rd day of creation

dry lands and plants

4th day of creation

Sun, moon, stars

5th day of creation

birds and fish

6th day of creation

animal and man

7th day of creation

God rested