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46 Cards in this Set

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114 neutrons and 77 electrons

Which of the following indicates the number of neutrons and electrons for the neutral isotope of iridium (Ir) that has a mass number of 191?

Hydrogen (H)

When examining electronegativity values which of the following atoms will form the least polar bond with hydrogen?

Potassium (K)

Which of the following elements is the best electrical conductor?

More than twice as many hydrogen atoms as carbon atoms

A large saturated hydrocarbon will contain?

Cells; molecule

___ are at a higher taxonomic level of organization than ___?

Recording qualitative observations

Which of the following is considered least useful and conducting quantitative scientific research?


Which of the following is needed for cellular waste recycling?

Compare the eggs from 10 soy cultures vs 10 whole wheat cultures.

A researcher wishes to test the hypothesis that so is a superior diet compared to whole wheat for the reproductive purpose of a certain type of beetle. Which of the following describes how the researchers should best test this hypothesis?


Which of the following systems includes organs between the mouth and the anus?

Shows what genotypes are possible in the offspring.

Which of the following describes how a Punnett Square can help predict the genotype of the offspring if the alleles of both parents are known?

A neutral substance

A substance with a pH of 7.0 when dissolved in water is?

Carbon dioxide

Which of the following by products of cellular respiration is used by autotrophs in the production of glucose?


A certain disease carried on the allele (a) which is recessive the normal condition (A). If a normal (AA) male mates with a female who has the disease (aa), which of the following is the percentage of offspring that are carriers of this disease?


The pancreas is a component of which of the following system?


Which of the following types of bonds is primarily responsible for base pairing in complementary strands of DNA?

DNA polymerase proofreading

A cell uses which of the following as a first-line defense against meet Asians during DNA replication?


After passing through the stomach food continues into which of the following structures?

9 Joules

Suppose a 2 kilogram mass is traveling at 3 metres / 2nd. Which of the following is the object's kinetic energy? (KE)

Liquid 1 has a higher density than liquid 2

Three different liquids with different densities were placed together in a container as shown. The liquids when stirred and allowed to resettle return to the same arrangement.


Which of the following is the term given to multiple forms of a gene that are produced by mutation?


During mitosis and cell division spindle fibers are associated with which of the following organelles?


In which of the following parts of the gastrointestinal tract does the absorption of water primarily occur?


During which of the following stages of development do individual tissue layers begin to form?


Which of the following represents the number of different cells formed upon completion of meiosis II?

Liberates OH- in solution

Which of the following is a property of bases?


During which of the following stages of interphase is mRNA synthesized?

Chlorine ions

A harmful example of a catalytic reaction involves the breakdown of ozone by the use of ___?


Phenotypes are seen due to the production of ___ from the genotypic code found in the cell nucleus?


Receiving a vaccination against a particular disease results in which of the following types of immunity?

Superior vena cava

The veins of the upper part of the body are responsible for transporting blood to which of the following areas of the heart?


The spleen and thoracic are parts of which of the following systems?


Nucleotides are to DNA as amino acids are to ___?


Which of the following taxonomic ranks is the most specific?

Weaker; higher

For a given substance, the gas phase (compared to the liquid phase) is considered to have a ___ intermolecular attractions and to exist at ___ temperatures.


Which of the following pulls air into the body during inspiration?


Which of the following is the chemical formula for octyne?

The population is controlled by density dependent factors

A culture for the flour Beetle tribolium confusum was started with 10 males and 10 females in a 20 millimeter flask. Over a period of time, the beetle population increased to 940 insects, after which, the number of remaining constant for several days, followed by an increase in the death rate. Which of the following is a reasonable hypothesis related to this experiment?

They block the active sites of the substrate, causing greatly reduced activity

Which of the following describes how Inhibitors affect the reaction rate of enzymes?

CH4 +2O2 -> CO2 + 2H2O

Which of the following correctly balances the combustion reaction above? CH4 + O2 -> CO2 + H2O

Covalent; 2:1

Waters ___ bonding results in a ___ ratio of hydrogen to oxygen. which of the following correctly completes the sentence above?


During which of the following processes does RNA relay information to the ribosomes?


In which of the following is urine stored?

Control group

In a medication study, population A is given a medication, and population B is given a placebo. Which of the following describes population B?

The kinetic energy of the second throw is 4 times that of the first throw.

The boy is throwing a baseball out of Target. The baseball travels at 15 miles per hour during the first throw and 30 miles per hour during his second throw. Which of the following statements correctly compares the energy of the baseball in these two situations?

Formulating a hypothesis

A researcher predicts that nursing students who have taken extensive science courses will score higher on their National licensing exams, when compared to nursing students who have only taken required science courses. This prediction corresponds with which of the following steps in scientific method?


Which of the following organs produces bile that begins the breakdown of fats?